11 research outputs found

    Pyrale du buis : une efficacité insuffisante des trichogrammes

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    editorial reviewedsavebuxus - Afin de poursuivre la mise au point de la lutte contre la pyrale du buis, Cydalima perspectalis, Ă  l’aide de trichogrammes, le programme national SaveBuxus se prolonge jusqu’à dĂ©cembre 2019. Ă©tude - AprĂšs un screening d’une cinquantaine de souches de trichogramme en laboratoire, trois espĂšces ont Ă©tĂ© retenues pour les essais in situ de 2018 : Trichogramma brassicae, Trichogramma dendrolimi et la souche du produit Trichotop Buxus (commercialisĂ©e depuis 2016 en France). Les essais ont eu lieu sur un site expĂ©rimental d’Astredhor Sud-Ouest sur des buis infestĂ©s grĂące aux pyrales de l’élevage de l’Inra UEFM Antibes. Des lĂąchers hebdomadaires des trois espĂšces de trichogrammes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pendant toute la pĂ©riode de vol du ravageur, entre juin et octobre, sur buis linĂ©aires et buis isolĂ©s. En 2018, la densitĂ© du ravageur insignifiante n’a pas permis d’évaluer l’efficacitĂ© des trichogrammes pour parasiter et tuer les oeufs de pyrale. Il y a donc eu recours Ă  des oeufs d’élevage produits au laboratoire de l’Inra d’Antibes et envoyĂ©s avec des brins de buis sur le terrain. Les brins portant les oeufs Ă©taient disposĂ©s le jour de rĂ©ception sur les buis de la zone d’essai. Au bout de 5 jours, ils Ă©taient rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ©s et renvoyĂ©s Ă  Antibes pour mise en incubation 6 jours Ă  25 °C avant analyse des taux d’avortement et de parasitisme des oeufs. La capacitĂ© de dispersion des trichogrammes a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e

    Kajian potensi ekstrak bilberi sebagai penunjuk pH untuk memantau kesegaran makanan secara kromametri

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    Penunjuk pH sebagai suatu pendekatan untuk memantau kualiti atau kesegaran makanan semasa telah mendapat perhatian industri pembungkusan makanan. Penggunaan sumber semula jadi pigmen tumbuhan terutamanya daripada buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran menjadi pilihan para pengguna untuk menggantikan pewarna sintetik dalam memastikan keselamatan makanan yang diambil setiap hari. Dalam kajian ini, ekstrak daripada bilberi telah digunakan sebagai pewarna sensitif pH. Perubahan warna sampel dikaji secara terperinci melalui kaedah kromametri dan juga kaedah spektrofotometri ultra-lembayung nampak. Warna merah terang terhasil dalam pH berasid, merah pudar pada neutral dan magenta ke kuning dalam pH beralkali. Keputusan kajian kromametri menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bilberi berupaya mempamerkan perubahan warna yang jelas terhadap perubahan pH, iaitu terdapat perubahan nilai warna a* yang menyumbang kepada perubahan yang bererti dalam perbezaan warna keseluruhan (ΔE*). Nilai ΔE* juga ditentukan wujud hubungan linear dan kuantitatif terhadap julat pH tertentu. Oleh yang demikian, ekstrak bilberi didapati berpotensi sebagai bahan sensor untuk pH dalam membangunkan satu sensor pH bagi memantau kesegaran makanan terutamanya hasilan laut berbungkus memandangkan tahap kerosakan produk tersebut berkait rapat dengan perubahan pH ke arah alkali

    Conception and Development of Recycled Raw Materials (Coconut Fiber and Bagasse)-Based Substrates Enriched with Soil Microorganisms (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Trichoderma spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) for the Soilless Cultivation of Tomato (S. lycopersicum)

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    The global production quantity and the utilisation area harvested for the cultivation of tomatoes have significantly increased in the last three decades. Europe still plays an important role in the production of tomatoes, accounting for 12% of global production in 2020. Tomato production can be divided into greenhouse/soilless production and open field production. Greenhouse/soilless tomato production is mostly developed in northern Europe, and open field production in southern Europe. Soilless cultivation serves to improve control of the growing medium and to avoid any likely problems for watering and maintaining proper nutrient concentrations. Beneficial soil microorganisms, particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), are increasingly being recognized as key elements of an agro-ecological approach to agricultural production. The use of these beneficial microorganisms on soilless tomato production may improve plant performance and reduce biotic and abiotic stress occurring during production with a consequent decrease of chemicals and increase of sustainability of the production system. In this paper, we tested different substrates composed of coconut fiber and bagasse (S1 to S4) and beneficial microorganisms (AMF, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum), selecting the most suitable system for the soilless production of tomatoes. Our results showed that substrates S1 (100% coconut fiber) and S2 (66% coconut fiber + 33% bagasse) complementarily used with the consortium of “AMF IP21 + Trichoderma harzianum + Pseudomonas fluorescens IPB04” seem to be the “best formulation” for this purpose. That confirmed the feasibility of the development of recycled material (coconut fiber and bagasse)-based substrates together with soil microorganisms (AMF and beneficial bacteria) for soilless tomato production

    Conception and Development of Recycled Raw Materials (Coconut Fiber and Bagasse)-Based Substrates Enriched with Soil Microorganisms (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, <i>Trichoderma</i> spp. and <i>Pseudomonas</i> spp.) for the Soilless Cultivation of Tomato (<i>S. lycopersicum</i>)

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    The global production quantity and the utilisation area harvested for the cultivation of tomatoes have significantly increased in the last three decades. Europe still plays an important role in the production of tomatoes, accounting for 12% of global production in 2020. Tomato production can be divided into greenhouse/soilless production and open field production. Greenhouse/soilless tomato production is mostly developed in northern Europe, and open field production in southern Europe. Soilless cultivation serves to improve control of the growing medium and to avoid any likely problems for watering and maintaining proper nutrient concentrations. Beneficial soil microorganisms, particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), are increasingly being recognized as key elements of an agro-ecological approach to agricultural production. The use of these beneficial microorganisms on soilless tomato production may improve plant performance and reduce biotic and abiotic stress occurring during production with a consequent decrease of chemicals and increase of sustainability of the production system. In this paper, we tested different substrates composed of coconut fiber and bagasse (S1 to S4) and beneficial microorganisms (AMF, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum), selecting the most suitable system for the soilless production of tomatoes. Our results showed that substrates S1 (100% coconut fiber) and S2 (66% coconut fiber + 33% bagasse) complementarily used with the consortium of “AMF IP21 + Trichoderma harzianum + Pseudomonas fluorescens IPB04” seem to be the “best formulation” for this purpose. That confirmed the feasibility of the development of recycled material (coconut fiber and bagasse)-based substrates together with soil microorganisms (AMF and beneficial bacteria) for soilless tomato production

    Biological Controls in Horticulture

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    Horticulture is the branch of plant agriculture that concerns fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants. Horticulture is divided into two categories: the cultivation of food plants and ornamental plants. Biocontrol (BC) methods are at the heart of the changes in practice that are taking place in European horticulture. The ornamental horticulture sector took an early interest in BC methods because of their specific characteristics. Plants are often facing various abiotic and biotic stresses that impact their growth. The activation of defense mechanisms at the expense of growth is known as the growth–defense trade-off concept. Farmers play a dual role both as users of BC products and developers of new production methods, which leads them to face various economic trade-offs related to eco-innovation. Environmental regulation is a key driver of eco-innovation, through a regulatory push/pull effect

    ContrĂŽler l’architecture des plantes horticoles en prenant en compte les facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques, environnementaux et culturaux.

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    La forme est l’une des composantes essentielles de la qualitĂ© visuelle des plantes d’ornement. Elle rĂ©sulte de la construction architecturale de la plante, dĂ©pendant des processus de croissance et de ramification sous l’effet des dĂ©terminismes gĂ©nĂ©tiques et environnementaux. Le marchĂ© demande actuellement des plantes compactes et ramifiĂ©es. Pour y rĂ©pondre, la forme de la plante peut ĂȘtre contrĂŽlĂ©e par la voie gĂ©nĂ©tique, avec une meilleure connaissance de l’hĂ©ritabilitĂ© et de l’hĂ©rĂ©ditĂ© des composantes architecturales, et par l’environnement (climatique et cultural). Dans le cadre du projet ARIAGE, chez le rosier buisson, l’hĂ©ritabilitĂ© des principales composantes architecturales Ă©tait modĂ©rĂ©e, laissant entrevoir la possibilitĂ© de contrĂŽler l’architecture par l’environnement. Ainsi, deux mĂ©thodes culturales ont montrĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt pour limiter la hauteur des plantes : la restriction hydrique et la stimulation mĂ©canique. Cependant, cette rĂ©ponse Ă©tait dĂ©pendante du cultivar. Deux leviers sont donc disponibles pour contrĂŽler la forme de la plante : la crĂ©ation variĂ©tale par le sĂ©lectionneur et le contrĂŽle de l’environnement de la plante par l’horticulteur.The shape is one of the essential components of the visual quality of ornamental plants. It is the result of their architectural construction, depending on growth and branching processes under the effect of the genetic and environmental determinism. The market currently demands compact and branched plants. To meet this demand, the plant shape can be controlled by the genetic way, with a better understanding of the heritability and the heredity of the architectural components, and by the environment (climatic and cultural). Within the framework of the project ARIAGE, in rose bush, the heritability of the main architectural components was moderate, leaving open the possibility of controlling the architecture by the environment. Two levers are thus available to control the plant shape, the variety brreding by the breeder and the environmental monitoring of the plant by the horticulturist

    ContrĂŽler l’architecture des plantes horticoles en prenant en compte les facteurs gĂ©nĂ©tiques, environnementaux et culturaux

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    Ce numĂ©ro comprend les articles correspondant aux prĂ©sentations du Colloque Casdar 2018.The shape is one of the essential components of the visual quality of ornamental plants. It is the resultof their architectural construction, depending on growth and branching processes under the effect of thegenetic and environmental determinism. The market currently demands compact and branched plants.To meet this demand, the plant shape can be controlled by the genetic way, with a better understandingof the heritability and the heredity of the architectural components, and by the environment (climatic andcultural). Within the framework of the project ARIAGE, in rose bush, the heritability of the mainarchitectural components was moderate, leaving open the possibility of controlling the architecture bythe environment. Two levers are thus available to control the plant shape, the variety brreding by thebreeder and the environmental monitoring of the plant by the horticulturist.La forme est l’une des composantes essentielles de la qualitĂ© visuelle des plantes d’ornement. EllerĂ©sulte de la construction architecturale de la plante, dĂ©pendant des processus de croissance et deramification sous l’effet des dĂ©terminismes gĂ©nĂ©tiques et environnementaux. Le marchĂ© demandeactuellement des plantes compactes et ramifiĂ©es. Pour y rĂ©pondre, la forme de la plante peut ĂȘtrecontrĂŽlĂ©e par la voie gĂ©nĂ©tique, avec une meilleure connaissance de l’hĂ©ritabilitĂ© et de l’hĂ©rĂ©ditĂ© descomposantes architecturales, et par l’environnement (climatique et cultural). Dans le cadre du projetARIAGE, chez le rosier buisson, l’hĂ©ritabilitĂ© des principales composantes architecturales Ă©taitmodĂ©rĂ©e, laissant entrevoir la possibilitĂ© de contrĂŽler l’architecture par l’environnement. Ainsi, deuxmĂ©thodes culturales ont montrĂ© un intĂ©rĂȘt pour limiter la hauteur des plantes : la restriction hydrique etla stimulation mĂ©canique. Cependant, cette rĂ©ponse Ă©tait dĂ©pendante du cultivar. Deux leviers sontdonc disponibles pour contrĂŽler la forme de la plante : la crĂ©ation variĂ©tale par le sĂ©lectionneur et lecontrĂŽle de l’environnement de la plante par l’horticulteur