9 research outputs found

    Influence of Railway Traffic on the Pan-European Corridor V.B on the Development of the Port of Rijeka

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    Considering the traffic development of Croatia and thewider traffic environment, special significance lies on the developmentof the Port of Rijeka and its traffic connection with thehinterland. The planned and necessary increase of the capacitiesof the Port of Rijeka requires adequate support by the railand road traffic towards the interior of Croatia and other partsof Europe. Here, the support of the rail traffic is of special significance,regarding its advantages over road traffic. The workanalyses the demand for transport of goods and passengers inrail traffic on the pan-European Corridor V.B in the present andthe planned circumstances in the future. The work analyses theforecast of the transport of goods and passengers for the perioduntil 2020 as part of the planned development of the Port ofRijeka. Based on this development a possible improvement ofrail connection of Rijeka and the interior of Croatia and EastEurope is proposed

    Conditions for Implementing Trolleybuses in Public Urban Transport

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    Big cities in the world are burdened by heavy traffic and all the resulting negative consequences. A partial solution of this problem is achieved by the introduction of high-quality public urban transport of passengers that enables faster and more efficient transport. Since the introduction of individual forms of public urban transport depends on several factors, such as economic, traffic, environmental and technical ones, the problem is often a very complex one. The implementation of trolleybuses represents one of the forms of passenger transportation in public urban transport. It is the most favourable electrical vehicle for public urban transport when the implementation of a rail system is not affordable. Looking through history, the trolleybus has experienced significant changes in the implementation, in a large number of world urban environments. This paper points out the unjustifiable neglect of trolleybus in the implementation for the public urban transport and the renewed increase in the interest for its implementation. The advantages and drawbacks of the trolleybus are listed in relation to buses, as well as the reasons due to which some cities in the world are introducing it or increasing its implementation. The paper also emphasises and provides arguments of the ecological and energy advantages of trolleybuses in relation to buses as crucial in advanced public urban transport of passengers. Also, advanced technical solutions are pointed out that contribute to safer, faster and more comfortable transport of passengers. KEY WORDS: trolleybus, bus, public urban transport, environment, economic

    Development of Railways in New Marketing Conditions

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    As a traffic system, railway is experiencing possibly the biggestorganizational and systemic changes ever, in its long existence.It has always been under the patronage of the state. It hashad privileged position on the transport market, and its losseswere covered by the state. In comparing the railways as a publictransport system and other transport systems, especially theroad system, railways features significant innate advantageswhich should be used by stimulating traffic policy. This paperstudies the future development of the railway from the transportaspect in the new conditions of the transport market, marketliberalization on railway lines and the privatization process ofthe railway as transport service provider. It presents the basiccharacteristics of the railway which emphasise its advantagesand drawbacks compared to other traffic systems. The characteristicsof the transport market are presented, and the positionof the railway in the given circumstances is analysed. The paperalso analyses the political relation of the governments of somecountries and EU towards traffic and favouring of individualsystems

    CO-Ordinated Action Design of Rheostatic and Air Brakes on the Electric Railcar Series 6 111

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    The paper presents the solution for the modification of thebrakes on the electric railcar series 6111 used in suburban traffic.It also gives the results of the performed measurements aswell as their analysis.The mentioned electric railcar is fitted with air and rheostaticbrakes whose activation is mutually independent. Sincesuburban traffic means frequent slopping, and since the enginedriver does not use the rheostatic brake regularly, but only theair brake, the wear of the brake lining and wheels is higher, andthe heat load on the brake elements is substantial. By regularapplication of rheostatic brake, the air brake could be LLSed lessthus contributing to a lower wear of the friction elements.The presented solution for the modification of the brakeconsists of co-ordinated and automatic action of the rheostaticand air brake with every brakin

    Integration of the Railway Line in Corridor VB in the Traffic System of Croatia and Europe

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    Significant and generally well-known advantages of railwayscompared to other transport branches, considered in theframework of the traffic development of Croatia and the widerenvironment, put an emphasis on the significance of high-qualityrailway connections in the Pan-European VB corridor. In orderto raise the quality of the traffic services on this railwayroute to the level that is required by the contempormy Europeancriteria, it needs to be modemized. This would at the same timecontribute to the integration into the overall European trafficsystem.The paper presents the possibilities of improving the mentionedrailway connecting of the Adriatic coast with other partsof Croatia and Europe. Special significance belongs to theRijeka-Zagreb-Botovo (Hungary) railway line. Significant improvementof the railway traffic in this area would be achievedby constructing a new railway line from Rijeka to Trieste, whichis the logical extension of the Pan-European VB corridor. Theconstruction of a railway line in the Adriatic-Ionian corridoralong the Adriatic coast from Trieste to Dubrovnik and furthertowards the border would contribute to better connecting of allthe regions, cities and ports which it would pass through and itwould have a positive impact on the overall economic developmentof the Republic of Croatia. Regarding the interests and requirementsof the intemational traffic, the Adriatic railway linewould present the shortest way of connecting the North-westEurope with the South of Europe and the Near East. The levelof service quality expected on the new line would contribute togreater attraction of cargo and passengers to the tourist, portand other capacities in Croatia

    Simplified Transit Procedure in Railway Transport

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    The current transit procedure in railway transport that iscarried out on the basis of the Customs Act [ 11 of the Republicof Croatia is applied only up to the border, i. e. the issued documentsand guarantees are valid only up to the border, and byjoining the Convention on Common transit procedure, i. e. integrationof the Republic of Croatia in the European Union, theRepublic of Croatia will also have to implement the regulationsand rules of Simplified transit procedure valid in each of thethirty member states. In international railway traffic, the transportof goods is regulated by the Convention concerning InternationalCarriage by Rail- COT IF [2 1 and usage of the CIMwaybill (Contract for International Carriage of Goods by Rail).If the goods are transported in Simplified transit procedure, theformalities regarding the transport of goods performed by railcarriers using the international waybill CIM will be significantlysimplified and accelerated. In principle there are no delays dueto customs on the borders when crossing the EU borders andborders of the Convention member states, contributing greatlyto the acceleration of the transport of goods, reduction of waitingcosts and paperwork, as well as influence on the schedulereliability

    Railway in the Future Development of the Traffic System

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    Future development of traffic assumes its growth with increasedenergy consumption, greater environmental pollutionthrough hannful components, and noise, as well as overload oftraffic routes. The same development has been burdened by twoopposing tendencies. One is subjected to short-tenn interestsand oriented exclusively to profit, the other is a long-term careof environmental protection and energy savings which often excludesimmediate profit. Giving priority to this second tendencyis a must, and it requires joint efforts invested by scientists, trafficentrepreneurs and government institutions within legal regulations.This paper analyses the advantages of railway traffic comparedto other modes of traffic and indicates its potentials in thefuture development of traffic primarily from the aspect of environmentalprotection. The emphasis lies on the comparison ofharmful emissions and consumption of specific energy in cargotransport by railways and other traffic modes. The directives arealso given of the desirable future development of railways in orderto optimally use all its potentials

    Regulating of Passages in the Motorway Central Reserve

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    Passages in the central resetVes of mot01ways are intendedfor redirection of traffic during planned special maintenance ofmotorways and in accident situations, as well as for the requirementsof emergency vehicles (ambulance, fire-brigade, police).The observed problems in deficient legal regulations of thedesign and length of the passages are reflected on the existingcondition of the passages in the central resetVe on the Croatianmotorways. Our practice shows diverse solutions, especially regardingthe lengths of the passages.Considering the issue of the passages in the motorway centralresetVes in a certain number of the European Union countriesone can notice various design solutions contained in thenational standards. Having in mind the purpose of the passagesunder the condition of safe flow of traffic, the required passagedimensions have been studied regarding their position on themotorway. The study resulted in two design type solutions.As result of the perfonned study and the obsetVation of thenational and foreign practice, recommendations are given forthe design solution of the passage in the central rese1ve on theCroatian motorways

    Railway Development from the Aspect of Environmental Protection

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    General development of civilisation and constant growth ofpopulation have inevitably resulted in an increased volume oftraffic and energy consumption. One of the consequences isalso the adverse effect on the environment, i.e. people, climateand nature. Compming individual forms of transport, it may benoted that railway, as mass carrier in passenger and freight trafficplays a significant role and has great responsibility. Sincerailway represents a very convenient form of transport regardingboth power and ecology, it has to provide significant contributionto the passenger and freight transport in the future, in a waywhich is friendlier to the environment than most other forms oftransport.This work analyses the cun-ent and future role of railway inthe transportation of people and goods. It mentions the mostimportant strategic orientations in the railway development,that would render it competitive and attractive compared toroad and air traffic. Special emphasis is put on economic efficiency,ecological sustainability and social justice. The possibilitiesof reducing energy consumption, i.e. C02 emissions, aswell as reducing hannful exhaust gases of Diesel railway tractionvehicles are given special consideration