43 research outputs found

    Improved eigenvalue bounds for Schr\"odinger operators with slowly decaying potentials

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    We extend a result of Davies and Nath on the location of eigenvalues of Schr\"odinger operators with slowly decaying complex-valued potentials to higher dimensions. In this context, we also discuss various examples related to the Laptev--Safronov conjecture.Comment: Some typos correcte

    Eigenvalues of one-dimensional non-self-adjoint Dirac operators and applications

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    We analyze eigenvalues emerging from thresholds of the essential spectrum of one-dimensional Dirac operators perturbed by complex and non-symmetric potentials. In the general non-self-adjoint setting we establish the existence and asymptotics of weakly coupled eigenvalues and Lieb-Thirring inequalities. As physical applications we investigate the damped wave equation and armchair graphene nanoribbons.Comment: 16 page

    Estimates on complex eigenvalues for Dirac operators on the half-line

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    We derive bounds on the location of non-embedded eigenvalues of Dirac operators on the half-line with non-Hermitian L1L^1-potentials. The results are sharp in the non-relativistic or weak-coupling limit. In the massless case, the absence of discrete spectrum is proved under a smallness assumption

    Eigenvalue estimates for bilayer graphene

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    Recently, Ferrulli-Laptev-Safronov (2016arXiv161205304F) obtained eigenvalue estimates for an operator associated to bilayer graphene in terms of LqL^q norms of the (possibly non-selfadjoint) potential. They proved that for 1<q<4/31<q<4/3 all non-embedded eigenvalues lie near the edges of the spectrum of the free operator. In this note we prove this for the larger range 1≤q≤3/21\leq q\leq 3/2. The latter is optimal if embedded eigenvalues are also considered. We prove similar estimates for a modified bilayer operator with so-called "trigonal warping" term. Here, the range for qq is smaller since the Fermi surface has less curvature. The main tool are new uniform resolvent estimates that may be of independent interest and are collected in an appendix (in greater generality than needed).Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, typo in formula for D_{\rm trig} correcte

    From spectral cluster to uniform resolvent estimates on compact manifolds

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    It is well known that uniform resolvent estimates imply spectral cluster estimates. We show that the converse is also true in some cases. In particular, the universal spectral cluster estimates of Sogge \cite{MR930395} for the Laplace--Beltrami operator on compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary directly imply the uniform Sobolev inequality of Dos Santos Ferreira, Kenig and Salo \cite{MR3200351}, without any reference to parametrices. This observation also yields new resolvent estimates for manifolds with boundary or with nonsmooth metrics, based on spectral cluster bounds of Smith--Sogge \cite{MR2316270} and Smith, Koch and Tataru~\cite{MR2443996}, respectively. We also convert the recent spectral cluster bounds of Canzani and Galkowski \cite{Canzani--Galkowski} to improved resolvent bounds. Moreover, we show that the resolvent estimates are stable under perturbations and use this to establish uniform Sobolev and spectral cluster inequalities for Schr\"odinger operators with singular potentials.Comment: Theorem 4.1 now also converts improved spectral cluster bounds to improved resolvent bounds. A new application of the recent spectral cluster bounds of Canzani and Galkowski is included. Some minor typos correcte

    Embedded eigenvalues of generalized Schrodinger operators

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    We provide examples of operators T(D)+V in L2(Rd) with decaying potentials that have embedded eigenvalues. The decay of the potential depends on the curvature of the (Fermi) surfaces of constant kinetic energy T. We make the connection to counterexamples in Fourier restriction theory