5,778 research outputs found

    Painting a graph with competing random walks

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    Let X1,X2X_1,X_2 be independent random walks on Znd\mathbf{Z}_n^d, dβ‰₯3d\geq3, each starting from the uniform distribution. Initially, each site of Znd\mathbf{Z}_n^d is unmarked, and, whenever XiX_i visits such a site, it is set irreversibly to ii. The mean of ∣Ai∣|\mathcal{A}_i|, the cardinality of the set Ai\mathcal{A}_i of sites painted by ii, once all of Znd\mathbf{Z}_n^d has been visited, is 12nd\frac{1}{2}n^d by symmetry. We prove the following conjecture due to Pemantle and Peres: for each dβ‰₯3d\geq3 there exists a constant Ξ±d\alpha_d such that lim⁑nβ†’βˆžVar⁑(∣Ai∣)/hd(n)=14Ξ±d\lim_{n\to\infty}\operatorname{Var}(|\mathcal {A}_i|)/h_d(n)=\frac{1}{4}\alpha_d where h3(n)=n4h_3(n)=n^4, h4(n)=n4(log⁑n)h_4(n)=n^4(\log n) and hd(n)=ndh_d(n)=n^d for dβ‰₯5d\geq5. We will also identify Ξ±d\alpha_d explicitly and show that Ξ±dβ†’1\alpha_d\to1 as dβ†’βˆžd\to\infty. This is a special case of a more general theorem which gives the asymptotics of Var⁑(∣Ai∣)\operatorname{Var}(|\mathcal{A}_i|) for a large class of transient, vertex transitive graphs; other examples include the hypercube and the Caley graph of the symmetric group generated by transpositions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP713 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Quantum Loewner Evolution

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    What is the scaling limit of diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) in the plane? This is an old and famously difficult question. One can generalize the question in two ways: first, one may consider the {\em dielectric breakdown model} η\eta-DBM, a generalization of DLA in which particle locations are sampled from the η\eta-th power of harmonic measure, instead of harmonic measure itself. Second, instead of restricting attention to deterministic lattices, one may consider η\eta-DBM on random graphs known or believed to converge in law to a Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) surface with parameter γ∈[0,2]\gamma \in [0,2]. In this generality, we propose a scaling limit candidate called quantum Loewner evolution, QLE(γ2,η)(\gamma^2, \eta). QLE is defined in terms of the radial Loewner equation like radial SLE, except that it is driven by a measure valued diffusion νt\nu_t derived from LQG rather than a multiple of a standard Brownian motion. We formalize the dynamics of νt\nu_t using an SPDE. For each γ∈(0,2]\gamma \in (0,2], there are two or three special values of η\eta for which we establish the existence of a solution to these dynamics and explicitly describe the stationary law of νt\nu_t. We also explain discrete versions of our construction that relate DLA to loop-erased random walk and the Eden model to percolation. A certain "reshuffling" trick (in which concentric annular regions are rotated randomly, like slot machine reels) facilitates explicit calculation. We propose QLE(2,1)(2,1) as a scaling limit for DLA on a random spanning-tree-decorated planar map, and QLE(8/3,0)(8/3,0) as a scaling limit for the Eden model on a random triangulation. We propose using QLE(8/3,0)(8/3,0) to endow pure LQG with a distance function, by interpreting the region explored by a branching variant of QLE(8/3,0)(8/3,0), up to a fixed time, as a metric ball in a random metric space.Comment: 132 pages, approximately 100 figures and computer simulation

    Intersections of SLE Paths: the double and cut point dimension of SLE

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    We compute the almost-sure Hausdorff dimension of the double points of chordal SLE_kappa for kappa > 4, confirming a prediction of Duplantier-Saleur (1989) for the contours of the FK model. We also compute the dimension of the cut points of chordal SLE_kappa for kappa > 4 as well as analogous dimensions for the radial and whole-plane SLE_kappa(rho) processes for kappa > 0. We derive these facts as consequences of a more general result in which we compute the dimension of the intersection of two flow lines of the formal vector field e^{ih/chi}, where h is a Gaussian free field and chi > 0, of different angles with each other and with the domain boundary.Comment: 70 page, 26 figure
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