29 research outputs found
Transnational character of web encyclopaedias
U protekla tri stoljeÄa suvremenih enciklopedija tradicionalna su tiskana djela obiÄno bila usmjerena odreÄenom podruÄju na kojem su bila raspaÄavana. O tome je podruÄju u velikoj mjeri ovisio odabir tema relevantnih za obradu, kao i Å”irina i naÄin te obrade, pa se ono javlja kao jedan od Äimbenika koji pojedinim tradicionalnim enciklopediÄkim djelima daju, u veÄoj ili manjoj mjeri, lokalizirani, regionalni ili nacionalni karakter. S druge strane, objavom enciklopediÄkih djela na internetu, kao svesvjetskoj komunikacijskoj mreži, zbog suÅ”tine toga medija granice pojedinoga distribucijskoga podruÄja postaju znatno Ā»mekÅ”eĀ«, a rastuÄe internacionalno Äitateljstvo tih djela nameÄe potrebu pomaka u smjeru njihova nadnacionalnoga karaktera. Å toviÅ”e, imajuÄi u vidu sve bolje odlike internetskih sustava za prevoÄenje, može se oÄekivati da se krug internacionalnih korisnika enciklopedija Å”iri izvan jeziÄnih granica. Zato, kao i zbog Äestog apostrofiranja enciklopedija kao organiziranoga skupa informacija, vrlo pogodnoga za osnovu razvoja weba nove generacije, tzv. semantiÄkoga weba, internetske enciklopedije imaju perspektivu prerastanja u platforme za meÄunacionalno i nadnacionalno kulturno povezivanje.In the past three centuries of modern encyclopaedias, some published works were usually directed towards a specific area (market) where they were distributed (sold), which largely depended on the language in which they were written. In spite of a declared objectivity and comprehensiveness, the choice of themes relevant to the treatment, as well as the scope and the method of that treatment depended on that area. Therefore, most of the traditional encyclopaedic works have, to a lesser or greater degree, a national character. On the other hand, by publishing encyclopaedic works on the Internet as a world-wide communication web, because of the essence of that media, boundaries of a specific area of distribution become significantly āsofterā, and those works receive a transnational character. As confirmation to this thesis, one can look at statistical analyses of the number of visits to web encyclopaedias of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography. 25% of users from abroad visited the Portal of Knowledge (Portal znanja) in the given period of a single year, while the latest research of the number of visits to the Prolexis Encyclopaedia (Proleksis enciklopedija) shows 31% of international users. Among them, most were from countries that share a linguistic closeness with Croatia: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Such data is unattainable for printed works, so the editors of web encyclopaedias have to take into account the international structure of their users. Moreover, taking into account improving qualities of web translators, it is to be expected that linguistic closeness, as the remaining limiting factor of the circle of web encyclopaedias users, is slowly losing its significance, while the circle of international users of encyclopaedias is still expanding. For that reason, as well as for often apostrophizing encyclopaedias as an organized collection of information which is suitable for the basis of the development of next-generation web, the so-called semantic web, web encyclopaedias have a significant perspective of becoming platforms for international and transnational cultural connecting
Transnational character of web encyclopaedias
U protekla tri stoljeÄa suvremenih enciklopedija tradicionalna su tiskana djela obiÄno bila usmjerena odreÄenom podruÄju na kojem su bila raspaÄavana. O tome je podruÄju u velikoj mjeri ovisio odabir tema relevantnih za obradu, kao i Å”irina i naÄin te obrade, pa se ono javlja kao jedan od Äimbenika koji pojedinim tradicionalnim enciklopediÄkim djelima daju, u veÄoj ili manjoj mjeri, lokalizirani, regionalni ili nacionalni karakter. S druge strane, objavom enciklopediÄkih djela na internetu, kao svesvjetskoj komunikacijskoj mreži, zbog suÅ”tine toga medija granice pojedinoga distribucijskoga podruÄja postaju znatno Ā»mekÅ”eĀ«, a rastuÄe internacionalno Äitateljstvo tih djela nameÄe potrebu pomaka u smjeru njihova nadnacionalnoga karaktera. Å toviÅ”e, imajuÄi u vidu sve bolje odlike internetskih sustava za prevoÄenje, može se oÄekivati da se krug internacionalnih korisnika enciklopedija Å”iri izvan jeziÄnih granica. Zato, kao i zbog Äestog apostrofiranja enciklopedija kao organiziranoga skupa informacija, vrlo pogodnoga za osnovu razvoja weba nove generacije, tzv. semantiÄkoga weba, internetske enciklopedije imaju perspektivu prerastanja u platforme za meÄunacionalno i nadnacionalno kulturno povezivanje.In the past three centuries of modern encyclopaedias, some published works were usually directed towards a specific area (market) where they were distributed (sold), which largely depended on the language in which they were written. In spite of a declared objectivity and comprehensiveness, the choice of themes relevant to the treatment, as well as the scope and the method of that treatment depended on that area. Therefore, most of the traditional encyclopaedic works have, to a lesser or greater degree, a national character. On the other hand, by publishing encyclopaedic works on the Internet as a world-wide communication web, because of the essence of that media, boundaries of a specific area of distribution become significantly āsofterā, and those works receive a transnational character. As confirmation to this thesis, one can look at statistical analyses of the number of visits to web encyclopaedias of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography. 25% of users from abroad visited the Portal of Knowledge (Portal znanja) in the given period of a single year, while the latest research of the number of visits to the Prolexis Encyclopaedia (Proleksis enciklopedija) shows 31% of international users. Among them, most were from countries that share a linguistic closeness with Croatia: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. Such data is unattainable for printed works, so the editors of web encyclopaedias have to take into account the international structure of their users. Moreover, taking into account improving qualities of web translators, it is to be expected that linguistic closeness, as the remaining limiting factor of the circle of web encyclopaedias users, is slowly losing its significance, while the circle of international users of encyclopaedias is still expanding. For that reason, as well as for often apostrophizing encyclopaedias as an organized collection of information which is suitable for the basis of the development of next-generation web, the so-called semantic web, web encyclopaedias have a significant perspective of becoming platforms for international and transnational cultural connecting
The Encyclopaedic Concept in a Web Environment
U doba tranzicije enciklopediÄkoga djela iz tiskanoga u mrežni oblik, zahvaljujuÄi funkcionalnostima koje novi medij omoguÄuje, javljaju se i dublje promjene u temeljima enciklopedijske struke, tj. u enciklopediÄkim principima i enciklopediÄkom konceptu kao njihovoj cjelini. Refleksija takva stanja jesu tendencije Wikipedije, kao najkoriÅ”tenijega enciklopediÄkoga djela danaÅ”njice, da se uvoÄenjem prilagodbi postupno približi vrijednostima tradicionalne enciklopedije, dok se tradicionalne, ureÄivane enciklopedije postupno otvaraju za nova stremljenja, ponajprije potaknuta danas veÄ ustaljenim navikama korisnika Wikipedije.In todayās age of the transition of encyclopaedias from the printed into a web form, thanks to the functionalities that the new media enables, there are deeper changes in the foundations of the encyclopaedic field, i.e. in the encyclopaedic principles and the encyclopaedic concept as their whole. The reflection of these conditions are the tendencies of Wikipedia, being the most used encyclopaedia today, to implement some changes so as to gradually come closer to the values of the traditional encyclopaedia, while the traditional, edited encyclopaedias are being gradually opened to new tendencies, induced by the well-established habits of Wikipedia users