8 research outputs found

    The immune response of various species to Fasciola hepatica infection.

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    The trematode F. hepatica is an internal parasite of many species of animals including men. In ruminants, fasciolosis is an economically important disease often resulting in a chronic and sub-clinical infection. The mechanisms of immune responses of final bosts to this infection are still poorly understood. Experimental and clinical studies reported so far suggest that both humoral and cellular effectors of the immune response are important to control the duration of F. Hepatica infection. However, there are considerable variation botb inter-species and between various strains of the same species in regulation of the response as weil as abilities to develop resistance to subsequent infections

    Odpowiedz immunologiczna roznych gatunkow zywicieli ostatecznych na inwazje Fasciola hepatica

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    The immune response of various species to Fasciola hepatica infection. The trematode F. hepatica is an internal parasite of many species of animals including men. In ruminants, fasciolosis is an economically important disease often resulting in a chronic and sub-clinical infection. The mechanisms of immune responses of final bosts to this infection are still poorly understood. Experimental and clinical studies reported so far suggest that both humoral and cellular effectors of the immune response are important to control the duration of F. Hepatica infection. However, there are considerable variation botb inter-species and between various strains of the same species in regulation of the response as weil as abilities to develop resistance to subsequent infections

    Flow cytometry analysis of leukocytes response in rats immunized and infected with Fasciola hepatica

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    In the present experiment the differences in blood leucocytes between rats immunised intranasally with cDNA encoding F. hepatica GST, challenged with the parasite (group 1) and non-immunised infected rats (group 2) were compared. The number of leukocytes were estimated by flow cytometry on the 1, 5, 9 week after infection. Changes in the level of blood lymphocytes and monocytes were similar, with an increasing tendency in both groups. The level of eosinophils decreased to the 9th week after infection in both groups, however the number of these cells was seven times higher in control rats than in immunised rats

    Blood leucocyte responses in rats vaccinated with cDNA encoding glutathione-s-transferase of Fasciola hepatica

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    Changes in blood leucocyte levels were investigated in Spraque-Dowley rats vaccinated with cDNA or protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) of F. hepatica and subsequently challenged with metacercariae of the liver fluke. The analysis of the leucocyte responses measured in vaccinated rats suggests that the form of antigen used for vaccination intluenced dynamics of white blood cell response to the fluke infection. The most clear differences were observed in neutrophil and eosinophil levels. The weakest reaction of these cells to the challenge infection was observed in rats vaccinated twice with cDNA. In contrast, in rats which received the first antigen dose as cDNA and the second vaccination with GST protein, both neutrophil and eosinophil responses were much higher, especially at 5 and 9 WAI.Badano reakcj臋 leukocyt贸w krwi szczur贸w Spraque-Dowley immunizowanych cDNA lub bia艂kiem transferazy S-glutationowej (GST) F. hepatica na inwazj臋 metacerkarii tej przywry. Zwierz臋ta grupy 3 otrzyma艂y pierwsz膮 dawk臋 antygenu w formie cDNA a drug膮 w postaci bia艂ka. Pr贸bki krwi do bada艅 pobrano w dniu zara偶enia a nast臋pne w 1, 5 i 9 tygodniu po zara偶eniu (tpz). U szczur贸w szczepionych cDNA zaobserwowano statystycznie istotne obni偶enie liczby limfocyt贸w poczynaj膮c od 1 tpz. Najwi臋ksze r贸偶nice zaobserwowano w reakcji granulocyt贸w. Szczury immunizowane dwukrotnie cDNA wykazywa艂y najmniejsz膮 eozynofili臋 za艣 u szczur贸w grupy 3, wyst膮pi艂a w 9 tpz eozynofilia i neutrofilia silniej wyra偶ona ni偶 u szczur贸w nie immunizowanych


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    Changes in blood leucocyte levels were investigated in Spraque-Dowley rats vaccinated with cDNA or protein of glutathione S-transferase (GST) of F. hepatica and subsequently challenged with metacercariae of the liver fluke. The analysis of the leucocyte responses measured in vaccinated rats suggests that the form of antigen used for vaccination intluenced dynamics of white blood cell response to the fluke infection. The most clear differences were observed in neutrophil and eosinophil levels. The weakest reaction of these cells to the challenge infection was observed in rats vaccinated twice with cDNA. In contrast, in rats which received the first antigen dose as cDNA and the second vaccination with GST protein, both neutrophil and eosinophil responses were much higher, especially at 5 and 9 WAI