1,128 research outputs found

    The Seoul Journal of Medicine- Brief historical review on the occasion of its discontinuation as a periodical -

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    The Seoul Journal of Medicine was launched in 1960 as an official Journal of the Seoul National University College of Medicine. The start was an epoch in the viewpoint of establishing a long cherished dream of faculty of our medical school. It was actually the third medical Journal that was published by this Institute in its history of hundred years

    Retinopathy of Prematurity in Anencephaly:Pathological and Immunohistochemical Studies of Six Eyes from Three Female Stillborn Holoanencephalic Infants

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    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a disease of developing blood vessels, is seen predominantly in premature infants requiring oxygen administration. We have noted various degrees of ROP in 6 eyes from 3 female stillborn holoanencephalic babies. Their gestational ages ranged from 30 to 35 weeks. All 6 eyes showed marked hypoplasia of the ganglion cell layer, the nerve fiber layer, and the optic nerve head. At the junction of vascularized and avascular anterior retina, proliferation of vanguard spindle cells (in 4 eyes from 2 cases) and of rear guard angioblastic cells (in all 6 eyes) were noted. Intravitreal vascular proliferation (in 3 eyes from 2 cases) and partial retinal detachment with vitreous hemorrhage (in 1 eye) were also seen. Immunohistochemical studies revealed positive staining for 5-100 protein and negative staining for laminin & Ulex aeropaeus in spindle cells (2/2 cases); the reversed pattern in angioblastic cells (3/3 cases). The reduced mass of retina generally lacking intact ganglion cells and their axons in our cases may induce local vasoconstriction in response to tissue hyperoxia, which result in the retinal hypoxia and consequently, provide the impetus for the establishment of neovascularization. The immunohistochemical findings lend support to the neuroglial origin of the vanguard spindle cells

    Congenital Esophageal Stenosis- Case SNUCH-32 -

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    This 3-year-old girl was admitted to the Seoul National University Children's Hospital (SNUCH) for the fifth time on July 16, 1990, for a surgical intervention. She was born on September 19, 1987 via normal full term spontaneous delivery with the birth weight of 3.4 kg. The vaccination was done as scheduled The family history was unremarkable except for her maternal grandmother who had diabetes mellitus and grandfather died of stomach cancer. She had been healthy until June, 1988 (9 months of age) when her meal was changed from breast milk and weaning food to solid food. She experienced episodes of regurgitation and vomiting. The vomiting was intermittent and cyclic, and was not projectile or bilious. However, since her general condition was good the parents did not pay much attention for these symptoms On August 21, 1988 (11 months of age) she started to run fever with cough, for which she was brought to a local pediatric Clinic. With the 22impression of pneumonia she was managed With antibiotics. She developed diarrhea at that clinic, and was transferred to SNUCH

    Atheromatous Embolization during Angiography(A Case Report)

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    Cholesterol embolization is one of the serious complications of ulcerative atheromatous plaque. Ischemic changes in the lower extremity, brain and other organs including the kidney, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract due to atherosclerotic microemboli have been well documented in autopsy cases in the western world. However, it has been seldom reported in the Korean literature. We report a case of cholesterol embolization of a foot that happened during coronary angiography with resultant gangrene necessitating amputation. A 60-year-old man visited hospital for the evaluation of angina pectoris. He felt a sudden severe abdominal pain during the coronary angiography followed by loss of pulsation of the dorsalis pedis arteries. Acute renal failure, glucose intolerance and gangrene in both feet developed almost simultaneously, and Syme operation was done. Dissection of the dorsalis pedis artery demonstrated segmental occlusion by cholesterol emboli with various stages of organization

    Reduced Expression of nm23 Protein is Related to Nodal Metastasis of Human Gastric Carcinoma

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    Reduced expression of nm23 gene or protein has been known to be related with nodal metastasis in a variety of malignant tumors of the breast. lung. liver, prostate. ovary and stomach. To elucidate a possible prognostic factor. we studied 42 cases of gastric adenocarcinomas for the expression of nm23 protein using immunohistochemical methods and compared with the known prognostic parameters. The nm23 protein was intensely stained in the cytoplasm and/or the nucleus of carcinoma cells in 9 cases(21.4%). The nm23 protein expression of the non-metastatic group(46.7%) was higher than that of the nodal metastasis group(7. 4%). Perigastric lymph node rnetastasesipttl.Otrl) were more frequently found in the nrn23 protein neqative group(75.8%) than in the nm23 positive group(22.2%). There was no significant correlation between nrn23 protein expression and other parameters such as patient age. sex. WHO grade. Lauren classification. depth of invasion. location of tumor and size. The results suggest that nm23 protein expression plays a role in suppression of nodal metastasis in the gastric adenocarcinoma

    Klebsiella Sepsis in a Premature Baby(SNUCH CPC-45)

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    (Clinicopathologic conference) This male baby was born to a 39 year old mother via Caesarian section because of breech presentation and premature rupture of the membrane. The gestation period was 30weeks and the birth weight was 1200gm. The mother had had 3 spontaneous abortions and 4 therapeutic abortions. During this pregnancy she suffered from a severe toxemia of pregnancy for which she received magnesium sulfate and hydralazine. The immediate postnatal activity of the baby was fair although Moro and sucking reflexes were poor. Apgar scores at 1 minute and 5 minutes were 3 and 7,respectively. The muscle tone was very poor and he was slightly cyanotic. Because of respiratory difficulty the baby was intubated and intermittent positive pressure breathing was applied

    Hepatic Ultrastructural Findings of Familial Hyperbilirubinemia Syndrome

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    Seven liver biopsies of congenital/familial hyperbilirubinemia were studied ultrastructurally including 3 cases of Dubin-Johnson syndrome, 2 cases of Rotor syndrome, one case of Gilbert syndrome and one case of type 2 Crigler-Najjar syndrome. All five cases of Dubin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor's syndrome had conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and both cases of Gilbert's syndrome and a CriglerNajjar syndrome had unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. In Gilbert's syndrome, the microvilli of the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes showed decreased height and number with collagen lay down in the sinusoidal spaces, Megamitochondria, mild proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum were also noted. Lipofuscin bodies were seen, but they were less numerous than characteristic Dubin-Johnson bodies. In Crigler-Najjar syndrome, bile canalicular and ductular cholestasis were noted both light microscopically and ultrastructurally. Most bile canaliculi are filled with ovoid homogeneous electron dense material (bile pigments). Widening of the intercellular spaces with increased number of microvilli on the lateral surface of hepatocytes were present. All three cases of Dubin-Johnson syndrome revealed characteristic abundant lysosomal bodies and dilatation of bile canaliculi. These bodies were numerous and membrane bound in round, oval or pleomorphic shapes with variable degrees of electron densities. Dilated bile canaliculi showed expanded lumen with decreased number of microvilli. In Gilbert and Rotor syndromes, the hepatocytes contained lipofuscin-like lysosomal bodies. In both cases of Rotor's syndrome, we found reduced number of microvilli along the sinusoidal side of hepatocyte, like Gilbert syndrome, immature bile canaliculi and pleomorphic megamitochondria and lipofuscin-like lysosomal bodies. We concluded that hepatocytic hyperbilirubinemia syndromes could be differentiated by ultrastructural study along with clinicopathologic correlation

    A Three-Dimensional Micro-Organ Culture System for Microtumor Spheroids from Human Malignant Glioma Specimens

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    Tumor.tissue obtained from seven human malignant gliomas was minced and explanted into agarose-coated culture plates. After five to seven days, these microtumor fragments emerged as spheroids in four tumors and were maintained as multicellular organotypic spheroids for more than eight weeks. The morphological features and growth characteristics of different spheroids were studied and compared with the histology of the original tumor specimens. Light microscopic and ultrastructural studies of the spheroids demonstrated that morphological structures were similar to those of the original tumor tissue in vivo. The microtumor spheroids contained connective tissue, blood vessels, and macrophages, maintaining a three dimensional-architectural resemblance to the original tumors. Volumetric measurement of the spheroids showed that the size decreased initially and did not change thereafter over a period of time. This growth pattern of the spheroids was consistent with that of tumors in vivo, suggesting the linkage of cell proliferation and loss. This in vitro culture system for surgically removed brain tumor specimens may serve as an alternative to the in vivo xenograft model for the research of brain tumor biology, invasion and immunology and provide a valuable technique for the evaluation of new therapies, such as biologic response modifiers

    Multiple Subcutaneous Nodules, Persistent High Fever and Lymphadenopathy Case - SNUCH CPC-33 -

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    This 15-year-old boy was admitted for the second time to Seoul National University Children's Hospital (SNUCH) on February 28, 1988, because of intermittent high fever and lymph node swelling. His illness started in 1985 as repeated sore throat and high fever, for which he was brought to Korea University Hospital. There he underwent an oropharyngeal biopsy that was read as acute necrotizing inflammation. In August 1987, neck lymph node swelling and splenomegaly were noted in addition to the intermittent fever. On February 29, 1988, he was admitted to SNUCH to receive a lymph node biopsy, which revealed necrotizing and granulomatous inflammation with heavy eosinophi-lia. He was born via normal full term spontaneous delivery, and his immediate postnatal course was uneventful. Although no specific disease could be recalled by the parents,intermittent high fever, otitis, and sore throat were recurrent symptoms and si-gns through his infancy and early childhood
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