18 research outputs found
Strategi Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa Anak Menggunakan Algoritma Aplikasi Tiktok, Instagram Reels, dan Youtube Shorts
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan ilmu dan pengetahuan mengenai cara menggunakan aplikasi platform video pendek berupa Tiktok, Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa anak (membaca, menulis, menyimak, dan berbicara) melalui pemanfaatan algoritma aplikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Empathy Map pada lima orang ibu yang memiliki anak dibawah lima tahun dan analisis konten pada aplikasi untuk mengetahui strategi yang tepat dalam memanfaatkan algoritma aplikasi. Aplikasi tersebut sangat dekat dengan kehidupan manusia yang berada pada Era Society 5.0. Fenomena yang sering terlihat adalah anak-anak sangat menyukai bermain dan menonton video melalui ponsel. Namun, aplikasi Tiktok dan sejenisnya bukanlah aplikasi khusus edukasi, ada banyak video yang ditampilkan tanpa adanya filter. Sehingga dapat menyebabkan kemungkinan video yang ditonton anak adalah video yang tidak baik dan belum pantas ditonton oleh anak-anak. Maka dari itu, perlu adanya pemahaman dan trik pemanfaatan algoritma aplikasi agar strategi pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik. hasil penelitian ini berisi: 1) hasil analisis Empathy Map, 2) hasil analisis algoritma aplikasi, 3) memahami algoritma aplikasi, 4) strategi memanfaatkan algoritma aplikasi, dan 5) membangun akun aplikasi yang relevan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa anak
Purpose of the study: The objective is to be studied is the use of Sundanese language with the opposite meaning, cause-effect, comparison, and extension of meaning. The use of the Sundanese language contains cultural values of humility, advice/invitations, and friendliness. Cultural values become the personality of the Sundanese brand adapted to the development of technology to make the speech products of the author also discuss local and global values.
Methodology: This study seeks to analyze language creativity with local Sundanese nuances that follow global progress. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The data source from 100 Sundanese hilarious puns found in brilio.net. The descriptive method was used in several stages, namely data collection, data analysis, and data presentation.
Main Findings: This research shows that Sundanese hilarious puns found in brilio.net use language creativity which contains 35% expansion of meaning (polysemy), opposite meaning (20%), cause-effect (25%), and comparison (20%). The dominant cultural values are friendliness by 52.5% others are humility (20%) and advice (27.5%). They reflect the habits of Sundanese people who like to joke and empower technological advances so that the creativity of the language produced further reflects today's digital development.
Applications of this study: This research is used as a tool or model in understanding and interpreting language creativity in terms of contrastive meaning, cause-effect, comparison, the extension of meaning and values, i.e.: humility, advice, and friendliness in Sundanese hilarious puns.
Novelty/Originality of this study: Sundanese hilarious puns show that language creativity not only empowers the play of words, but also the cultural values that become the tradition of Sundanese people, namely the traditions of Sundanese who like to joke (ngabodor). Cultural and lexical relationships are combined and produce funny speech following the development of typical Sundanese technology. Sundanese culture and language will persist if Sundanese people always use and maintain them, one of which is by creating hilarious Sundanese puns that follows technological advances, such as those found in Sundanese hilarious puns in brilio.net
Meningkatkan Aktivitas Memori Kerja Berbantuan Binaural Beats
This study aims to investigate the impact of providing binaural beats (BB) stimulus on working memory activity. This study used an experimental method using a one-time case study (one-chance case study). This study involved 30 respondents consisting of men and women aged 18-20 years. The participants will do two readings of different scientific articles with the same cognitive level. The first data collection was carried out without providing any stimulus, while the second data collection was carried out by providing a stimulus in the form of a BB with a frequency of 15Hz. Data were collected from the results of electroencephalographic recording (EEG) then processed using the EEG Lab to calculate the value of the Power Spectral Density (PSD). The average PSD value before and after the stimulus was calculated statistically by performing the Paired Sample T-Test. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean value of PSD before and after the stimulus is given. This shows that BB can have an impact on improving memory performance in reading scientific articlesPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dampak pemberian stimulus binaural beats (BB) terhadap aktivitas memori kerja (working memory). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen menggunakan studi kasus satu kesempatan (studi kasus satu kesempatan). Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 responden yang terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 18-20 tahun. Para partisipan akan melakukan dua kali pembacaan artikel ilmiah yang berbeda dengan tingkat kognitif yang sama. Pengambilan data pertama dilakukan tanpa memberikan stimulus apa pun, sementara pengambilan data kedua dilakukan dengan memberikan stimulus berupa BB dengan frekuensi 15Hz. Data dikumpulkan dari hasil perekaman perekaman elektroensefalografi (EEG) kemudian diolah menggunakan EEGLab untuk menghitung nilai Kerapatan Spektrum Daya (Power Spectral Density / PSD). Rata-rata nilai PSD sebelum dan setelah stimulus dihitung secara statistika dengan melakukan Paired Sample T Test. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai rata-rata PSD sebelum dan sesudah diberikan stimulus. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa BB dapat memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan kinerja memori pada aktivitas membaca artikel ilmiah
Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses the state of hypnosis (trance), which is a state of consciousness when a person is relaxed and focused so that it is easier to receive advice. Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses linguistic features in a speech to change a person's level of consciousness by involving internal and imaginative processes to help a person receive suggestions. Hypnotherapists use various types of speech acts, especially directive speech acts. This research intends to reveal the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts in hypnotherapy, which is the consequential influence of using speech acts. In this research, I used neuro pragmatics to analyze the perlocutionary effect. This analysis is used to answer three main problems in this study, namely: (1) the function and type of directive perlocutionary acts; (2) the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts on changes in mental state based on differences in frequency range, and (3) the perlocutionary effect of directive speech acts on brain image. The method used in this research is a mixed method with multiple case studies. Data collection was conducted in two steps, qualitative data were collected from the transcription of five hypnotherapy inductions (Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy), while quantitative data were collected by electroencephalography (EEG) recording. Thirty-eight participants were native Indonesian speakers, right-handed, and had no history of diagnosed neurocognitive disease. Then the qualitative data were analyzed for function using the Enaction Model (Ballmer & Brennenstuhl, 1981), while the type was analyzed using the Directness Scale (Blum-Kulka et al., 1989; Blum-Kulka & Olshtain, 1984). Meanwhile, the quantitative analysis used Paired Sample T Test and Cohen's D Test to test the mean difference of Prestimulus and Speech Act Verb (SAV), and while the brain image was studied by standardized Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Brain Tomography (sLORETA) analysis (Pascual-Marqui, 2001, 2002; Pascual-Marqui et al., 1994). The results of this study, perlocutionary acts, are divided into eight functions, different SAV, namely Desiring, Focusing, Requesting, Pleading, Commanding, Calming, Restraining, and Preventing. Then based on the type, there are Mood Derivable, Performatives, Want Statements, and Strong Hints. Then, based on the Paired Sample T Test, most of the SAVs significantly (p 0.001). Then the results of brain images based on sLORETA were found to have a dominant effect on most of the left hemisphere (41 utterances) and a small part of the right hemisphere (22 utterances). Then a strong effect on the parietal lobe, followed by the occipital lobe. Then the results are based on the lobe, and the parietal lobe is the lobe that has the most electrical activity in the brain. Then based on the division of the Brodmann Area (Brodmann, 2006), 13 areas were affected, while Brodmann 7 is the area with the most electrical activity. This result implies that hypnotherapy speech acts have a strong pragmatic power toward what happens in the brain
Enhancing writing skills and language creativity through the plus-minus-interesting technique: A case study at the primary school level
Language creativity plays a pivotal role in facilitating effective communication, especially in written expression. Proficient writing skills require a dedicated teaching and learning process that nurtures critical thinking abilities. While the significance of language creativity and writing skills has been acknowledged, empirical research focusing on explicit techniques to enhance these skills among young learners is needed. Addressing this research gap, this study explores the impact of integrating the PMI (Plus-Minus-Interesting) technique, an integral component of the Cognitive Research Trust framework, in teaching narrative text to primary school students. Employing a case study research method, this study involves 67 students, with data collected through observations, interviews, and analysis of selected students' multiple drafts. The findings reveal significant improvements across various aspects of students' written texts, including word count, vocabulary usage, flow, and organizational structure, following the implementation of the PMI technique. Observations demonstrate that students displayed heightened levels of active engagement and expressive writing when utilizing the PMI technique, effectively incorporating 'plus', 'minus', and 'interesting' elements from their personal experiences. This integration enhanced their overall written communication skills. Based on the study's results, the PMI approach provides clear and structured instruction in literacy learning and development. It particularly offers a practical approach for nurturing language creativity and improving writing skills among young learners
Korelasi pola gerakan mata dengan kemampuan membaca pemahaman
Correlation of eye movement patterns with reading comprehension abilityThis study aims to determine the relationship between eye movement patterns and reading comprehension skills. Data were collected from 20 participants during reading comprehension activities using the Tobii Eye Tracker. Hypothesis testing conducted using the Chi-square Test through Crosstabs analysis shows the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) 0.788 > 0.05, which leads to a conclusion that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Therefore, we conclude that there is no relationship between eye movement patterns and the reading comprehension ability among the participants. This is because eye movement patterns are visual technical in nature, while the ability to read comprehension is more likely to lead to one's cognition. Although there is no relationship between eye movement patterns and reading comprehension, eye movements can be used to identify cognitive processes during reading activities. For example, determining the time needed in the reading process, identifying the level of text familiarity, the reader's predictability, and a person's weakness in reading.Keywords: eye movement patterns, reading comprehension, reading skill, eye trackerKorelasi pola gerakan mata dengan kemampuan membaca pemahamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola gerakan mata dengan kemampuan membaca pemahaman. Pengambilan data terhadap 20 responden dilakukan pada saat aktivitas membaca pemahaman dengan menggunakan Tobii Eye Tracker. Uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan Chi-square Test melalui analisis Crosstabs menunjukkan nilai Asymp. Sig. (2 sided) 0,788 > 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Artinya, tidak terdapat hubungan antara pola gerakan mata dengan kemampuan membaca pemahaman responden. Hal ini disebabkan karena pola gerakan mata bersifat visual teknis, sedangkan kemampuan membaca pemahaman lebih cenderung ke arah kognisi seseorang. Meskipun tidak ada hubungan antara pola gerakan mata dengan membaca pemahaman, gerakan mata dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi proses kognitif pada saat aktivitas membaca dilakukan. Misalnya, menentukan waktu yang diperlukan pada proses membaca, mengidentifikasi tingkat keakraban teks, kemampuan prediktabilitas pembaca, serta kelemahan seseorang dalam membaca.Kata kunci: pola gerakan mata, membaca pemahaman, kemampuan membaca, pelacak gerakan mat
Bahasa menjadi unsur vital setiap individu dalam membentuk hubungan sosial. Hal ini karena pada dasarnya manusia tidak dapat membaca pikiran individu lain. Sementara itu, dengan bahasa seseorang dapat mengekspresikan ide dalam pemikirannya untuk dibahasakan. Lalu bagaimana nasib individu yang memiliki keterbatasan berbahasa seperti pada penderita autisme. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bentuk pelanggaran kerja sama maksim terhadap penderita autisme. Adapun tujuan lain untuk mendeskripsikan ketercapaian maksud tuturan dengan segala keterbatasan individu autisme sebagai bentuk kesuksesan dalam berkomunikasi. Metode yang digunakan, yakni kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui teknik simak dan catat disebabkan data berbentuk video pada akun Tiktok. Penelitian ini berbentuk studi kasus dengan informan berusia 21 tahun yang menderita Autism Spectrum Disorder bernama Zahra. Pada tahap analisis data akan diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu berdasarkan ujaran-ujaran yang melanggar kerja sama maksim. Kemudian, data yang dihasilkan akan dikelompokkan berdasarkan prinsip kerja sama maksim dan terakhir menyimpulkan hasil pengklasifikasian pelanggaran kerja sama maksim. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan empat bentuk pelanggaran seperti maksim kuantitas, kualitas, relasi, dan cara. Adapun kecenderungan pelanggaran yang dilakukan, yaitu maksim kuantitas dan maksim cara. Meskipun adanya pelanggaran maksim, maksud tuturan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik dengan ada atau tidaknya bantuan dari lawan tutur.
Language is a vital element for every individual in forming social relationships. This is because humans basically cannot read the minds of other individuals. Meanwhile, with language someone can express ideas in their thoughts to be discussed. Then what happens to individuals who have language limitations, such as those with autism. This article aims to show a form of violation of the cooperation maxim for people with autism. Another aim is to describe the achievement of speech intentions with all the limitations of autistic individuals as a form of success in communication. The method used is qualitative by collecting data through listening and note-taking techniques because the data is in the form of videos on the Tiktok account. This research takes the form of a case study with a 21 year old informant who suffers from Autism Spectrum Disorder named Zahra. At the data analysis stage, it will first be identified based on utterances that violate the maxim of cooperation. Then, the resulting data will be grouped based on the principle of maxim cooperation and finally conclude the results of classifying violations of maxim cooperation. The results of this research found four forms of violations such as the maxims of quantity, quality, relationship and method. The tendency for violations to be committed is the maxim of quantity and the maxim of manner. Even though there is a violation of the maxim, the meaning of the speech can be conveyed well with the presence or absence of assistance from the interlocutor
Penelitian yang berjudul “Tipe Tindak Tutur dalam Komunikasi Dental Hiposis: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik” ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penyajian data deskriptif. Dengan memanfaatkan teori pragmatik, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tipe tindak tutur yang digunakan dokter gigi dalam komunikasi dental hipnosis. Data diperoleh dari peristiwa tutur antara dokter gigi dan pasien dalam suatu konteks situasi pemeriksaan gigi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam merealisasikan komunikasi dental hipnosis bagi pasiennya, seorang dokter gigi memanfaatkan pemarkah-pemarkah linguistik yang bersistem. Tipe tindak tutur yang dimanfaatkan dokter gigi dalam komunikasi dental hipnosis didominasi oleh (1) asertif menyatakan, (2) direktif-memerintah, (3) ekspresif-memuji. Semua strategi kebahasaan yang digunakan tersebut bertujuan untuk memberi sugesti agar pasien tidak merasa kesakitan ketika dilakukan tindakan medis
Teknik Penggambaran Aktor Terkait Perundungan Pasangan Gay Thailand di Koran Digital Indonesia
Actors Representation Technique Related to Thai Gay Couples Bullying in Indonesian Digital Newspapers ABSTRAKMedia sudah semakin mudah membuat dan menyebarkan berita karena kemajuan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya teknik yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia dalam mengeluarkan dan menggambarkan aktor atau peristiwa terkait pemberitaan perundungan pasangan gay Thailand oleh netizen Indonesia dan memaparkan teknik apa saja yang digunakan oleh 5 koran digital Indonesia itu. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan teori analisis wacana kritis model Theo van Leeuwen. Penelitian ini menemukan teknik eksklusi berupa pasivasi 4 data dan nominasi 2 data, serta teknik inklusi berupa diferensiasi-indifernsiasi 1 data, objektivitas-abstraksi 4 data, nominasi-kategorisasi 2 data, nominasi-identifikasi 1 data, determinasi-indeterminasi 3 data, asimilasi-individualisasi 3 data dan asosiasi-disosiasi 1 data.Kata kunci: Analisis wacama kritis, Theo van Leeuwen, eksklusi, inklusiABSTRACTThe media has become easier to create and spread news because of technological advances. This research aims to determine whether or not there are techniques used by 5 Indonesian digital newspapers are available in issuing and describing actors or events related to the news of Thai gay couples bullying by Indonesian netizens and to explain what techniques are used by the 5 Indonesian digital newspapers. The method used is descriptive qualitative and uses critical discourse analysis theory by Theo van Leeuwen's model. This study found exclusion techniques in the form of 4 data passivation and 2 data nominations, as well as inclusion techniques in the form of 1 data differentiation-indifferentiation, 4 data objectivity-abstraction, 2 data nominations-categorization, 1 data nomination-identification, 3 data determination-indertermination, 3 data assimilation- individualization and 1 data association-dissociation.Keyword: critical discourse analysis, Theo van Leeuwen, exclusion, inclusio
Revealing Local Knowledge of Sundanese People of Toponyms in The Western Bandung-North Area
This study examines the classification and function of toponyms to reveal the local knowledge of Sundanese people in the western Bandung-North area. This research uses anthropological linguistic theory. The data of this research are lexicon in toponyms based on local knowledge in the western Bandung-North area. The data is sourced from several community components consisting of village elders and ordinary people. The study incorporates four methods for data collection, which are participant observation, participatory conversation observation, interviews, and documentation. These techniques are chosen based on their ability to gather comprehensive, accurate, and reliable data. The results show that there are five classifications of toponyms, namely (1) hydrological-biological characteristics, (2) hydrological-state characteristics, (3) geomorphological-biological characteristics, (4) geomorphological-state characteristics, and (5) state characteristics. This research also shows that the lexicon in toponyms in the western Bandung-North area portrays the closeness of humans to nature, humans to humans, and humans to their God. In addition, Sundanese people in the western Bandung-North area also have local knowledge about ethnoecology, which is recorded in the toponyms in the area. This local knowledge of ethnoecology has benefits as an effort to maintain the terrestrial ecosystem, which is one of the pillars of environmental development in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)