195 research outputs found

    Industrialisation: Import Substitution to Export Promotion

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    Import-substitution policy creates biases in the incentive structure and lowers the growth of potential exports in the long run. Trade reforms in this respect are likely to reduce the gap between domestic and border prices. The expectation is to bring better industrial performance on the lines of comparative advantages. This paper examines the import-substitution policy and the effect and impact of trade liberalisation.import substitution, exports, industrialisation, export promotion

    An Overview of Export Processing Zones: Selected Asian Countries

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    This paper surveys the literature on the performance of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) that have used benefit-cost analytical framework. Survey reveals that as industrial development proceeds, the gap between market and opportunity cost of labour narrow and the interest on EPZs tends to disappear. Interest on EPZs may hold only if the zones generate private profit to domestic shareholders. Recent policy measures of the World Trade Organisation may eventually result in lower rates of private returns and may possible threat to the existing and new EPZs.Export Processing Zones

    An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Intra-Industry Trade on Employment: Australia 1989/90-2000/01

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    This paper investigates dynamic aspects of labour market adjustment in Australia during 1989/90 and 2000/01 due to extensive trade reforms and associated developments in intra-industry trade. In view of the foregoing, it was hypothesised that trade reforms have had a positive impact on employment to the extent that trade flows are intra-industry. We do find that declining protection over this period is associated with increased employment to the extent that trade flows are intra-industry.Trade reforms, Australian manufactured exports

    Trade Policy Reform and the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Industry, Australia: 1993-97

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    Textiles, clothing and footwear (TCF) industries in Australia experienced extensive trade reforms in the 1990s, which were expected to promote a competitive TCF activities. This paper examines two hypotheses (1) trade reforms have had a positive impact on TCF industries and (2) trade reforms have had an adverse impact on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Selected growth performance variables were intensively analysed. The results of the study are consistent with hypothesis (1) but are inconclusive with hypothesis (2). It was found that the positive productivity effect of SMEs does not appear to have been translated into export gain. The needs for further research to identify and focus upon the barriers inhibiting the export performance of SMEs is suggested.trade reforms, manufacturing performance, Australia

    The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Manufacturing Sector Performance in Developing Countries: A Survey of the Literature

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    Empirical studies that have examined the relationship between trade reforms and manufacturing performance have tended to use productivity growth, export growth and changes in price-cost margins as yardsticks of performance measures. We have examined the available literature for the purpose of drawing some conclusions and have obtained mixed results.trade reforms, trade liberalisation, manufacturing sector, developing countries, literature survey

    The Impact of Unilateral and Regional Trade Liberalisation on the Intra-ASEAN 5 Founding Nations' Exports and Export-GDP Nexus

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    This paper is differentiated from most previous studies in that it uses intra-ASEAN's (of the 5 founding counties) historical data and it assesses both exports and the export-GDP nexus by isolating the following three different historical policy interventions: the introduction of Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) in 1977, the unilateral liberalisation following the severe recession of the mid-1980s and the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) formation in 1992. Our findings indicate that the ASEAN-5 countries' economies are moving together through time and emerged as a powerful integrated area as a consequence of all of the above three interventions. Unilateral liberalisation and ASEAN regionalism are complementary with each other. The ASEAN's story is unique and relies on both outward orientation and positive aspects of regionalism.EASEAN-5, Exports, Export-GDP nexus, Trade Liberalisation, Intervention Time Series, Integration

    Structural Breaks in Trade and Income Per Capita in ASEAN-5 Countries: An Application of Innovational Outlier Models

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    The founder members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-5) – Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore – increasingly adopted outward-oriented policies in trade and investment by enforcing reforms in the mid-1980s. This paper investigates the existence of endogenously determined structural breaks of the trade and income per capita by using historical time series data during the period from 1970 to 2003 for the ASEAN-5 by applying an Innovational Outliner (IO) model in the presence of a potential structural break. We find that significant structural breaks occurred for trade per capita in the mid-1980s, which coincides with the recession in the region. We also find that significant structural breaks occurred for Gross National Income (GNI) per capita in 1997, which coincides with the Asian crisis. The Philippines experienced structural breaks in 1985, which coincides with a recession.Trade and GDP per capita, IO model, structural break

    Income Disparities and Trends in Manufactured Exports Across the States and Territories of Australia: 1989/90 - 2000/01

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    This paper documents differences in the levels and growth rates of manufactured exports across the Australian states and territories over the period 1989/90 - 2000/01 and then re-interprets these differences using shift-share analysis. Our results suggest that the relative changes in state exports of manufactured goods have been substantial and seem in large part due to state specific characteristics that impact on state competitiveness.Income disparities, manufactured exports, Australian states

    Trade Reforms and Changes in Australian Manufactured Exports

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    This paper briefly describes the major reforms to Australian trade policy over the last 30 years and then explores whether these reforms have increased manufactured exports across 141 manufacturing branches over the period 1989/90 to 2000/01. We find that the declining level of protection over this period is associated with increased exports.Trade reforms, Australian manufactured exports

    Trade Reforms and the Survival of the Passenger Motor Vehicle Industry in Australia

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    The Passenger Motor Vehicle (PMV) industry in Australia experienced extensive trade reforms in the late 1980s which were expected to promote a competitive PMV industry. This paper tests the hypotheses that decreasing protection have had a significant effect on production, imports, exports, labour productivity and organizational innovations (A1); and this effect is particularly evident since 1988 (A2). We have used cointegration analysis to test the hypothesis (A1) and the Chow test for (A2). Our study confirms our two hypotheses.passenger motor vehicle industry, trade reform, labour productivity, organizational innovations