45 research outputs found
Analisis Risiko dan Keamanan Informasi pada Sebuah Perusahaan System Integrator Menggunakan Metode Octave Allegro
PT. XYZ sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang System Integrator telah menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. PT. XYZ merupakan penyedia solusi teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di Indonesia yang menyediakan layanan pengadaan & implementasi infrastruktur TI serta layanan keamanan teknologi informasi. Aset informasi yang dimiliki PT. XYZ adalah aset informasi internal perusahaan termasuk aset informasi terkait customer. Sehingga dibutuhkan manajemen sistem informasi yang handal dan mendukung prinsip keamanan informasi yaitu kerahasiaan, keutuhan, dan ketersediaan. Pada tahun 2019 PT. XYZ mengalami insiden serangan ransomware yang mengakibatkan data β data proyek dan data customer ter-enkripsi. Hal ini berdampak terhadap produktivitas & reputasi perusahaan karena kehilangan aset informasi yang diperlukan. Dengan demikian diperlukan penilaian risiko untuk dapat menentukan strategi mitigasi risiko sebagai langkah manajemen risiko dalam mengatasi dan meminimalisir dampak permasalahan terkait keamanan informasi. Metode penilaian risiko yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode OCTAVE Allegro yang menggunakan 8 tahapan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi, menganalisa dan menentukan pendekatan mitigasi risiko. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi aset informasi perusahaan berdasarkan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara narasumber PT.XYZ dan observasi. Dengan metode OCTAVE Allegro ditemukan 6 area of concern yang berpotensi menjadi risiko keamanan informasi dimana aset informasi teridentifikasi memiliki skor risiko relative β₯ 30 yang termasuk tinggi dalam rentang skor matriks risiko. Dengan demikian, diperlukan penilaian risiko untuk dapat menentukan strategi mitigasi risiko
Hubungan Budaya Lokal dalam Pelayanan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Tana Toraja
: This study aims to determine and describe the application of the local culture in Tana Toraja district in recent times, especially in the Integrated Licensing Services Office and determine the factors supporting and hindering the implementation of the local culture in the service of the Integrated Licensing Services Office in Tana Toraja district. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and document study. Then analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the concept of regional autonomy in the implementation does not guarantee the existence of local cultural values, specifically in this study is Tallu bakaa (kinaa, toothpick ', Barani). Application of local cultural values Tallu bakaa, can not be applied to the maximum because the value is not fully understood by the personnel. Not all the apparatus also understand kinaa, toothpick 'and Barani, therefore the authors concluded that the application was only partially implemented according to the known fundamental. Local cultural relations in pela-ministry of governance in particular local cultural values Tallu bakaa, very supportive if properly understood and applied these values
Tingkah Laku Makan Kambing Lokal Persilangan Yang Digembalakan Di Lahan Gambut: Studi Kasus Di Kalampangan, Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah
Central Kalimantan is one of the province passed by equator line. The temperature is relatively hot, during the day time is 32 0C and 23 0C during night time. The average rainfall index is 1900-3100 mm per year. This province has remarkably wide peatland area with strong acidity, high organic matter, and low fertility for plant cultivation. Various existing vegetation can be used as feed. Goats are able to utilize many type of grasses, leaves and tree bark. They have high ability to adapt various environments and eat many type of plants. Due to their browsing ability, goats can utilize tall bushes. The objective of this experiment was to study grazing behaviour of Crossed Local goats. The Pattern of grazing behaviour of goats can be used as a basis for managing animals and range land on the peatland areas. The experiment used 5 male goats aged 8-12 months and 5 females aged 10-24 months. Recording methode used One Zero with 15 minutes intervals. Data were analysed using Comparison of Two Samples or t-Test (t student) at level 5%. Result of research indicated that the goat activity in day time (09.00-16.00) was dominated by grazing activity (male 66,28%, female 60,82%). The goats spent more time for eating in the morning and evening (09.00-10.00 and 13.00-16.00). Grazing rumination and resting activities during investigation between male and female were not significantly different. Browsing is the most activity observed compared to other activities. Crop types are diverse in peatland areas. The result show that sasendok vegetation (Plantago mayor), Delingu (Dianella ensifolia sp.) and Kelakai (Stenochlaena palustris) were the most preferred vegetation by the goats on the peatland areas
Peran Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dalam Menurunkan Kemiskinan Di Tingkat Provinsi Di Indonesia Tahun 2004-2012
This study aims to identify and analyze the role of economic growth on poverty reduction seen from sectors in 2004-2012. The variables used were the number of poverty as the dependent variable and the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) in nine sectors as independent variables. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the data published by the World Bank. The analytical method used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model approach. In processing the data, the authors using statistical software Eviews 8.1.Based on estimates obtained that overall economic growth is negative and have significant effect on poverty at the provincial level in Indonesia. Furthermore, in terms of sectoral found that variable per-mining sector has a negative influence and significant impact on poverty reduction. It was caused by the commodities boom of the commodity mined. So that the mining sector is not a sector that is key in reducing poverty, but the commodities boom have an impact on poverty reduction in the province in Indonesia
Interaksi Sosial Umat Hindu dan Muslim dalam Upacara Keagamaan dan Tradisi Perang Topat di Lombok
Relationship between different religion and ethnic can pose disintegration between each other, even inflict horizontal conflict. But this is different with Sasak tribe society in PerangTopat tradition until this is done by ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu People and Muslim (Sasak\u27s Islam). The aim of this research is to analyze the interaction relationship between ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu adherents and Sasak\u27s Islam in Topat War in Lingsar Village, sub distirct Lingsar, West Lombok. This research using qualitative methods with case study approach, processing the qualitative data that has been collected in the field by observation, in-depth interview and documentation.The results in this research is, ethnic Bali\u27s Hindu People and Islam believes nghilahang kaoqritualand activitiesPerangTopat as ancestral heritage to be carried out together in the War Topar tradition. That ritual activities as a form of rational and irrational interaction between the differences of religion and ethnic to keep the togetherness in Perang Topat tradition
Biologi Reproduksi Ikan Beseng-beseng (Marosatherina Ladigesi Ahl, 1936) di Beberapa Sungai di Sulawesi Selatan [Reproductive Biology Of Celebes Rainbowfish (Marosatherina Ladigesi Ahl, 1936) In Some Rivers Of South Sulawesi]
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis biologi reproduksi ikan beseng-beseng di Sulawesi Selatan meliputi nisbah ke- lamin, fekunditas, diameter telur, indeks kematangan gonad, tingkat kematangan gonad, dan musim pemijahan. Lokasi pengambilan sampel meliputi Sungai Bantimurung, Sungai Sawae, Sungai Asanae, dan Sungai Jenae. Penelitian dilaku- kan selama satu tahun mulai Januari sampai Desember 2014. Pengambilan sampel ikan menggunakan alat tangkap se- ser. Sampel ikan yang tertangkap dipisahkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan diukur panjang total, bobot tubuh, bobot gonad dan fekunditas. Pengukuran panjang total ikan menggunakan mistar geser berketelitian 0,1 mm, sedangkan bobot tubuh dan bobot gonad menggunakan timbangan analitik berketelitian 0,01 g. Gonad diawetkan dalam larutan formalin 4%, untuk penentuan fekunditas, diameter telur, indeks kematangan gonad, dan tingkat kematangan gonad. Nisbah ke- lamin tidak seimbang pada setiap bulan dan fekunditas ikan berkisar antara 98-978 butir. Hubungan fekunditas dengan panjang tubuh ikan berkorelasi erat, sedangkan hubungan fekunditas dengan bobot tubuh berkorelasi lemah. Sebaran diamater telur bervariasi dan tipe pemijahan tidak serentak. Indeks kematangan gonad ikan jantan dan betina meningkat pada bulan Agustus, September, Oktober, November, Desember dan Januari. Ikan yang yang matang gonad ditemukan setiap bulan pengamatan dan puncak pemijahan terjadi pada bulan Desember
Kajian Penanganan Sedimentasi dengan Waduk Penampung Sedimen pada Bendungan Serbaguna Wonogiri
High rate of sedimentation in Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam may cause the dam service period to become shorter than the prior plan. The discharge of Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam is an accumulation of inflow from several main rivers, including Keduang River which is located at the east side of the dam. Keduang River supplies very high sedimentation input to the reservoir. One of the steps studied and to be implemented in the sediment countermeasure was the building of sediment pocket dam in Keduang River mouth before it enters the reservoir. The research was conducted to determine the reservoir sedimentation before and after countermeasure through a mathematical model approach. It was done by doing flow and sediment transport simulation using the NCCHE-GUI Program to calculate deposition in the reservoir. Simulation was carried out in existing condition and the condition after the sediment pocket dam was built, with the assumption that discharge was evenly distributed for each month. This simplification method was applied in wich monthly simulation was done for one hour. Simulation result was then multiplied by the number of hours allocated per month to generate the result for one year period. Simulation result indicates that annually sedimentation reduction or net deposition is 30.41% in average after the treatment by sediment pocket dam. It is also identifed from the simulation result that the reduction is relatively small, since simulation was not performed up to the condition where the pocket dam was already filled up by sediment, in which the flushing process has not been optimally simulated