2,543 research outputs found

    Rise in U.S. Immigrants From El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras Outpaces Growth From Elsewhere

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    The number of immigrants in the United States from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras rose by 25% from 2007 to 2015, in contrast to more modest growth of the country's overall foreign-born population and a decline from neighboring Mexico.During these same years, the total U.S. immigrant population increased by 10%, while the number of U.S. Mexican immigrants decreased by 6%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data

    Oral Microbiome and Gingival Gene Expression of Inflammatory Biomolecules with Aging and Periodontitis

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    Although data describe the presence and increase of inflammatory mediators in the local environment in periodontitis vs. health in humans, details regarding how these responses evolve in the transition from health to disease, changes during disease progression, and features of a resolved lesion remain unknown. This study used a nonhuman primate model of ligature-induced periodontitis in young, adolescent, adult, and aged animals to document features of inflammatory response affected by age. Rhesus monkeys had ligatures tied and provided gingival tissue biopsy specimens at baseline, 0.5, 1, and 3 months of disease and at 5 months of the study, which was 2 months post-ligature removal for clinically resolved tissues. The transcriptome was assessed using microarrays for chemokine (n = 41), cytokine (n = 45), chemokine receptor (n = 21), cytokine receptor (n = 37), and lipid mediator (n = 31) genes. Limited differences were noted in healthy tissues for chemokine expression with age; however, chemokine receptor genes were decreased in young but elevated in aged samples. IL1A, IL36A, and IL36G cytokines were decreased in the younger groups, with IL36A elevated in aged animals. IL10RA/IL10RB cytokine receptors were altered with age. Striking variation in the lipid mediator genes in health was observed with nearly 60% of these genes altered with age. A specific repertoire of chemokine and chemokine receptor genes was affected by the disease process, predominated by changes during disease initiation. Cytokine/cytokine receptor genes were also elevated with disease initiation, albeit IL36B, IL36G, and IL36RN were all significantly decreased throughout disease and resolution. Significant changes were observed in similar lipid mediator genes with disease and resolution across the age groups. Examination of the microbiome links to the inflammatory genes demonstrated that specific microbes, including Fusobacterium, P. gingivalis, F. alocis, Pasteurellaceae, and Prevotella are most frequently significantly correlated. These correlations were generally positive in older animals and negative in younger specimens. Gene expression and microbiome patterns from baseline were distinctly different from disease and resolution. These results demonstrate patterns of inflammatory gene expression throughout the phases of the induction of a periodontal disease lesion. The patterns show a very different relationship to specific members of the oral microbiome in younger compared with older animals

    Gingival Transcriptome of Innate Antimicrobial Factors and the Oral Microbiome with Aging and Periodontitis

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    The epithelial barrier at mucosal sites comprises an important mechanical protective feature of innate immunity, and is intimately involved in communicating signals of infection/tissue damage to inflammatory and immune cells in these local environments. A wide array of antimicrobial factors (AMF) exist at mucosal sites and in secretions that contribute to this innate immunity. A non-human primate model of ligature-induced periodontitis was used to explore characteristics of the antimicrobial factor transcriptome (n = 114 genes) of gingival biopsies in health, initiation and progression of periodontal lesions, and in samples with clinical resolution. Age effects and relationship of AMF to the dominant members of the oral microbiome were also evaluated. AMF could be stratified into 4 groups with high (n = 22), intermediate (n = 29), low (n = 18) and very low (n = 45) expression in healthy adult tissues. A subset of AMF were altered in healthy young, adolescent and aged samples compared with adults (e.g., APP, CCL28, DEFB113, DEFB126, FLG2, PRH1) and were affected across multiple age groups. With disease, a greater number of the AMF genes were affected in the adult and aged samples with skewing toward decreased expression, for example WDC12, PGLYRP3, FLG2, DEFB128, and DEF4A/B, with multiple age groups. Few of the AMF genes showed a \u3e2-fold increase with disease in any age group. Selected AMF exhibited significant positive correlations across the array of AMF that varied in health and disease. In contrast, a rather limited number of the AMF significantly correlated with members of the microbiome; most prominent in healthy samples. These correlated microbes were different in younger and older samples and differed in health, disease and resolution samples. The findings supported effects of age on the expression of AMF genes in healthy gingival tissues showing a relationship to members of the oral microbiome. Furthermore, a dynamic expression of AMF genes was related to the disease process and showed similarities across the age groups, except for low/very low expressed genes that were unaffected in young samples. Targeted assessment of AMF members from this large array may provide insight into differences in disease risk and biomolecules that provide some discernment of early transition to disease

    High prevalence of scrapie in a dairy goat herd: tissue distribution of disease-associated PrP and effect of PRNP genotype and age

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    Following a severe outbreak of clinical scrapie in 2006–2007, a large dairy goat herd was culled and 200 animals were selected for post-mortem examinations in order to ascertain the prevalence of infection, the effect of age, breed and PRNP genotype on the susceptibility to scrapie, the tissue distribution of diseaseassociated PrP (PrPd^{\rm d}), and the comparative efficiency of different diagnostic methods. As determined by immunohistochemical (IHC) examinations with Bar224 PrP antibody, the prevalence of preclinical infection was very high (72/200; 36.0%), with most infected animals being positive for PrPd^{\rm d} in lymphoreticular system (LRS) tissues (68/72; 94.4%) compared to those that were positive in brain samples (38/72; 52.8%). The retropharyngeal lymph node and the palatine tonsil showed the highest frequency of PrPd^{\rm d} accumulation (87.3% and 84.5%, respectively), while the recto-anal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (RAMALT) was positive in only 30 (41.7%) of the infected goats. However, the efficiency of rectal and palatine tonsil biopsies taken shortly before necropsy was similar. The probability of brain and RAMALT being positive directly correlated with the spread of PrPd^{\rm d} within the LRS. The prevalence of infection was influenced by PRNP genetics at codon 142 and by the age of the goats: methionine carriers older than 60 months showed a much lower prevalence of infection (12/78; 15.4%) than those younger than 60 months (20/42; 47.6%); these last showed prevalence values similar to isoleucine homozygotes of any age (40/80; 50.0%). Two of seven goats with definite signs of scrapie were negative for PrPd^{\rm d} in brain but positive in LRS tissues, and one goat showed biochemical and IHC features of PrPd^{\rm d} different from all other infected goats. The results of this study have implications for surveillance and control policies for scrapie in goats

    Gingival transcriptomic patterns of macrophage polarization during initiation, progression, and resolution of periodontitis.

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    Phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of macrophages is clearly a critical component of their effective functions in innate and adaptive immunity. This investigation hypothesized that altered profiles of gene expression in gingival tissues in health, disease, and resolution would reflect changes in macrophage phenotypes occurring in these tissues. The study used a nonhuman primate model to evaluate gene expression profiles as footprints of macrophage variation using a longitudinal experimental model of ligature-induced periodontitis in animals from 3 to 23 years of age to identify aging effects on the gingival environment. Significant differences were observed in distribution of expressed gene levels for M0, M1, and M2 macrophages in healthy tissues with the younger animals showing the least expression. M0 gene expression increased with disease in all but the aged group, while M1 was increased in adult and young animals, and M2 in all age groups, as early as disease initiation (within 0.5 months). Numerous histocompatibility genes were increased with disease, except in the aged samples. An array of cytokines/chemokines representing both M1 and M2 cells were increased with disease showing substantial increases with disease initiation (e.g. IL1A, CXCL8, CCL19, CCL2, CCL18), although the aged tissues showed a more limited magnitude of change across these macrophage genes. The analytics of macrophage genes at sites of gingival health, disease, and resolution demonstrated distinct profiles of host response interactions that may help model the disease mechanisms occurring with the formation of a periodontal lesion

    Effects of Aging on Apoptosis Gene Expression in Oral Mucosal Tissues

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    Apoptotic processes are important for physiologic renewal of an intact epithelial barrier and contribute some antimicrobial resistance for bacteria and viruses, as well as anti-inflammatory effects that benefits the mucosa. The oral cavity presents a model of host-bacterial interactions at mucosal surfaces, in which a panoply of microorganisms colonizes various niches in the oral cavity and creates complex multispecies biofilms that challenge the gingival tissues. This report details gene expression in apoptotic pathways that occur in oral mucosal tissues across the lifespan, using a nonhuman primate model. Macaca mulatta primates from 2 to 23 years of age (n = 23) were used in a cross-sectional study to obtain clinical healthy gingival tissues specimens. Further, mRNA was prepared and evaluated using the Affymetrix Rhesus GeneChip and 88 apoptotic pathway genes were evaluated. The results identified significant positive correlations with age in 12 genes and negative correlations with an additional five genes. The gene effects were predicted to alter apoptosis receptor levels, extrinsic apoptotic pathways through caspases, cytokine effects on apoptotic events, Ca+2-induced death signaling, cell cycle checkpoints, and potential effects of survival factors. Both the positively and negatively correlated genes within the apoptotic pathways provided evidence that healthy tissues in aging animals exhibit decreased apoptotic potential compared to younger animals. The results suggested that decreased physiologic apoptotic process in the dynamic septic environment of the oral mucosal tissues could increase the risk of aging tissues to undergo destructive disease processes through dysregulated inflammatory responses to the oral microbial burden

    Comparative Analysis of Microbial Sensing Molecules in Mucosal Tissues with Aging

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    Host-bacterial interactions at mucosal surfaces require recognition of the bacteria by host cells enabling targeted responses to maintain tissue homeostasis. It is now well recognized that an array of host-derived pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), both cell-bound and soluble, are critical to innate immune engagement of microbes via microbial-associated molecular patterns (MAMP). This report describes the use of a nonhuman primate model to evaluate changes in the expression of these sensing molecules related to aging in healthy gingival tissues. Macaca mulatta aged 3-24 years were evaluated clinically and gingival tissues obtained, RNA isolated and microarray analysis conducted for gene expression of the sensing pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The results demonstrated increased expression of various PRRs in healthy aging gingiva including extracellular (CD14, CD209, CLEC4E, TLR4), intracellular (NAIP, IFIH1, DAI) and soluble (PTX4, SAA1) PRRs. Selected PRRs were also correlated with both bleeding on probing (BOP) and pocket depth (PD) in the animals. These findings suggest that aged animals express altered levels of various PRRs that could affect the ability of the tissues to interact effectively with the juxtaposed microbial ecology, presumably contributing to an enhanced risk of periodontitis even in clinically healthy oral mucosal tissues with aging

    Validity of Medication Adherence Self-Reports in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE To assess the validity of self-report measures of diabetes medication adherence and evaluate the effect of depression on the validity of these reports. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Adults with type 2 diabetes, treated with oral medications, completed a set of medication adherence self-reports that varied response scales and time frames, were administered structured clinical interviews for depression, and provided blood samples for HbA1c as part of a screening for an intervention study. A subsample of participants with HbA1c ≥7.0% and clinically significant depression received Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) bottle caps to record adherence. Analyses examined relationships between adherence measures and HbA1c and, in the subsample, MEMS. Moderated linear regression evaluated whether depression severity modified relationships with HbA1c. RESULTS Participant (n = 170, 57% men, 81% white, mean HbA1c 8.3% [SD, 1.7]) adherence self-reports were significantly (r = −0.18 to −0.28; P < 0.03) associated with lower HbA1c. In the subsample (n = 88), all self-reports were significantly (r = 0.35 to 0.55; P ≤ 0.001) associated with MEMS-measured adherence. Depression significantly moderated the relationship between three of six self-reports and HbA1c; at high levels of depression, associations with HbA1c became nonsignificant. CONCLUSIONS Results support the validity of easily administered self-reports for diabetes medication adherence. One-month, percentage-based ratings of adherence had the strongest associations with MEMS and HbA1c; those requiring the report of missed doses had weaker associations. One-week self-ratings and measures that require respondents to record the number of missed doses appear to be vulnerable to bias from depression severity