45 research outputs found

    Metastability in a stochastic neural network modeled as a velocity jump Markov process

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    One of the major challenges in neuroscience is to determine how noise that is present at the molecular and cellular levels affects dynamics and information processing at the macroscopic level of synaptically coupled neuronal populations. Often noise is incorprated into deterministic network models using extrinsic noise sources. An alternative approach is to assume that noise arises intrinsically as a collective population effect, which has led to a master equation formulation of stochastic neural networks. In this paper we extend the master equation formulation by introducing a stochastic model of neural population dynamics in the form of a velocity jump Markov process. The latter has the advantage of keeping track of synaptic processing as well as spiking activity, and reduces to the neural master equation in a particular limit. The population synaptic variables evolve according to piecewise deterministic dynamics, which depends on population spiking activity. The latter is characterised by a set of discrete stochastic variables evolving according to a jump Markov process, with transition rates that depend on the synaptic variables. We consider the particular problem of rare transitions between metastable states of a network operating in a bistable regime in the deterministic limit. Assuming that the synaptic dynamics is much slower than the transitions between discrete spiking states, we use a WKB approximation and singular perturbation theory to determine the mean first passage time to cross the separatrix between the two metastable states. Such an analysis can also be applied to other velocity jump Markov processes, including stochastic voltage-gated ion channels and stochastic gene networks

    Isolating intrinsic noise sources in a stochastic genetic switch

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    The stochastic mutual repressor model is analysed using perturbation methods. This simple model of a gene circuit consists of two genes and three promotor states. Either of the two protein products can dimerize, forming a repressor molecule that binds to the promotor of the other gene. When the repressor is bound to a promotor, the corresponding gene is not transcribed and no protein is produced. Either one of the promotors can be repressed at any given time or both can be unrepressed, leaving three possible promotor states. This model is analysed in its bistable regime in which the deterministic limit exhibits two stable fixed points and an unstable saddle, and the case of small noise is considered. On small time scales, the stochastic process fluctuates near one of the stable fixed points, and on large time scales, a metastable transition can occur, where fluctuations drive the system past the unstable saddle to the other stable fixed point. To explore how different intrinsic noise sources affect these transitions, fluctuations in protein production and degradation are eliminated, leaving fluctuations in the promotor state as the only source of noise in the system. Perturbation methods are then used to compute the stability landscape and the distribution of transition times, or first exit time density. To understand how protein noise affects the system, small magnitude fluctuations are added back into the process, and the stability landscape is compared to that of the process without protein noise. It is found that significant differences in the random process emerge in the presence of protein noise

    Extreme first passage times for populations of identical rare events

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    A collection of identical and independent rare event first passage times is considered. The problem of finding the fastest out of NN such events to occur is called an extreme first passage time. The rare event times are singular and limit to infinity as a positive parameter scaling the noise magnitude is reduced to zero. In contrast, previous work has shown that the mean of the fastest event time goes to zero in the limit of an infinite number of walkers. The combined limit is studied. In particular, the mean time and the most likely path taken by the fastest random walker are investigated. Using techniques from large deviation theory, it is shown that there is a distinguished limit where the mean time for the fastest walker can take any positive value, depending on a single proportionality constant. Furthermore, it is shown that the mean time and most likely path can be approximated using the solution to a variational problem related to the single-walker rare event

    Spatial heterogeneity of the cytosol revealed by machine learning-based 3D particle tracking

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in McLaughlin, G. A., Langdon, E. M., Crutchley, J. M., Holt, L. J., Forest, M. G., Newby, J. M., & Gladfelter, A. S. (2020). Spatial heterogeneity of the cytosol revealed by machine learning-based 3D particle tracking. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31(14), 1498-1511, doi:10.1091/mbc.E20-03-0210.The spatial structure and physical properties of the cytosol are not well understood. Measurements of the material state of the cytosol are challenging due to its spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Recent development of genetically encoded multimeric nanoparticles (GEMs) has opened up study of the cytosol at the length scales of multiprotein complexes (20-60 nm). We developed an image analysis pipeline for 3D imaging of GEMs in the context of large, multinucleate fungi where there is evidence of functional compartmentalization of the cytosol for both the nuclear division cycle and branching. We applied a neural network to track particles in 3D and then created quantitative visualizations of spatially varying diffusivity. Using this pipeline to analyze spatial diffusivity patterns, we found that there is substantial variability in the properties of the cytosol. We detected zones where GEMs display especially low diffusivity at hyphal tips and near some nuclei, showing that the physical state of the cytosol varies spatially within a single cell. Additionally, we observed significant cell-to-cell variability in the average diffusivity of GEMs. Thus, the physical properties of the cytosol vary substantially in time and space and can be a source of heterogeneity within individual cells and across populations.We would like to thank the 2016 Physiology course and Christina Termini at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, Gregory Brittingham, and Marcus Roper for initial experiments and perspectives on pipeline. We thank David Adalsteinsson for help with DataTank software and many conversations about image analysis on large datasets. We thank Emmanual Levy (Weizmann Institute) for providing plasmids encoding synthetic phase separating peptides. This work was supported by Google Cloud, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). ASG, EML, and GAM were supported by the NSF (RoLs: 1840273), HHMI faculty scholar award and the NIH (R01GM081506). JMN was supported by the NSERC (RGPIN-2019-06435, RGPAS-2019-00014, DGECR-2019-00321) and the NSF (DMS-171474). MGF was supported by the NSF (DMS-1816630, DMS-1664645). LJH was supported by the NIH (R01GM132447)