10 research outputs found

    L’artisanat et ses produits dans la ville de Sana'a aux débuts de la dynastie des Banû Rasûl 690-695/1290-1295

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    "Nûr al ma'ârif fî qawanîn al- 'ahd al-muzhaffarî al-wârif " (" Connaissance des lois de la brillante époque Muzhaffarî"), écrit à la fin du 13ème siècle (1295) à Taez, capitale de l’Etat rasûlide. Particulièrement puissant, l’Etat rasûlide (1232- 1454) a conduit le Yémen à l’apogée de sa période islamique. Son territoire s'etendait de la ville de Yanbu‘, au nord de l’actuelle Arabie Saoudite, jusqu’à Aden au sud et des îles Dahlaq à l’est (Erythrée) jusqu’à l’océan Indien, le sultanat d’Oman..

    L’organisation des caravanes au Yémen selon al-Hamdânî (Xe siècle)

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    Que le grand écrivain yéménite al-Hamdânî ait laissé dans ses ouvrages de nombreuses indications sur les caravanes au départ du Yémen n’a rien d’étonnant. Sa famille était fortement engagée dans de telles activités depuis plusieurs générations et al-Hamdânî accompagna, semble-t-il, de nombreux convois. Cet article rassemble ainsi les informations données par l’auteur sur les itinéraires, les races de chameaux et l’organisation de la "colonne" caravanière, adaptée aux contraintes du relief montagneux du Yémen.In his writings, al-Hamdanî indicated that caravans regularly departed from Yemen. This is not surprising since his family had been strongly involved in such activities for generations ; and al-Hamdanî himself seems to have accompanied many caravans. This article gathers information given by the great Yemeni author on the routes, the breeds of camels and the structure of the convoy, which had to adapt to the difficult and mountainous geography of Yemen

    L’organisation des caravanes au Yémen selon al-Hamdânî (Xe siècle)

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    In his writings, al-Hamdanî indicated that caravans regularly departed from Yemen. This is not surprising since his family had been strongly involved in such activities for generations ; and al-Hamdanî himself seems to have accompanied many caravans. This article gathers information given by the great Yemeni author on the routes, the breeds of camels and the structure of the convoy, which had to adapt to the difficult and mountainous geography of Yemen

    L’organisation des caravanes au Yémen selon al-Hamdânî (Xe siècle)

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    In his writings, al-Hamdanî indicated that caravans regularly departed from Yemen. This is not surprising since his family had been strongly involved in such activities for generations ; and al-Hamdanî himself seems to have accompanied many caravans. This article gathers information given by the great Yemeni author on the routes, the breeds of camels and the structure of the convoy, which had to adapt to the difficult and mountainous geography of Yemen