123 research outputs found

    Influència de la música en el rendiment esportiu

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    Molts psicòlegs esportius recomanen escoltar música com a element de la preparació mental de l'esportista a la competició. Això ens pot fer pensar que la música pugui tenir un cert efecte ergogènic? Relacionar música i esport ha despertat interès des de fa molts anys, però fins al moment les troballes encara són contradictòries. Sembla haver quedat demostrada la utilitat de la música com a ajuda en l'aprenentatge i el perfeccionament d'habilitats motores i, en l'àmbit hospitalari, la reducció de l'ansietat i l'estrès en diverses patologies i proves diagnòstiques de caràcter invasiu. En el que sí semblen d'acord tots els estudis és en l'absència d'un efecte ergogènic de la música per se. Diversos treballs aposten per la importància del ritme de la música per augmentar el rendiment esportiu, atès que sembla haver-hi una predisposició innata en l'home a sincronitzar moviments, amb la qual cosa, ajudats per un ritme musical alt (> 100 bpm), els actes motors serien més eficients i en conseqüència es podria millorar el rendiment físic. Pràcticament tots els estudis coincideixen en la capacitat de la música per dissuadir estímuls externs i focalitzar l'atenció del subjecte en la tasca física que està executant alhora que minimitza la sensació de fatiga que acompanya l'exercici. També es fa referència a la importància que la música pugui suscitar una vivència extramusical i una associació esportiva en l'individu i això sense que necessàriament hagués de tractar-se d'una música "coneguda" per l'esportista. És difícil trobar en la bibliografia treballs que estiguin estructurats d'una manera semblant, per la qual cosa resulten moltes variables per bastir la comparació adequada entre els estudis publicats. Avui per avui, la pregunta ¿quant d'ergogènic té la música?, realment no sembla tenir encara resposta, malgrat que sembla que hi ha prou evidències per tenir-la en compte com un arma psicològica

    A thoroughly modern resource curse? : the new natural resource policy agenda and the mining revival in Peru

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    The reality of the so-called ‘resource curse’ is now widely accepted. The populations of countries that possess significant natural resources often suffer when these resources are extracted and exported. Attention is turning to ways of mitigating the adverse effects of the ‘curse’. Responsible fiscal policies are required but are in themselves insufficient for overcoming it. International institutions have recently advanced what I term the ‘new natural resource policy agenda’ to deal with the problem. Its core features are (a) decentralisation of government (b) a greater role for direct citizen participation in the allocation of mining revenue; and (c) more cooperation between state agencies and commercial organisations (public-private partnerships). However, the recent history of Peru poses major questions about the effectiveness of this new policy agenda. The government has adopted both conservative fiscal policies and the new policy agenda. Over the last five years the mineral price boom has increased mining revenues markedly, but it has had little impact on poverty. More important, local level conflicts around mining operations have increased, and appear to threaten political instability even more. The problem is that, in a context of weak central state and even weaker local governments, the ‘new natural resource policy agenda’ has partially re-located the resource curse to sub-national levels. Local governments, mining companies and a variety of activist movements are locked into complex relationships that are not easy to negotiate and into conflicts that are not easily resolved. Like its predecessors, this very contemporary manifestation of the resource curse results in poor quality public expenditure and the waste of much of the new resource revenue. Keywords: mining, resource curse, decentralisation, participation, local government, social movement, conflict

    Local politics, conflict and development in Peruvian mining regions

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    This thesis examines the effects of a collection of policies that determine the mandatory distribution of mining, gas and oil revenues between national and subnational governments, and the greater involvement of mining companies in local development. I have labelled this set of policies, which aims to reduce social conflict and promote local development, the New Extractive Industry Strategy (NEIS). Chapter 1 describes the implementation of these policies in Peru and highlights their significance to the mining industry worldwide. Chapter 2 describes the methodology of the thesis and introduces the three field research regions. Chapter 3 outlines the national socio-political context for the implementation of the NEIS. Chapters 4–6 deal with the effects of the NEIS on social conflict. I argue that the implementation of the NEIS has not only failed to reduce conflict but has actually exacerbated it. After reviewing the debates linking extraction and conflict (Chapter 4), Chapter 5 demonstrates that conflict is strongly associated with the volume of mining revenue received by sub-national governments. Chapter 6 presents a typology of conflicts that helps to explain the correlation between mining revenue and unrest. In addition to well-known conflicts that are related to the adverse impact of mining on livelihoods and the environment, the study identifies two other types. In the first, peasant communities employ social conflict to increase their bargaining power with the mining companies for material compensation. In the second, the large volume of mining revenue generates disputes over access to or use of these financial transfers. Chapters 7–8 show that the NEIS has not delivered its development promises. Chapter 7 illustrates how regional and municipal governments in receipt of high per capita volumes of mining revenue transfers did not improve their economic and welfare indicators any more than the rest of the country. Chapter 8 proposes that a combination of obstructive political factors trapped regional and municipal authorities and local populations in a myopic political game that prioritised quick short-term spending over any long-term benefits to be gained from better planned expenditure. Finally, Chapter 9 draws some conclusions and makes some suggestions

    Distributing the Wealth from the Earth

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    This article explains different criteria and mechanisms for distributing extractive industries (EI) revenues between central and local governments across countries and territories. It reveals that institutional or systemic predictors of distribution are not enough to explain different shares of revenue sharing. The proportion of EI revenues effectively transferred to sub?national governments is neither related to the level of fiscal decentralisation of the countries nor to their federal or unitary nature. We suggest that the relative strength of the sub?national governments vis-à?vis the central government as well as the relative alignment of preferences between local and national governments have a significant impact on transferring EI revenues. We conclude that administrative or fiscal decentralisation alone are not sufficient to ensure an effective distribution of natural resource revenues. Effective political decentralisation can reduce vertical asymmetries and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth across all jurisdictions

    Extractive Industries, Revenue Allocation and Local Politics

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    The success of a developmental strategy based on the extraction of non-renewable resources is largely dependent on the share of revenues captured by the state from the extractive sector and the modalities that governments adopt to use and distribute those revenues. In the last two decades, local populations and subnational governments have demanded a greater decentralisation of extractive industry (EI) related revenues but the modalities and mechanisms adopted varied widely across cases. This paper looks at the existing criteria and reform modalities adopted to allocate and use EI revenues, and examines the political bargains that enabled such distribution. The paper focuses on four specific questions: a) How do central governments share (or distribute) the revenues from extractive industries with different levels of subnational government (vertical distribution)?; b) How do governments distribute EI revenues across extractive and non-extractive jurisdictions at subnational level (horizontal distribution)?; c) Which are the mechanisms and rules adopted by governments to allocate these resources?; and d) What is the bargaining potential of subnational territories to demand a more proportionate share of revenues?UNRISD and SD

    Instruments for assessing Person Centered Care in Gerontology

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    Antecedentes: la Atención Centrada en la Persona (ACP) es reconocida internacionalmente como un enfoque de gran interés para mejorar la calidad de los cuidados gerontológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir detalladamente los principales instrumentos disponibles para la evaluación de servicios desde este enfoque. Método: se revisaron los instrumentos diseñados para evaluar servicios gerontológicos desde la ACP, concretamente servicios residenciales, centros de día y ayuda a domicilio. Se consultaron las principales bases de datos y webs especializadas. Resultados: se describen cuatro instrumentos de observación de la atención centrada en la persona; cinco que evalúan el espacio físico; seis destinados a conocer la opinión de las personas usuarias, uno que registra la opinión de las familias y cinco la de los profesionales, así como distintas herramientas cualitativas para la autoevaluación de los centros. Conclusiones: debido a la diversidad de instrumentos disponibles para evaluar la ACP, y con el objetivo de evitar una valoración parcial de la atención, se recomienda una estrategia combinada, así como integrar estas medidas en una evaluació

    Lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior en fútbol femenino. Estudio epidemiológico de tres temporadas

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    Introducción La lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) es de 2 a 4 veces superior en el fútbol femenino que en el masculino. Independientemente del sexo afectado, esta lesión conlleva un tiempo de baja deportiva elevado y sus complicaciones futuras (riesgo de nueva lesión y gonartrosis) deben ser tenidas en cuenta. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la incidencia de la lesión del LCA en los 3 primeros equipos de fútbol femenino del FC Barcelona a lo largo de 3 temporadas. Diseño de estudio Descriptivo epidemiológico. Material y métodos Se estudiaron de manera retrospectiva 3 temporadas (2007-2008, 2008-2009 y 2009-2010) en las que se incluyeron a las jugadoras de 3 equipos del FC Barcelona. La muestra incluida en el estudio fue de 53 jugadoras (edad, 18,4±2 años) en la primera temporada, 53 (18,4±2 años) en la segunda y 60 (20,1±2 años) en la tercera. Las horas de exposición fueron recogidas por los integrantes del cuerpo técnico de cada equipo, y las lesiones (diagnóstico y seguimiento), por el servicio médico del FC Barcelona. Resultados Contabilizamos un total de 11 lesiones del LCA, todas por mecanismo indirecto (el que se produce sin que exista un traumatismo directo con otro jugador): 4 en la temporada 2007-2008, 3 en la 2008-2009 y 4 en la 2009-2010. La incidencia lesional obtenida (×1.000 horas) fue de 0,33, 0,25 y 0,29, respectivamente. La incidencia es mucho más elevada en partidos que en entrenamientos: 2,59 frente a 0 en la primera temporada, 0,69 frente a 0,19 en la segunda y 1,15 frente a 0,17 en la tercera. Conclusiones Dada la creciente participación de la mujer en el fútbol, creemos necesaria la realización de más estudios que cuantifiquen la incidencia de esta lesión, identifiquen a las futbolistas con alto riesgo y se implanten los protocolos de prevención específicos para este deporte

    Person-Centered Attention on the provision of care for elderly: approaches, evaluation tools and relevance of its study in Portugal

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    Population aging is an achievement that generates new challenges and needs, highlighting the increase in dependence situations, which require quality services and professional care (Kinsella & Phillips, 2005; Zubritsky, Abbott, Hirschman, Bowles, Foust, & Naylor 2013). The biomedical model has dominated the elderly care provision in Portugal and shows signs of unsustainability (Díaz-Veiga, Uriarte, Yanguas, Cerdó, Sancho, & Orbegozo, 2016).N/

    Phase angle in localized bioimpedance measurements to assess and monitor muscle injury

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    Localized bioimpedance (L-BIA) measurements are an innovative method to non-invasively identify structural derangement of soft tissues, principally muscles, and fluid accumulation in response to traumatic injury. This review provides unique L-BIA data demonstrating significant relative differences between injured and contralateral non-injured regions of interest (ROI) associated with soft tissue injury. One key finding is the specific and sensitive role of reactance (Xc), measured at 50 kHz with a phase-sensitive BI instrument, to identify objective degrees of muscle injury, localized structural damage and fluid accretion, determined using magnetic resonance imaging. The predominant effect of Xc as an indicator of severity of muscle injury is highlighted in phase angle (PhA) measurements. Novel experimental models utilizing cooking-induced cell disruption, saline injection into meat specimens, and measurements of changing amounts of cells in a constant volume provide empirical evidence of the physiological correlates of series Xc as cells in water. Findings of strong associations of capacitance, computed from parallel Xc (XCP), with whole body counting of 40-potassium and resting metabolic rate support the hypothesis that parallel Xc is a biomarker of body cell mass. These observations provide a theoretical and practical basis for a significant role of Xc, and hence PhA, to identify objectively graded muscle injury and to reliably monitor progress of treatment and return of muscle function.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    From the drama of unoccupied time and isolation due to Covid-19’s pandemic to the need for person-centered care at residential care facilities in Portugal

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    During the pandemic, restrictive measures were implemented at Portuguese residential care facilities (PRCF), such as isolating residents and ceasing collective activities. It is important to understand how PRCF are implementing activities that allow residents to occupy their time and fight isolation. As such, we aim to analyze whether: 1. new activities were implemented for residents (identifying which were carried out); 2. occupation activities were provided to isolated residents in their rooms (identifying which were carried out); 3. the implementation of activities is associated with variables like the amount of staff. This is an exploratory, quantitative, and cross-sectional study. An online questionnaire was sent by email to 2325 PRCF and entities were asked to share it with their workers. The study was also divulged on social networks. Data collection occurred between July 8th and October 18th, 2020. The study had 784 staff members participating and 90.8% reported that new activities were implemented at their facilities, predominantly videocalls. Concerning isolated residents most respondents (64.4%) stated that providing activities was impossible. Results showed that those PRCF that expanded teams had a higher percentage of new activities and activities with residents isolated in bedrooms. These results are alarming because while residents should have had more resources to cope with the pandemic, higher risks of unoccupied time and isolation existed, a dramatic situation for its potentially harmful consequences. Focusing on sanitary issues (and less on older adults) may reinforce traditional care models that had shown negative impacts before the pandemic. This highlights the need to evolve the care paradigm during and beyond the pandemic at PRCF: with Person-Centered Care as an option.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio