4 research outputs found

    Pregnancy after embolization for arteriovenous malformation: An uncommon successful outcome

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    Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an uncommon but fatal condition and can cause bleeding from abnormal connection between artery and vein. Pregnancy after embolization of uterine AVM is very uncommon, and there are increased risks of spontaneous abortion and growth retardation. We report a case of pregnancy after bilateral uterine artery embolization for AVM and its successful outcome.

    Uterine arteriovenous malformations after suction evacuation of missed miscarriage

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    Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an uncommon but life-threating source of bleeding. AVM is an abnormal connection between uterine arteries and veins. Patients typically present with vaginal bleeding following miscarriage (medical/surgical) or cesarean section. The treatment of choice depends on the symptoms, age, desire of fertility, localization and size of the lesion. Uterine artery embolization is the first choice in symptomatic patients of reproductive age group. We report a case of AVM presenting after dilation and evacuation with extensive lesion, which was successfully treated with bilateral uterine artery embolization

    Improved clinical competence and patients satisfaction: Comparison of patient-centered, interdisciplinary collaborative round versus traditional post-partum round

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    The origin of the patient-centered interdisciplinary collaborative round, which involves health care members of all levels at a time, is an effective and emerging approach to offer inpatient healthcare. Traditionally, post-partum rounds at teaching hospitals consisted of separate visits from all members of the obstetric team that resulted in patient inconvenience, care insufficiencies, and communication gaps. The main objective of this study was to assess the patient\u27s satisfaction level from the traditional post-partum round versus the patient-centered collaborative care (PCCC) round. This study showed that in the traditional round, the patient\u27s satisfaction with the treatment was 95.1%; whereas, in PCCC rounds it was 96.9%. Patients were more satisfied with the treatment options discussed with them and the results of the medical tests explained to them. In conclusion, the survey showed that the implementation of the PCCC round improved patient satisfaction

    Anemia during Pregnancy and Its Prevalence

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    Anemia is a serious health issue throughout the world affecting both sexes of any age group. This nutritional disease is more common among the pregnant women of developing countries, where it is a major cause of maternal death and negative outcome of pregnancy. Among all anemic types, IDA is most prevalent one and is comprises of about 95% of all anemic cases around the world. In many developing countries it is more common in women of low socio-economic background and with no record of antenatal checkup. There is need for further health educational programs to overcome anemia especially for pregnant females