735 research outputs found

    Climatology of ionospheric slab thickness

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    The ionospheric slab thickness τ defined as a ratio of the total electron content (TEC) to the F-region peak electron density (<i>Nm</i>F2) has been analysed during the solar maximum (1981) and minimum (1985) phases of an intense, the 21st, solar cycle. Hourly values of TEC and <i>Nm</i>F2 collected at Hawaii (low-latitude), Boulder (mid-latitude) and Goosebay (high-latitude) are used in the study. Climatology of the slab thickness is described by the diurnal, seasonal, solar and magnetic activity variations of τ for the different latitude zones. It is found that, for magnetically quiet days of solar maximum, increased ionization of <i>Nm</i>F2 and TEC during the daytime is accompanied by an increased thickness of the ionosphere compared to the night-time for non-auroral latitudes. However, the reverse is found to be true during the solar minimum compensating TEC against a weak night-time ionization of <i>Nm</i>F2. For the high-latitude the night-time slab thickness is higher compared to the daytime for both the solar phases. Ratios of daily peak to minimum values of slab thickness vary from 1.3 to 3.75 with the peaks of τ often observed at pre-sunrise and post-sunset hours. The average night-to-day ratios of τ vary from 0.68 to 2.23. The day-to-day variability of τ, expressed in percentage standard deviation, varies from 10% by day (equinox, high-latitude) to 67% by night (summer, mid-latitude) during solar minimum and from 10% by day (winter and equinox, mid-latitude) to 56% by night (equinox, high-latitude) during solar maximum. A comprehensive review of slab thickness related literature is given in the paper. <br><br><b>Key words.</b> Ionospheric physic

    Central polar cap convection response to short duration southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field

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    International audienceCentral polar cap convection changes associated with southward turnings of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) are studied using a chain of Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosondes (CADI) in the northern polar cap. A study of 32 short duration (~1 h) southward IMF transition events found a three stage response: (1) initial response to a southward transition is near simultaneous for the entire polar cap; (2) the peak of the convection speed (attributed to the maximum merging electric field) propagates poleward from the ionospheric footprint of the merging region; and (3) if the change in IMF is rapid enough, then a step in convection appears to start at the cusp and then propagates antisunward over the polar cap with the velocity of the maximum convection. On the nightside, a substorm onset is observed at about the time when the step increase in convection (associated with the rapid transition of IMF) arrives at the polar cap boundary

    Simulation of Thermo-fluid Interactions in Cryogenic Stage Turbine Startup System Using AUSM+-UP-based Higher-order Accurate Flow Solver

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    High-speed turbines are used in upper stage liquid engines of launch vehicles and the most common ones include LH2 and LOX turbines used in the cryogenic stages. The main constraints in the design of turbine system for a liquid engine are thermal loads, mass flow and pressure drops in various systems ahead of the turbine inlet. The temperature of the combustion products/gases reaching the turbine blades must be well below the melting point of the turbine blade material and the mass flow rate must be sufficient to generate the required power. Turbine can be started in two ways, by generating gases using a solid propellant-based spinner motor, and using compressed gases stored in gas bottles. The first method involves design challenges but requires less space and weight. On the other hand, second method is simple but requires more space. Because of the space and weight constraints associated with the upper stages, first method is preferred and discussed in this paper. It consists of a solid propellant-based spinner motor with a convergent-divergent nozzle, a guiding duct connecting nozzle exit, and the turbine inlet manifold in the form of a torroid with nozzle block having 39 guiding nozzles. The combustion products generated by the spinner motor are guided to the manifold through the guiding duct. Inlet manifold acts as a reservoir and supplies hot gases uniformly to the turbine through 39 nozzles. This study addresses the role of  computational fluid dynamics in the design of turbine startup system using unstructured cell-centered AUSM+-UP-based finite volume solver with the twoequation turbulence model. The flow and the thermal characteristics of the solid motor with a convergentdivergent nozzle were studied to evaluate the gas temperature, operating pressure, and flow velocities. The guiding duct along with the inlet manifold was analysed separately to find the drop in temperature and pressure within the system. From the simulation results, the mass flow through each guiding nozzle, and hence, energy available could be evaluated to ensure proper functioning of the turbine.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(3), pp.215-229, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.151

    Electrodeposition of Sn, Se, SnSe and the material properties of SnSe films

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    Tin sulphide (SnS) films have been electrodeposited and the materials properties are reported, The potential-pH diagram of Sn and S in aqueous medium are superimposed to obtain the common immunity domains which predicts a pH value 1.5 and deposition potential of ·1.0 VseE for the stoichiometric deposition. Films are cathodically deposited on 5002 coated conducting glass substrates at bath temperatures 303-353 K. XRD studies show the polycrystalline nature with orthorhombic structure. The optical band gap of the snS film is 1.1 eV from the absorption studies. ESCA spectrum confirms the presence of Sn and S on the grey black sample. Uniform, smooth and pin hole free surface morphology is observed by SEM

    Ionospheric response to the corotating interaction region-driven geomagnetic storm of October 2002

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    Unlike the geomagnetic storms produced by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the storms generated by corotating interaction regions (CIRs) are not manifested by dramatic enhancements of the ring current. The CIR-driven storms are however capable of producing other phenomena typical for the magnetic storms such as relativistic particle acceleration, enhanced magnetospheric convection and ionospheric heating. This paper examines ionospheric plasma anomalies produced by a CIR-driven storm in the middle- and high-latitude ionosphere with a specific focus on the polar cap region. The moderate magnetic storm which took place on 14–17 October 2002 has been used as an example of the CIR-driven event. Four-dimensional tomographic reconstructions of the ionospheric plasma density using measurements of the total electron content along ray paths of GPS signals allow us to reveal the large-scale structure of storm-induced ionospheric anomalies. The tomographic reconstructions are compared with the data obtained by digital ionosonde located at Eureka station near the geomagnetic north pole. The morphology and dynamics of the observed ionospheric anomalies is compared qualitatively to the ionospheric anomalies produced by major CME-driven storms. It is demonstrated that the CIR-driven storm of October 2002 was able to produce ionospheric anomalies comparable to those produced by CME-driven storms of much greater Dst magnitude. This study represents an important step in linking the tomographic GPS reconstructions with the data from ground-based network of digital ionosondes


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    ABSTRACT: In the present study efforts were made to isolate and characterize bacteria capable of aerobic biodegradation of toluene hydrocarbon from gasoline polluted soil. After initial screening, 28 different strains were isolated from soil samples and the most promising strain was selected for toluene degradation study. Biochemical and morphological characterization classified the bacterial strains selected as Pseudomonas sp. and was designated Pseudomonas sp. SBCT-17. The spectrophotometric determination of toluene monoxygenase activity, using horseradish preoxydase (HRP) assay showed 0.248 U/ml enzyme activity at 420 nm. The results obtained from enzyme assay and FT-IR degradation analysis in this study confirms that the Pseudomonas sp. SBCT-17 is an efficient strain capable of biodegrading toluene hydrocarbon

    Asymptomatic bacteriuria among antenatal women attending a tertiary care hospital in Kanchipuram: evaluation of screening tests and antibiotic susceptibility pattern

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    Background: Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) occurring in pregnant women can lead onto complications like acute pyelonephritis, hypertensive disease of pregnancy, premature delivery and intrauterine growth retardation if untreated.Methods: The present study aims to estimate the occurrence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in antenatal women and to study the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolates. The Gram staining, pus cell count and culture was performed for 120 urine samples. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was done by Kirby Baeur disk diffusion method. MRSA (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and ESBL (Extended spectrum Beta Lactamases) producers were identified by Standard guidelines. The   sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive values and positive predictive values of Gram staining and pus cell count was calculated.Results: Out of the 120 samples 14 (11.66%) were positive for asymptomatic bacteriuria. The Gram staining showed specificity and negative predictive value of 95.2% and 98.1% respectively. Pus cell count showed a specificity and negative predictive value of 96.29% and 98.11% respectively. Escherichia coli were the predominant species isolated 5 (35.7%). Among the gram negative bacteria, amikacin and nitrofurantoin showed a susceptibility of 90% and 80% each. All the staphylococcus aureus isolates showed 100% sensitivity for nitrofurantoin.  Two Klebsiella spp and one Escherichia coli isolate were identified as ESBL producers. Among the S. aureus isolates 3 were identified as Methicillin resistant (MRSA).Conclusions: Urine culture should be performed for all pregnant women irrespective of the symptoms and should be treated promptly to prevent the complications arising out of ASB.

    Degradation of isazofos in the soil environment

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    Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the degradation of the organophosphorus insecticide isazofos (0-5-chloro-l-isopropyl-1H-l,2,4-triazol-3-ylO,O-diethyl phosphorothioate) in soil. In a 6-year field study, soil pH was an important factor influencing the degradation of isazofos inasmuch as an increased rate of degradation was observed in soils with previous isazofos applications and pH of 6.9 or more. A laboratory study of [14Clisazofos confirmed the rapid degradation of this insecticide in high pH soils. No increased degradation rate, however, was observed in sterilized high-pH soils. The availability of isazofos to microorganisms, based on sorption of isazofos to soil, seems to be an important factor influencing the degradation of isazofos in soil. Sorption coefficients were negatively correlated with isazofos degradation rate

    Central polar cap convection response to short duration southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field

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