16 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton-Bacterial Interactions Mediate Micronutrient Colimitation at the Coastal Antarctic Sea Ice Edge

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    Southern Ocean primary productivity plays a key role in global ocean biogeochemistry and climate. At the Southern Ocean sea ice edge in coastal McMurdo Sound, we observed simultaneous cobalamin and iron limitation of surface water phytoplankton communities in late Austral summer. Cobalamin is produced only by bacteria and archaea, suggesting phytoplankton–bacterial interactions must play a role in this limitation. To characterize these interactions and investigate the molecular basis of multiple nutrient limitation, we examined transitions in global gene expression over short time scales, induced by shifts in micronutrient availability. Diatoms, the dominant primary producers, exhibited transcriptional patterns indicative of co-occurring iron and cobalamin deprivation. The major contributor to cobalamin biosynthesis gene expression was a gammaproteobacterial population, Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a. This group also contributed significantly to metagenomic cobalamin biosynthesis gene abundance throughout Southern Ocean surface waters. Oceanospirillaceae ASP10-02a displayed elevated expression of organic matter acquisition and cell surface attachment-related genes, consistent with a mutualistic relationship in which they are dependent on phytoplankton growth to fuel cobalamin production. Separate bacterial groups, including Methylophaga, appeared to rely on phytoplankton for carbon and energy sources, but displayed gene expression patterns consistent with iron and cobalamin deprivation. This suggests they also compete with phytoplankton and are important cobalamin consumers. Expression patterns of siderophore- related genes offer evidence for bacterial influences on iron availability as well. The nature and degree of this episodic colimitation appear to be mediated by a series of phytoplankton–bacterial interactions in both positive and negative feedback loops

    Global biogeography of SAR11 marine bacteria

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    The ubiquitous SAR11 bacterial clade is the most abundant type of organism in the worldĝ€™s oceans, but the reasons for its success are not fully elucidated. We analysed 128 surface marine metagenomes, including 37 new Antarctic metagenomes. The large size of the data set enabled internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to be obtained from the Southern polar region, enabling the first global characterization of the distribution of SAR11, from waters spanning temperatures ĝ̂'2 to 30°C. Our data show a stable co-occurrence of phylotypes within both ĝ€̃ tropicalĝ€™ (>20°C) and ĝ€̃ polarĝ€™ (<10°C) biomes, highlighting ecological niche differentiation between major SAR11 subgroups. All phylotypes display transitions in abundance that are strongly correlated with temperature and latitude. By assembling SAR11 genomes from Antarctic metagenome data, we identified specific genes, biases in gene functions and signatures of positive selection in the genomes of the polar SAR11ĝ€"genomic signatures of adaptive radiation. Our data demonstrate the importance of adaptive radiation in the organismĝ€™s ability to proliferate throughout the worldĝ€™s oceans, and describe genomic traits characteristic of different phylotypes in specific marine biomes. © 2012 EMBO and Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved

    Biogeography and connectivity across habitat types and geographical scales in Pacific Abyssal Scavenging Amphipods

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    Recently, there has been a resurgent interest in the exploration of deep-sea mineral deposits, particularly polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), central Pacific. Accurate environmental impact assessment is critical to the effective management of a new industry and depends on a sound understanding of species taxonomy, biogeography, and connectivity across a range of scales. Connectivity is a particularly important parameter in determining ecosystem resilience, as it helps to define the ability of a system to recover post-impact. Scavenging amphipods in the superfamilies Alicelloidea Lowry and De Broyer, 2008 and Lysianassoidea Dana, 1849 contribute to a unique and abundant scavenging community in abyssal ecosystems. They are relatively easy to sample and in recent years have become the target of several molecular and taxonomic studies, but are poorly studied in the CCZ. Here, a molecular approach is used to identify and delimit species, and to investigate evolutionary relationships of scavenging amphipods from both abyssal plain and deep (>3000 m) seamount habitats in three APEIs (Areas of Particular Environmental Interest, i.e., designated conservation areas) in the western CCZ. A total of 17 different morphospecies of scavenging amphipods were identified, which include at least 30 genetic species delimited by a fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode gene. The scavenging communities sampled in the western CCZ included the most common species (Abyssorchomene gerulicorbis (Shulenberger and Barnard, 1976), A. chevreuxi (Stebbing, 1906), Paralicella caperesca Shulenberger and Barnard, 1976, and P. tenuipes Chevreux, 1908) reported for other ocean basins. Only four morphospecies, representing five genetic species, were shared between APEIs 1, 4, and 7. The two abyssal plain sites at APEIs 4 and 7 were dominated by two and three of the most common scavenging species, respectively, while the APEI 1 seamount site was dominated by two species potentially new to science that appeared to be endemic to the site. The presence of common species in all sites and high genetic diversity, yet little geographic structuring, indicate connectivity over evolutionary time scales between the areas, which span about 1500 km. Similar to recent studies, the differences in amphipod assemblages found between the seamount and abyssal sites suggest that ecological conditions on seamounts generate distinct community compositions

    In vivo localization of iron starvation induced proteins under variable iron supplementation regimes in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Abstract The model pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum is able to assimilate a range of iron sources. It therefore provides a platform to study different mechanisms of iron processing concomitantly in the same cell. In this study, we follow the localization of three iron starvation induced proteins (ISIPs) in vivo, driven by their native promoters and tagged by fluorophores in an engineered line of P. tricornutum. We find that the localization patterns of ISIPs are dynamic and variable depending on the overall iron status of the cell and the source of iron it is exposed to. Notwithstanding, a shared destination of the three ISIPs both under ferric iron and siderophore‐bound iron supplementation is a globular compartment in the vicinity of the chloroplast. In a proteomic analysis, we identify that the cell engages endocytosis machinery involved in the vesicular trafficking as a response to siderophore molecules, even when these are not bound to iron. Our results suggest that there may be a direct vesicle traffic connection between the diatom cell membrane and the periplastidial compartment (PPC) that co‐opts clathrin‐mediated endocytosis and the “cytoplasm to vacuole” (Cvt) pathway, for proteins involved in iron assimilation. Proteomics data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD021172. Highlight The marine diatom P. tricornutum engages a vesicular network to traffic siderophores and phytotransferrin from the cell membrane directly to a putative iron processing site in the vicinity of the chloroplast

    A novel protein, ubiquitous in marine phytoplankton, concentrates iron at the cell surface and facilitates uptake.

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    International audienceNumerous cellular functions including respiration require iron. Plants and phytoplankton must also maintain the iron-rich photosynthetic electron transport chain, which most likely evolved in the iron-replete reducing environments of the Proterozoic ocean [1]. Iron bioavailability has drastically decreased in the contemporary ocean [1], most likely selecting for the evolution of efficient iron acquisition mechanisms among modern phytoplankton. Mesoscale iron fertilization experiments often result in blooms dominated by diatoms [2], indicating that diatoms have adaptations that allow survival in iron-limited waters and rapid multiplication when iron becomes available. Yet the genetic and molecular bases are unclear, as very few iron uptake genes have been functionally characterized from marine eukaryotic phytoplankton, and large portions of diatom iron starvation transcriptomes are genes encoding unknown functions [3-5]. Here we show that the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum utilizes ISIP2a to concentrate Fe(III) at the cell surface as part of a novel, copper-independent and thermodynamically controlled iron uptake system. ISIP2a is expressed in response to iron limitation several days prior to the induction of ferrireductase activity, and it facilitates significant Fe(III) uptake during the initial response to Fe limitation. ISIP2a is able to directly bind Fe(III) and increase iron uptake when heterologously expressed, whereas knockdown of ISIP2a in P. tricornutum decreases iron uptake, resulting in impaired growth and chlorosis during iron limitation. ISIP2a is expressed by diverse marine phytoplankton, indicating that it is an ecologically significant adaptation to the unique nutrient composition of marine environments