307 research outputs found

    A flexible, open, and interactive digital platform to support online and blended experiential learning environments: Thinglink and thin sections

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    Abstract. This study investigates the potential value of, and provides a method for, the creation of flexible, digital, and asynchronous platforms to create student-centred materials for use in an online and/or blended learning environment. We made use of Thinglink to create a “virtual microscope” resource for geology and associated courses in higher education. This is achieved through the dissemination of a simple learning resource comprising interactive imagery and audio. The visual analysis of rocks under the microscope, termed thin-section petrography, is a fundamental component in geology programmes in higher education, with key skills which are transferable with other fields such as material science, biology, and forensic science. However, learning environments and activities in this field are often dictated by the requirement for access to microscope facilities and supplementary resources which are highly variable in their academic level, availability, design, and scale, ranging from traditional textbooks to online resources. A resource was created which allows individuals to experience some of the aspects of petrographic microscopy in a digital manner. In particular, specific features of the materials observed and how microscopes work were included. The resource was disseminated to a population of learners and educators, who provided responses to a questionnaire. Responses were overwhelmingly positive and indicate considerable interest from learner and teacher alike. Critical areas for improvement include the need for clarity in the user interface and the inclusion of a recorded human voice rather than automated text narration. This study highlights the need for, and benefits of, interactive online learning resources in petrology and associated fields. This type of resource has positive implications for the flexibility, inclusivity, and accessibility of teaching materials. Such resources may prove particularly valuable when distance learning is unavoidable (e.g. the COVID-19 crisis) and/or hybrid, blended learning environments are being deployed. The method and platform used in this study are highly transferable to other subject areas (or other areas of the geosciences)

    The Deacetylase HDAC6 Regulates Aggresome Formation and Cell Viability in Response to Misfolded Protein Stress

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    AbstractThe efficient clearance of cytotoxic misfolded protein aggregates is critical for cell survival. Misfolded protein aggregates are transported and removed from the cytoplasm by dynein motors via the microtubule network to a novel organelle termed the aggresome where they are processed. However, the means by which dynein motors recognize misfolded protein cargo, and the cellular factors that regulate aggresome formation, remain unknown. We have discovered that HDAC6, a microtubule-associated deacetylase, is a component of the aggresome. We demonstrate that HDAC6 has the capacity to bind both polyubiquitinated misfolded proteins and dynein motors, thereby acting to recruit misfolded protein cargo to dynein motors for transport to aggresomes. Indeed, cells deficient in HDAC6 fail to clear misfolded protein aggregates from the cytoplasm, cannot form aggresomes properly, and are hypersensitive to the accumulation of misfolded proteins. These findings identify HDAC6 as a crucial player in the cellular management of misfolded protein-induced stress

    Transforaminal Blood Patch for the Treatment of Chronic Headache from Intracranial Hypotension: A Case Report and Review

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    This case report describes the successful treatment of chronic headache from intracranial hypotension with bilateral transforaminal (TF) lumbar epidural blood patches (EBPs). The patient is a 65-year-old male with chronic postural headaches. He had not had a headache-free day in more than 13 years. Conservative treatment and several interlaminar epidural blood patches were previously unsuccessful. A transforaminal EBP was performed under fluoroscopic guidance. Resolution of the headache occurred within 5 minutes of the procedure. After three months without a headache the patient had a return of the postural headache. A second transforaminal EBP was performed again with almost immediate resolution. The patient remains headache-free almost six months from the time of first TF blood patch. This is the first published report of the use of transforaminal epidural blood patches for the successful treatment of a headache lasting longer than 3 months

    Eruption Style, Emplacement Dynamics and Geometry of Peralkaline Ignimbrites: Insights From the Lajes-Angra Ignimbrite Formation, Terceira Island, Azores

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    Ignimbrites are relatively uncommon on ocean island volcanoes and yet they constitute a significant portion of the stratigraphy of Terceira Island (Azores). The Lajes-Angra Ignimbrite Formation (ca. 25 cal ka BP) contains the youngest ignimbrites on Terceira and records two ignimbrite-forming eruptions of Pico Alto volcano that occurred closely spaced in time. Here, we present the first detailed lithofacies analysis and architecture of the Angra and Lajes ignimbrites, complemented by petrographic, mineral chemical, whole rock and groundmass glass geochemical data. The two ignimbrites have the same comenditic trachyte composition, but show considerable variability in trace element and groundmass glass compositions, revealing complex petrogenetic processes in the Pico Alto magma reservoir prior to eruption. The Angra Ignimbrite has a high-aspect ratio and is massive throughout its thickness. It was formed by a small-volume but sustained pyroclastic density current (PDC) fed by a short-lived, low pyroclastic fountain. Overall, the PDC had high particle concentration, granular fluid-based flow conditions and was mostly channelled into a valley on the south part of Terceira. By contrast, the Lajes Ignimbrite has a low-aspect ratio and shows vertical and lateral lithofacies variations. It was formed by a sustained quasi-steady PDC generated from vigorous and prolonged pyroclastic fountaining. The ignimbrite architecture reveals that depositional conditions of the parent PDC evolved as the eruption waxed. The dilute front of the current rapidly changed to a high particle concentration, granular fluid-based PDC that extended to the north and south coasts, with limited capacity to surmount topographic highs. Contrary to what is commonly assumed, the low-aspect ratio of the Lajes Ignimbrite is interpreted to result from deposition of a relatively low velocity PDC over a generally flat topography. This work highlights that the geometry (aspect ratio) of ignimbrites does not necessarily reflect the kinetic energy of PDCs and thus should not be used as a proxy for PDC emplacement dynamics. Although the probability of an ignimbrite-forming eruption on Terceira is relatively low, such a scenario should not be underestimated, as a future event would have devastating consequences for the island’s 55,000 inhabitants

    Commercials, careers and culture: travelling salesmen in Britain 1890s-1930s

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    Within the lower middle-class, British commercial travellers established a strong fraternal culture before 1914. This article examines their interwar experiences in terms of income, careers, and associational culture. It demonstrates how internal labour markets operated, identifies the ways in which commercial travellers interpreted their role, and explores their social and political attitudes

    The Effect of Fish Oil Supplementation on Resistance Training-induced Adaptations

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    Background: Resistance exercise training (RET) is a common and well-established method to induce hypertrophy and improvement in strength. Interestingly, fish oil supplementation (FOS) may aug-ment RET-induced adaptations. However, few studies have been conducted on young, healthy adults. Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled design was used to determine the effect of FOS, a concentrated source of eicosapen-taenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), compared to placebo (PL) on RET-induced adaptations following a 10-week RET program (3 days·week−1). Body composition was measured by dual- energy x-ray absorptiometry (LBM, fat mass [FM], percent body fat [%BF]) and strength was measured by 1-repetition maximum bar-bell back squat (1RMSQT) and bench press (1RMBP) at PRE (week 0) and POST (10 weeks). Supplement compliance was assessed via self-report and bottle collection every two weeks and via fatty acid dried blood spot collection at PRE and POST. An a priori α- level of 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance and Cohen’s d was used to quantify effect sizes (ES). Results: Twenty-one of 28 male and female participants (FOS, n = 10 [4 withdrawals]; PL, n = 11 [3 withdrawals]) completed the 10- week progressive RET program and PRE/POST measurements. After 10-weeks, blood EPA+DHA substantially increased in the FOS group (+109.7%, p\u3c .001) and did not change in the PL group (+1.3%, p = .938). Similar between-group changes in LBM (FOS: +3.4%, PL: +2.4%, p = .457), FM (FOS: −5.2%, PL: 0.0%, p = .092), and %BF (FOS: −5.9%, PL: −2.5%, p = .136) were observed, although, the between- group ES was considered large for FM (d = 0.84). Absolute and relative (kg·kg [body mass]−1) 1RMBP was significantly higher in the FOS group compared to PL (FOS: +17.7% vs. PL: +9.7%, p = .047; FOS: +17.6% vs. PL: +7.3%, p = .011; respectively), whereas absolute 1RMSQT was similar between conditions (FOS: +28.8% vs. PL: +20.5%, p = .191). Relative 1RMSQT was higher in the FOS group (FOS: +29.3% vs. PL: +17.9%, p = .045). Conclusions: When combined with RET, FOS improves absolute and relative 1RM upper-body and relative 1RM lower-body strength to a greater extent than that observed in the PL group of young, recreationally trained adults

    Factors affecting individual foraging specialization and temporal diet stability across the range of a large “generalist” apex predator

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    Individual niche specialization (INS) is increasingly recognized as an important component of ecological and evolutionary dynamics. However, most studies that have investigated INS have focused on the effects of niche width and inter- and intraspecific competition on INS in small-bodied species for short time periods, with less attention paid to INS in large-bodied reptilian predators and the effects of available prey types on INS. We investigated the prevalence, causes, and consequences of INS in foraging behaviors across different populations of American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis), the dominant aquatic apex predator across the southeast US, using stomach contents and stable isotopes. Gut contents revealed that, over the short term, although alligator populations occupied wide ranges of the INS spectrum, general patterns were apparent. Alligator populations inhabiting lakes exhibited lower INS than coastal populations, likely driven by variation in habitat type and available prey types. Stable isotopes revealed that over longer time spans alligators exhibited remarkably consistent use of variable mixtures of carbon pools (e.g., marine and freshwater food webs). We conclude that INS in large-bodied reptilian predator populations is likely affected by variation in available prey types and habitat heterogeneity, and that INS should be incorporated into management strategies to efficiently meet intended goals. Also, ecological models, which typically do not consider behavioral variability, should include INS to increase model realism and applicability

    Remodelling of microRNAs in colorectal cancer by hypoxia alters metabolism profiles and 5-fluorouracil resistance

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    AN, HT and AP are Constance Travis post-graduate fellows. NS is a Barts and The London post-doctoral fellow. SMD is a Bowel & Cancer Research post-doctoral fellow. TS is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for scientific research on Innovative Areas, Japan (No. 22134007 to T.S.), and the Yamagata Prefectural Government and City of Tsuruoka

    Interventions to improve adherence to cardiovascular disease guidelines: a systematic review

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    Publisher's Version/PDFBackground Successful management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is impaired by poor adherence to clinical practice guidelines. The objective of our review was to synthesize evidence about the effectiveness of interventions that target healthcare providers to improve adherence to CVD guidelines and patient outcomes. Methods We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, Web of Science and CINAHL databases from inception to June 2014, using search terms related to adherence and clinical practice guidelines. Studies were limited to randomized controlled trials testing an intervention to improve adherence to guidelines that measured both a patient and adherence outcome. Descriptive summary tables were created from data extractions. Meta-analyses were conducted on clinically homogeneous comparisons, and sensitivity analyses and subgroup analyses were carried out where possible. GRADE summary of findings tables were created for each comparison and outcome. Results and Discussion We included 38 RCTs in our review. Interventions included guideline dissemination, education, audit and feedback, and academic detailing. Meta-analyses were conducted for several outcomes by intervention type. Many comparisons favoured the intervention, though only the adherence outcome for the education intervention showed statistically significant improvement compared to usual care (standardized mean difference = 0.58 [95 % confidence interval 0.35 to 0.8]). Conclusions Many interventions show promise to improve practitioner adherence to CVD guidelines. The quality of evidence and number of trials limited our ability to draw conclusions.RAJ received funding from the DMRF Leo Alexander Summer Research Studentship. JAH held funding from the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation to support local systematic review activities. MJT and GHC received funding through the RIM summer research program. CVZ has received a research grant through Boehringer-Ingelheim. All funding bodies had no influence on the conception, design or interpretation of dat
