89 research outputs found

    Lactate Dehydrogenase in Oryza sativa

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    Consequences of Oxidative Stress on Plant Glycolytic and Respiratory Metabolism

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are present at low and controlled levels under normal conditions. These reactive molecules can increase to high levels under various biotic and abiotic conditions, resulting in perturbation of the cellular redox state that can ultimately lead to oxidative or nitrosative stress. In this review, we analyze the various effects that result from alterations of redox homeostasis on plant glycolytic pathway and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Most documented modifications caused by ROS or RNS are due to the presence of redox-sensitive cysteine thiol groups in proteins. Redox modifications include Cys oxidation, disulfide bond formation, S-glutathionylation, S-nitrosylation, and S-sulfhydration. A growing number of proteomic surveys and biochemical studies document the occurrence of ROS- or RNS-mediated modification in enzymes of glycolysis and the TCA cycle. In a few cases, these modifications have been shown to affect enzyme activity, suggesting an operational regulatory mechanism in vivo. Further changes induced by oxidative stress conditions include the proposed redox-dependent modifications in the subcellular distribution of a putative redox sensor, NAD-glyceraldehyde-3P dehydrogenase and the micro-compartmentation of cytosolic glycolytic enzymes. Data from the literature indicate that oxidative stress may induce complex changes in metabolite pools in central carbon metabolism. This information is discussed in the context of our understanding of plant metabolic response to oxidative stress

    Characterization of ScORK28, a transmembrane functional protein receptor kinase predominantly expressed in ovaries from the wild potato species Solanum chacoense

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    AbstractSolanum chacoense ovule receptor kinase 28 (ScORK28) was found among 30 receptor kinases from an ovule cDNA library enriched for weakly expressed mRNAs. This LRR-RLK displayed high level of tissue specificity at the RNA and protein levels and was predominantly expressed in female reproductive tissues. Protein expression analyses in planta revealed that ScORK28 was N-glycosylated and ScORK28::GFP fusion analyses showed that it was localized at the plasma membrane. Bacterial expression of ScORK28 catalytic domain followed by kinase activity assays revealed that ScORK28 is an active Mg2+-dependent protein kinase and that the juxtamembrane domain is necessary for kinase activity

    Polynucleotide phosphorylase has an impact on cell biology of Campylobacter jejuni

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    Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), encoded by the pnp gene, is known to degrade mRNA, mediating post-transcriptional regulation and may affect cellular functions. The role of PNPase is pleiotropic. As orthologs of the two major ribonucleases (RNase E and RNase II) of Escherichia coli are missing in the Campylobacter jejuni genome, in the current study the focus has been on the C. jejuni ortholog of PNPase. The effect of PNPase mutation on C. jejuni phenotypes and proteome was investigated. The inactivation of the pnp gene reduced significantly the ability of C. jejuni to adhere and to invade Ht-29 cells. Moreover, the pnp mutant strain exhibited a decrease in C. jejuni swimming ability and chick colonization. To explain effects of PNPase on C. jejuni 81-176 phenotype, the proteome of the pnp mutant and parental strains were compared. Overall, little variation in protein production was observed. Despite the predicted role of PNPase in mRNA regulation, the pnp mutation did not induce profound proteomic changes suggesting that other ribonucleases in C. jejuni might ensure this biological function in the absence of PNPase. Nevertheless, synthesis of proteins which are involved in virulence (LuxS, PEB3), motility (N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase), stress-response (KatA, DnaK, Hsp90), and translation system (EF-Tu, EF-G) were modified in the pnp mutant strain suggesting a more specific role of PNPase in C. jejuni. In conclusion, PNPase deficiency induces limited but important consequences on C. jejuni biology that could explain swimming limitation, chick colonization delay, and the decrease of cell adhesion/invasion ability

    Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of three phosphoglycerate kinase isoforms from developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds

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    Three cDNAs encoding different phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK, EC isoforms, two cytosolic (HacPGK1 and HacPGK2) and one plastidic (HapPGK), were cloned and characterized from developing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds. The expression profiles of these genes showed differences in heterotrophic tissues, such as developing seeds and roots, where HacPGK1 was predominant, while HapPGK was highly expressed in photosynthetic tissues. The cDNAs were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the corresponding proteins purified to electrophoretic homogeneity, using immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, and biochemically characterized. Despite the high level of identity between sequences, the HacPGK1 isoform showed strong differences in terms of specific activity, temperature stability and pH sensitivity in comparison to HacPGK2 and HapPGK. A polyclonal immune serum was raised against the purified HacPGK1 isoform, which showed cross-immunoreactivity with the other PGK isoforms. This serum allowed the localization of high expression levels of PGK isozymes in embryo tissues.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2011-2318

    Centre d’histoire sociale de l’Islam méditerranéen

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    Gianni Albergoni, assistant à l’Université de Paris-XIsabelle Rivoal, chargée de recherche au CNRSJean Schmitz, chargé de recherche à l’IRD Atelier d’anthropologie politique (Maghreb, Machrek, Afrique de l’Ouest) : factionnalisme et configurations sociales contemporaines Dans nombre de pays arabes et africains, ni l’État moderne, ni les violents soubresauts qui accompagnent, et compromettent, sa consolidation, ni les reclassements introduits dans la stratification sociale par les grands chang..