2,127 research outputs found

    On Energy Efficiency and Delay Minimization in Reactive Protocols in Wireless Multi-hop Networks

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    In Wireless Multi-hop Networks (WMhNs), routing protocols with energy efficient and delay reduction techniques are needed to fulfill users demands. In this paper, we present Linear Programming models (LP_models) to assess and enhance reactive routing protocols. To practically examine constraints of respective LP_models over reactive protocols, we select AODV, DSR and DYMO. It is deduced from analytical simulations of LP_models in MATLAB that quick route repair reduces routing latency and optimizations of retransmission attempts results efficient energy utilization. To provide quick repair, we enhance AODV and DSR. To practically examine the efficiency of enhanced protocols in different scenarios of WMhNs, we conduct simulations using NS- 2. From simulation results, enhanced DSR and AODV achieve efficient output by optimizing routing latencies and routing load in terms of retransmission attempts

    On using Multiple Quality Link Metrics with Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Protocol for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks

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    In this paper, we compare and analyze performance of five quality link metrics forWireless Multi-hop Networks (WMhNs). The metrics are based on loss probability measurements; ETX, ETT, InvETX, ML and MD, in a distance vector routing protocol; DSDV. Among these selected metrics, we have implemented ML, MD, InvETX and ETT in DSDV which are previously implemented with different protocols; ML, MD, InvETX are implemented with OLSR, while ETT is implemented in MR-LQSR. For our comparison, we have selected Throughput, Normalized Routing Load (NRL) and End-to-End Delay (E2ED) as performance parameters. Finally, we deduce that InvETX due to low computational burden and link asymmetry measurement outperforms among all metrics

    Density Controlled Divide-and-Rule Scheme for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Cluster based routing technique is most popular routing technique in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Due to varying need of WSN applications efficient energy utilization in routing protocols is still a potential area of research. In this research work we introduced a new energy efficient cluster based routing technique. In this technique we tried to overcome the problem of coverage hole and energy hole. In our technique we controlled these problems by introducing density controlled uniform distribution of nodes and fixing optimum number of Cluster Heads (CHs) in each round. Finally we verified our technique by experimental results of MATLAB simulations.Comment: 26th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2013), Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, 201

    Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This work focusses on analyzing the optimization strategies of routing protocols with respect to energy utilization of sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs). Different routing mechanisms have been proposed to address energy optimization problem in sensor nodes. Clustering mechanism is one of the popular WSNs routing mechanisms. In this paper, we first address energy limitation constraints with respect to maximizing network life time using linear programming formulation technique. To check the efficiency of different clustering scheme against modeled constraints, we select four cluster based routing protocols; Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH), Threshold Sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network (TEEN), Stable Election Protocol (SEP), and Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEC). To validate our mathematical framework, we perform analytical simulations in MATLAB by choosing number of alive nodes, number of dead nodes, number of packets and number of CHs, as performance metrics.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201

    HEER: Hybrid Energy Efficient Reactive Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of numerous sensors which send sensed data to base station. Energy conservation is an important issue for sensor nodes as they have limited power.Many routing protocols have been proposed earlier for energy efficiency of both homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. We can prolong our stability and network lifetime by reducing our energy consumption. In this research paper, we propose a protocol designed for the characteristics of a reactive homogeneous WSNs, HEER (Hybrid Energy Efficient Reactive) protocol. In HEER, Cluster Head(CH) selection is based on the ratio of residual energy of node and average energy of network. Moreover, to conserve more energy, we introduce Hard Threshold (HT) and Soft Threshold (ST). Finally, simulations show that our protocol has not only prolonged the network lifetime but also significantly increased stability period.Comment: 2nd IEEE Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC 13), 2013, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi

    Life Insurance Sector Development and Economic Growth of India in the Changing Policy Regime

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    The changing economic scenario of the Indian economy posed new challenges to almost all the sectors of the economy, and the insurance sector is no exception. The introduction of insurance sector reforms not only eliminated the monopoly of life insurance sector, but opened up the insurance windows to the private players which increased the competition in many folds, especially since 2000. The reforms brought an overall increase in insurance penetration as well as insurance density in the country. As a result, the insurance industry is today more efficient and exerts considerable positive impacts on the growth of the Indian economy. The insurance sector contributes to a rise in labour productivity through efficient investments, and also generates productive employment opportunities. In this context, this paper examines dynamics of the relationship between the development of life insurance sector and the real economic growth in the changing policy regime in India, and provides the evidence of the positive and significant relationship between them. Therefore, it is suggested to prioritize the focus on the further development of the sector may be through the implementation of prudent policies to increase rural penetration of life insurance in India. Also, the inclusive growth strategy in the country can be effectively mobilized to enhance the development of the life insurance sector
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