44 research outputs found


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    Objective: According to Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) the preservatives, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate belong to permitted class II preservatives. The aim of this study is to determine the concentration levels of these preservatives in food products that are consumed by school children and to assess the chronic dietary exposure by conducting the Total Diet Study (TDS).Methods: The quantitative determination was carried out by UV spectrophotometer. The absorbance for sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate were measured at 228 and 250 nm respectively. The 24-hour diet recall method was used to estimate the amount of food ate in last 24 hours. For estimation of preservative exposure dietary modelling techniques were utilized which combine the amount of preservative concentration present in that food with the amount of food consumed. Then the dietary exposure was assessed by considering the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).Results: The results include chemical concentration levels of the foods analyzed as well as estimated dietary exposures and contributions to the exposure from different foods. The obtained mean concentration of sodium benzoate was found to be425 ppm for sauces, 161 ppm for pickles and 80 ppm for soft drinks. Potassium sorbate was found to be 130 ppm for fruit juices,302 ppm for jellies and 380 ppm for jams. The highest mean dietary exposure for both the preservatives was observed in children of 2-7 years age group, the percentage exposure of sodium benzoate was 33% of the ADI and potassium sorbate was 17 % of the ADI.Conclusion: This study can enlighten the public on the consumption of preservative containing food products within the limit and encourages to eating fresh preservative free foods.Â

    Demonstration of Spatial Self Phase Modulation based photonic diode functionality in MoS2/h-BN medium

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    Spatial self-phase modulation (SSPM) is the optical nonlinear process and is a result of spatially varying refractive index profile along the line of propagation in a medium. SSPM is proved to be a method to demonstrate different photonic functionalities. Transition metal dichalcogenides play a key role in 2D nanophononics due to their unique and fascinating properties. MoS2 is the widely studied layered TMDs among all other 2D materials. This paper demonstrates such photonic functionality using thermally induced nonlinear optical response SSPM method, of MoS2 nano bottles. Thermally induced nonlinear optical parameters have been estimated by utilizing the saturable absorption response of h- BN, the nonreciprocal light propagation has been achieved. The diode actions have also been demonstrated in liquid-solid and solid-solid devices with the help of passive elements

    Radiation and Soret Effects of MHD Nanofluid Flow over a Moving Vertical Moving Plate in Porous Medium

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    We analyzed the magneticfiled, radiation and soret effects of a nanofluid flow over a moving vertical plate in porous medium. We considered two types of nanofluids namely Cu-Ethylene glycol, CuO-Ethylene glycol. The governing partial differential equations of the flow are transformed to ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformation and then solved numerically. The effects of non-dimensional governing parameters namely volume fraction of nano particles,  magneticfiled parameter, radiation parameter, soret number, buoyancy parameter and porosity parameter on the flow, temperature and concentration profiles are discussed and presented graphically. Also, the friction factor and Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are discussed and given in tabular form for two nanofluids separately. Keywords: MHD, Radiation, Soret effect, Porous medium, Nanofluid


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    The aim of present work Formulation and Evaluation of Tropicamide In-situ Gels loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Ocular Drug Delivery. The surface morphological of SLN was carried out by TEM. The Tropicamide loaded solid lipid nanoparticles was measured the average particle size was ranges from 182.1+3.12nm to 390.1±2.10 nm. The zeta potential ranges from -0.17±1.4 mV to -3.80±1.5 mV. The entrapment efficiency 66.2 % to 89.2 %. Drug content was ranges from 0.112mg/ml to 0.502 mg/ml. The percentage yield ranges from was ranges from 0.112mg/ml to 0.502 mg/ml. The polydispersity index ranged from 1.011±0.15 to 1.327±0.13. These SLN enriched in Chitosan gels the pH of the formulations range from 6.8 to 6.9. The gelling strength ranged from 129 sec to 152 sec. The bioadhesive force was ranges from 10.21 ±1.15 dynes/cm2 to 15.23 ± 1.22 dynes/cm2. The viscosity was ranges from 2212 ± 1.14 cps to 2420± 1.19 cps. The spreadability coefficient was ranges from 11.2 ± 1.10 gms/sec to 13.3 ± 1.21 gms/sec. The in-vitro diffusion release studies carried out at 12 hrs TSLNGF19 shows the 79.2 ± 0.32. The ex vivo permeation studies for optimized formulation the increased drug permeation and corneal accumulation. In vitro corneal permeation profile of tropicamide loaded SLN from the chitosan gels and commercial eye drop solution (Tropicacyl) across the isolated porcine cornea. The ocular tolerance studies performed with HETCAM assay, corneal hydration study, histopathological studies. The stability studies of chitosan gels for long-term stability as per ICH guidelines (25°C ± 2°C / 60% RH ± 5% RH) &accelerated stability as per ICH guidelines (40°C ± 2°C / 75% RH ± 5% RH) there is no changes in gelling strength, bioadhesive force, viscosity, spreadability coefficient in optimized formulation. Keywords: Chitosan, Corneal hydration studies, ex vivo permeation, in vitro diffusion studies, Solid Lipid Nanoparticle


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    The purpose of this review is giving a current update of the knowledge in this field of ocular drug delivery. The ocular drug delivery has been a major challenge to drug delivery scientists mainly due to its unique anatomy and physiology. One of the major problems encountered by the conventional ocular dosage forms include the rapid precorneal drug loss due to its nasolacrimal drainage, tear turnover and drug dilution resulting in poor bioavailability. These efforts lead to development of novel drug delivery dosage forms such as nanoparticles, liposome, ocuserts, and mucoadhesive formulations. Controlled drug delivery systems offer many advantages over conventional dosage forms in terms of improving drug bioavailability, reducing toxicity and decreasing dosage frequency. Designing noninvasive sustained drug delivery systems and exploring the feasibility of topical application to deliver drugs to the posterior segment may drastically improve drug delivery in the years to come. Keywords: Ocular drug delivery, Eye, Conventional drug delivery, novel dosage forms, approaches.Â

    Oral and dermal toxicity of alkenones extracted from Isochrysis species

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    Author Posting. © Bioscience Research Institute, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of Bioscience Research Institute for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in McIntosh, K., Sarver, J., Mell, K., Terrero, D. J., Ashby, C. R., Reddy, C., O’Neil, G., Ramapuram, J. B., & Tiwari, A. K. Oral and dermal toxicity of alkenones extracted from Isochrysis species. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 25(5), (2020): 817–837, https://doi.org/10.2741/4836.Isochrysis is commercially available marine algae used for animal feed, human nutrient supplements, and biodiesel. The Isochrysis species is one of five genera of haptophytes that produces unique, long-chain lipids known as alkenones that are promising new ingredients for green cosmetics, personal care products and pharmaceutical delivery. However, there is a lack of toxicity data for alkenones in animals, thus limiting their use in humans. In this study, we performed acute oral, acute dermal, and repeated 28-day dermal toxicity studies, using female SAS Sprague Dawley Rats. Our behavioral studies indicated that the specific alkenones had no overt behavioural effects at oral doses up to 4000 mg/kg. In the acute and chronic dermal toxicity studies, the alkenones produced less irritation and did not significantly damage the skin based on the Draize skin reaction scale and trans-epidermal water loss readings compared to the positive control, 1% sodium lauryl sulfate. Overall, our results indicated that alkenones are safe in Sprague Dawley rats, suggesting that they could be used for both oral and dermal formulations, although additional studies will be required.This work was supported by the Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) under grant (N-126665-01, 2017), Washington Research Foundation, and University of Toledo start-up funding under a grant (F110760) to A.K.T. The authors declare no conflict of interest


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    Ultrasonicated Synthesis of N-Benzyl-2,3-substituted Morpholines, via the Mitsunobu Diol Cyclisation

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    A facile five step synthesis of N-benzyl-2,3-substituted morpholines (i-iii) was performed. The key steps were microwave assisted Friedel-crafts acylation and diol cyclization carried out via an ultra sonication of Mitsunobu reaction using DEAD (diethylazodicarboxylate), TPP in THF for 1 h. The morpholine products were generated as diasteriomers (ii andiii) which has been separated by the column chromatography to good yield. The structure of compounds (i-iii) has been characterized by the spectral and chemical studies