3 research outputs found

    An assessment of handling and processing methods used for the shrimp fishery by-catch in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka

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    The by-catch from the shrimp trawl fishery in Kalpitiya is mainly used for the production of dried fish, which provides an additional source of income for fishermen in the area. It has been observed that current handling practices along the value addition chain are responsible for the poor quality and low price of the end product. This study was aimed at identifying the shortcomings in such handling practices by fishermen and dried fish producers and assessing the quality of shrimp fishery by-catch along the processing chain in order to recommend more efficient utilization methods that will improve the quality of the end product. Fresh fish, dried fish and harbour water samples were tested for total coli forms, faecal coliforms, E. coli and Salmonella in order to assess their microbial quality: In addition, standard plate counts (SPC) of fish samples were also carried out. A survey was carried out from July-October 2006 at Kalpitiya, using a pre-tested questionnaire to collect information from individuals who have been engaged in dried fish processing. Average values obtained for freshly landed and dried fish respectively, were, SPC 9.88x10 super(5) CFU/g and 30.43x10 super(5) CFU/g, total coliforms 23.05 and 24.23 MPN/g and fecal coliforms 8.28 and 9.00 MPN/g. These values exceed the recommendations in the SL standards. A quarter of the landed fresh fish and 38% of dried fish from the producers were positive for E. coli and thus failed to show required end product quality. SPC of harbour water was 14.35x10 super(6) CFU/ml and all samples were found to be contaminated with E. coli. None of the fishermen and dried fish producers were satisfied with the quality of the end product. The reasons for poor quality as indicated by them were: limited availability of ice (75%), lack of infrastructure facilities (65%), uncertainty of markets (52%), lack of emphasis on quality (47%) and poor access to available technologies (41%). Respondents to the questionnaire also identified: unavailability of potable water, insulated boxes, good landing jetty, racks for drying fish, poor cold storage facilities and limitations in dried fish storage facilities, as further factors leading to the loss of quality in their products. Results demonstrate that improvements to the infrastructure facilities and conducting of proper awareness programmes on handling practices could lead for improvements in the quality of value added products prepared from the shrimp fishery by-catch at Kalpitiya

    Indigenous Food Practices of the Dambana Vedda Community in Sri Lanka: Past and Present Scenario

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    Veddas are considered to be the indigenous community of Sri Lanka. A century ago, the Veddas had scattered across the Eastern Province, North-Central and Uva Provinces. Presently, their main settlement is confined to Dambana in the Badulla district. They inherit unique indigenous knowledge from their ancestors to hunt animals, gather forest goods, collect honey and dig yams to fulfill their food needs as ‘Forest dwellers’. Therefore, they had simple and efficient indigenous techniques for gathering and processing food. The main objective of the present study was to identify and document the past indigenous food practices and current food practices of the Dambana Vedda community. Focus group discussions were carried out with the different age categories of the Vedda community at Dambana to collect information. The indigenous lifestyle of the Vedda community was affected by modernization and civilization. Wild Veddas who lived in the forest have transmitted to village Veddas in colonies with modified food culture. Their indigenous food culture is mixed with the neighboring Sinhalese and Tamil communities. However, with forest reserves restricted, the Veddas are still engaging in a questionable struggle to protect their indigenous tradition and culture. Consequently, they have consumed indigenous foods rarely and novel food varieties become the daily diets of Veddas. Therefore, Veddas have been facing many challenges to protect their unique indigenous food practices for future generations.     DOI: http://doi.org/10.31357/fhss/vjhss.v08i02.0

    Evaluation of quality of shark livers using bio-chemical properties and organoleptic score sheet

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    Shark livers are considered as an important raw material providing a quality fish oil. It has been reported to aid white — blood-cell production and act as an active ingredient in hemorrhoid treatments. It is also reported that liver oil as a good supplement of vitamin A and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which are important to the development of brain cells in human. Freshness of livers is very important to extract better quality oil. In Sri Lanka, the annual shark production amounts to 8000t, however the quality of livers collected from landing sites has not being measured yet. Present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of silky (Charcarninus fakiformis) shark livers available in Negombo and Beruwala landing sites in the West Coast of Sri Lanka and also to study the relationship between organoleptic and bio-chemical correlation on freshness of shark livers. Liver samples which were collected from landing sites in the West coast of Sri Lanka, were evaluated for external and internal colour, texture and odour. Total volatile nitrogen (TVN), pH value, free fatty acid (FFA%) and peroxide (PV) values of livers were also determined to assess quality. According to the organoleptic scoring system 4.3% of liver samples were categorized as best in quality while 30.4%, 56.5% and 8.7% rated as good, medium and poor in quality respectively at the Negombo and Beruwala landing sites. Bio-chemical analysis showed that the better quality livers had the highest score for sensory evaluation and low values for TVN, FFA and peroxide value while low quality livers gave low score for sensory evaluation and high TVN, FFA, peroxide values. Correlation coefficient of organoleptic scores against total volatile nitrogen value, pH value, free fatty acid % and peroxide value of shark livers were determined by statistical analysis. Organoleptic score of shark livers was found to be highly