26 research outputs found

    Quantifying proximity, confinement, and interventions in disease outbreaks: a decision support framework for air-transported pathogens

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages H-I).The inability to communicate how infectious diseases are transmitted in human environments has triggered avoidance of interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. We define a metric, Effective ReBreathed Volume (ERBV), that encapsulates how infectious pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, transport in air. ERBV separates environmental transport from other factors in the chain of infection, allowing quantitative comparisons among situations. Particle size affects transport, removal onto surfaces, and elimination by mitigation measures, so ERBV is presented for a range of exhaled particle diameters: 1, 10, and 100 μm. Pathogen transport depends on both proximity and confinement. If interpersonal distancing of 2 m is maintained, then confinement, not proximity, dominates rebreathing after 10–15 min in enclosed spaces for all but 100 μm particles. We analyze strategies to reduce this confinement effect. Ventilation and filtration reduce person-to-person transport of 1 μm particles (ERBV1) by 13–85% in residential and office situations. Deposition to surfaces competes with intentional removal for 10 and 100 μm particles, so the same interventions reduce ERBV10 by only 3–50%, and ERBV100 is unaffected. Prior knowledge of size-dependent ERBV would help identify transmission modes and effective interventions. This framework supports mitigation decisions in emerging situations, even before other infectious parameters are known

    Influence of vapor wall loss in laboratory chambers on yields of secondary organic aerosol

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    Atmospheric secondary organic aerosol (SOA) has important impacts on climate and air quality, yet models continue to have difficulty in accurately simulating SOA concentrations. Nearly all SOA models are tied to observations of SOA formation in laboratory chamber experiments. Here, a comprehensive analysis of new experimental results demonstrates that the formation of SOA in laboratory chambers may be substantially suppressed due to losses of SOA-forming vapors to chamber walls, which leads to underestimates of SOA in air-quality and climate models, especially in urban areas where anthropogenic SOA precursors dominate. This analysis provides a time-dependent framework for the interpretation of laboratory chamber experiments that will allow for development of parameterized models of SOA formation that are appropriate for use in atmospheric models

    Simulating secondary organic aerosol in a regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model – Part 2: Assessing the influence of vapor wall losses

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    The influence of losses of organic vapors to chamber walls during secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation experiments has recently been established. Here, the influence of such losses on simulated ambient SOA concentrations and properties is assessed in the University of California at Davis / California Institute of Technology (UCD/CIT) regional air quality model using the statistical oxidation model (SOM) for SOA. The SOM was fit to laboratory chamber data both with and without accounting for vapor wall losses following the approach of Zhang et al. (2014). Two vapor wall-loss scenarios are considered when fitting of SOM to chamber data to determine best-fit SOM parameters, one with “low” and one with “high” vapor wall-loss rates to approximately account for the current range of uncertainty in this process. Simulations were run using these different parameterizations (scenarios) for both the southern California/South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB) and the eastern United States (US). Accounting for vapor wall losses leads to substantial increases in the simulated SOA concentrations from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in both domains, by factors of  ∼  2–5 for the low and  ∼  5–10 for the high scenarios. The magnitude of the increase scales approximately inversely with the absolute SOA concentration of the no loss scenario. In SoCAB, the predicted SOA fraction of total organic aerosol (OA) increases from  ∼  0.2 (no) to  ∼  0.5 (low) and to  ∼  0.7 (high), with the high vapor wall-loss simulations providing best general agreement with observations. In the eastern US, the SOA fraction is large in all cases but increases further when vapor wall losses are accounted for. The total OA ∕ ΔCO ratio captures the influence of dilution on SOA concentrations. The simulated OA ∕ ΔCO in SoCAB (specifically, at Riverside, CA) is found to increase substantially during the day only for the high vapor wall-loss scenario, which is consistent with observations and indicative of photochemical production of SOA. Simulated O : C atomic ratios for both SOA and for total OA increase when vapor wall losses are accounted for, while simulated H : C atomic ratios decrease. The agreement between simulations and observations of both the absolute values and the diurnal profile of the O : C and H : C atomic ratios for total OA was greatly improved when vapor wall-losses were accounted for. These results overall demonstrate that vapor wall losses in chambers have the potential to exert a large influence on simulated ambient SOA concentrations, and further suggest that accounting for such effects in models can explain a number of different observations and model–measurement discrepancies

    Oxygenated Aromatic Compounds are Important Precursors of Secondary Organic Aerosol in Biomass Burning Emissions

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    Biomass burning is the largest combustion-related source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to the atmosphere. We describe the development of a state-of-the-science model to simulate the photochemical formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from biomass-burning emissions observed in dry (RH <20%) environmental chamber experiments. The modeling is supported by (i) new oxidation chamber measurements, (ii) detailed concurrent measurements of SOA precursors in biomass-burning emissions, and (iii) development of SOA parameters for heterocyclic and oxygenated aromatic compounds based on historical chamber experiments. We find that oxygenated aromatic compounds, including phenols and methoxyphenols, account for slightly less than 60% of the SOA formed and help our model explain the variability in the organic aerosol mass (R² = 0.68) and O/C (R² = 0.69) enhancement ratios observed across 11 chamber experiments. Despite abundant emissions, heterocyclic compounds that included furans contribute to ∼20% of the total SOA. The use of pyrolysis-temperature-based or averaged emission profiles to represent SOA precursors, rather than those specific to each fire, provide similar results to within 20%. Our findings demonstrate the necessity of accounting for oxygenated aromatics from biomass-burning emissions and their SOA formation in chemical mechanisms

    Cumulative Exposures to Environmental and Socioeconomic Risk Factors in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

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    Abstract The environmental justice literature demonstrates consistently that low‐income and minority communities are disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards. In this case study, we examined cumulative multipollutant, multidomain, and multimatrix environmental exposures in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin for the year 2015. We identified spatial hot spots in Milwaukee County both individually (using local Moran's I) and through clusters (using K‐means clustering) across a profile of environmental pollutants that span regulatory domains and matrices of exposure, as well as socioeconomic indicators. The cluster with the highest exposures within the urban area was largely characterized by low socioeconomic status and an overrepresentation of the Non‐Hispanic Black population relative to the county as a whole. In this cluster, average pollutant concentrations were equivalent to the 78th percentile in county‐level blood lead levels, 67th percentile in county‐level NO2, 79th percentile in county‐level CO, and 78th percentile in county‐level air toxics. Simultaneously, this cluster had an average equivalent to the 62nd percentile in county‐level unemployment, 70th percentile in county‐level population rate lacking a high school diploma, 73rd percentile in county‐level poverty rate, and 28th percentile in county‐level median household income. The spatial patterns of pollutant exposure and SES indicators suggested that these disparities were not random but were instead structured by socioeconomic and racial factors. Our case study, which combines environmental pollutant exposures, sociodemographic data, and clustering analysis, provides a roadmap to identify and target overburdened communities for interventions that reduce environmental exposures and consequently improve public health

    Molecular View Modeling of Atmospheric Organic Particulate Matter: Incorporating Molecular Structure and Co-Condensation of Water

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    Most urban and regional models used to predict levels of organic particulate matter (OPM) are based on fundamental equations for gas/particle partitioning, but make the highly simplifying, anonymized-view (AV) assumptions that OPM levels are not affected by either: a) the molecular. characteristics of the condensing organic compounds (other than simple volatility); or b) co-condensation of water as driven by non-zero relative humidity (RH) values. The simplifying assumptions have allowed parameterized chamber results for formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) (e.g., “two-product” (2p) coefficients) to be incorporated in chemical transport models. However, a return towards a less simplistic (and more computationally demanding) molecular view (MV) is needed that acknowledges that atmospheric OPM is a mixture of organic compounds with differing polarities, water, and in some cases dissolved salts. The higher computational cost of MV modeling results from a need for iterative calculations of the composition-dependent gas/particle partition coefficient values. MV modeling of OPM that considered water uptake (but not dissolved salts) was carried out for the southeast United States for the period August 29 through September 7, 2006. Three model variants were used at three universities: CMAQ-RH-2p (at PSU), UCD/CIT-RH-2p (at UCD), and CMAQ-RH-MCM (at TAMU). With the first two, MV structural characteristics (carbon number and numbers of functional groups) were assigned to each of the 2p products used in CMAQv.4.7.1 such that resulting predicted Kp,i values matched those in CMAQv.4.7.1. When water uptake was allowed, most runs assumed that uptake occurred only into the SOA portion, and imposed immiscibility of SOA with primary organic aerosol (POA). (POA is often viewed as rather non-polar, while SOA is commonly viewed as moderately-to-rather polar. Some runs with UCD/CIT-RH-2p were used to investigate the effects of POA/SOA miscibility.) CMAQ-RH-MCM used MCM to generate oxidation products, and assumed miscibility of SOA and POA. In a ∼500 km wide band from Louisiana through to at least North Carolina, CMAQ-RH-2p and UCD/CIT-RH-2p predicted that water uptake can increase SOA levels by as much as 50 to 100% (from a range of ∼1 to 2 μg m-3 to a range of ∼1 to 4 μg m-3). CMAQ-RH-MCM predicted much lower effects of water uptake on SOA levels (\u3c10% increase). The results from CMAQ-RH-2p and UCD/CIT-RH-2p are considered more reflective of reality. In the Alabama/Georgia hotspot, both CMAQ-RH-2p and UCD/CIT-RH-2p predicted aerosol water levels that are up to nearly half the predicted SOA levels, namely ∼0.5 to 2 μg m-3. Such water levels in SOA will affect particle optical properties, viscosity, gas/particle partitioning times, and rates of hydrolysis and water elimination reactions

    Dataset associated with "Emissions and radiative impacts of sub-10 nm particles from biofuel and fossil fuel cookstoves"

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    The dataset includes (i) measurements of particle emissions from several different cookstoves performed during a water boiling test and (ii) atmospheric concentrations and impacts from simulations performed with a global chemical transport model. These data need to be archived alongside an accepted manuscript in Aerosol Science and Technology. The cookstove measurements were performed in Fall of 2018 and Spring of 2020. The model simulations were performed in Fall of 2019.Combustion sources have been shown to directly emit particles smaller than 10 nm. The emission of 1-3 nm particles from biofuel or fossil-fuel cookstoves has not been studied previously, nor have the radiative impacts of these emissions been investigated. In this work, emissions (number of particles) were measured during a water boiling test performed on five different cookstoves (three-stone fire, rocket elbow, gasifier, charcoal, and liquified petroleum gas [LPG]) for particle diameters between ~1 and ~1000 nm. We found significant emissions of particles smaller than 10 nm for all cookstoves (>5×1015 # kg-fuel-1). Furthermore, cleaner (e.g., LPG) cookstoves emitted a larger fraction of sub-10 nm particles (relative to the total particle counts) than traditional cookstoves (e.g., three-stone fire). Simulations performed with the global chemical transport model GEOS-Chem-TOMAS that were informed by emissions data from this work suggested that sub-10 nm particles were unlikely to significantly influence number concentrations of particles with diameters larger than 80 nm that can serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) (<0.3%, globally averaged) or alter the cloud-albedo indirect effect (absolute value <0.005 W m-2, globally averaged). The largest, but still relatively minor, localized changes in CCN-relevant concentrations (<10%) and the cloud-albedo indirect effect (absolute value <0.5 W m-2) were found in large biofuel combustion source regions (e.g., Brazil, Tanzania, Southeast Asia) and in the Southern Ocean. Enhanced coagulation-related losses of these sub-10 nm particles at sub-grid scales will tend to further reduce their impact on particle number concentrations and the aerosol indirect effect, although they might still be of relevance for human health.This work was partly supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA17OAR4310003 and NA17OAR4310001) and the National Science Foundation (HCBU AGS-1831013)

    Dataset associated with "Beyond SOx reductions from shipping: assessing the impact of NOx and carbonaceous-particle controls on human health and climate”

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    These data are analyzed results of five GEOS-Chem v12.6.0 simulations that were run to investigate the aerosol health and radiative impacts of four shipping-industry emission-control scenarios (see associated manuscript for details). The simulation was run for the globe in the year 2013 and the data were created in 2019 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.Historically, cargo ships have been powered by low-grade fossil fuels, which emit particles and particle-precursor vapors that impact human health and climate. We used a global chemical-transport model with online aerosol microphysics (GEOS-Chem-TOMAS) to estimate the aerosol health and climate impacts of four emission-control policies: (1) 85% reduction in sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions (Sulf); (2) 85% reduction in SOx and black carbon (BC) emissions (Sulf-BC); (3) 85% reduction in SOx, BC, and organic aerosol (OA) emissions (Sulf-BC-OA); and (4) 85% reduction in SOx, BC, OA, and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions (Sulf-BC-OA-NOx). The SOx reductions reflect the 0.5% fuel-sulfur cap implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on January 1st, 2020. The other reductions represent realistic estimates of future emission-control policies. We estimate that these policies could reduce fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-attributable mortalities by 13,200 (Sulf) to 38,600 (Sulf-BC-OA-NOx) mortalities per year. These changes represent 0.3% and 0.8%, respectively, of annual PM2.5-attributable mortalities from anthropogenic sources. Comparing simulations, we estimate that adding the NOx cap has the greatest health benefit. In contrast to the health benefits, all scenarios lead to a simulated climate warming tendency. The combined aerosol direct radiative effect (DRE) and cloud-albedo indirect effects (AIE) are between 27 mW m-2 (Sulf) and 41 mW m-2 (Sulf-BC-OA-NOx). These changes are about 2.1% (Sulf) to 3.2% (Sulf-BC-OA-NOx) of the total anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing. The emission control policies examined here yield larger relative changes in the aerosol radiative forcing (2.1-3.2%) than in health effects (0.3-0.8%), because most shipping emissions are distant from populated regions. Valuation of the impacts suggests that these emissions reductions could produce much larger marginal health benefits (128128-374 billion annually) than the marginal climate costs (1212-17 billion annually).Research funding was provided by the Monfort Excellence Fund and by the Ocean Frontier Institute, through an award from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund