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    The paper deals with the problems that have arisen due to the rapid development of traveling motives in the world tourism market. Croatia, as Mediterranean tourism country still does not have a clear solution of alternative tourism offer. There are other problems that are generated by the growing number of tourists and changes in tourism consumption. In the paper author have demonstrated the results of influences of trends in the tourist demand side. The changes in the tourist demand have resulted in the change in the concept of mass type of tourism. Such trends have influenced the emergence of specialized producers and offers of typical Croatian products.Strategy, Tourism, Croatia, Alternative tourism, European market.

    Regeional development of Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    The paper is a research into the regional component in the economic development of bosnia and herzegovina. The regional component is observed, on the one hand, through elaboration of regional issues in the works of bosnian authors, and, on the other, through regional politics in the context of the general development policies of bosnia in the second half of the 20th century. Regional development shold solve major problem for bosnia, which is to facilitate economic functioning of the state as a whole and to create a market on the teritory of the now two divided entities federation Bosnia and Herzegovina and republika srpska without undermining their political integrity. Problem of regional development is that the entities are not and can not function as regions since they have no conditions for exisiting as elements of prosperous regional system. Dayton accords established two regions primarily on the basis of ethnic and political criteria.The system of centers of development is fractured. Studies from 1996 show that it is possible to reestablish the mechanism of regional development which was until 1991. This view is based on the assumed common economic interests in many areas and on the significant possibilities for interregional cooperation.Tho goals of cooperation are free trade, a single market in bosnia, economic development, harmonisation of economic policies, sources of investment and investment politics, joint investments, attracting for foreign capital, adequate urbanisation and functiong of the centers of development, joint ventures in foreign markets in economic and development issues, population policies. The question is how to start off the mechanism. Regional development is an issue of special relevance for bosnia. There is a potential. Regional development has big importance for bosnia, especially for underdeveloped areas.


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    Croatia has a set of cultural, historical and natural attractions and also has a great tourism potential needed to be supported by the sustainability concept of tourism development. Current Local Agenda 21 processes emphasize a cooperative approach to identifying the communityā€™s goals for tourism. Article present example of sustainable regional project in Croatian tourism on the Town of Rovinj. In spite of difficulties involved in trying to find an acceptable definition for sustainability in Croatia, the example present how society develops along sustainable principles.Tourism, Croatia, Town of Rovinj, Sustainable development, Regional tourism, Attractions.


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    As the scale of tourism grows, the resource use threatens to become unsustainable. Withought environmental responsibility the levels of cheaper mass tourism will increase, forcing more ā€œnature-basedā€ tourism to move on to new destinations. This scenario is opposite to the ā€œCroatian Tourism Development by 2010ā€ strategy. With a favourable geographic position, almost at the heart of Europe, Istria has always represented a bridge connecting the Middle European continental area with the Mediterranean. This area is the most visited Croatian tourist region with 27% of all visitors and 35% of time spent in all of Croatia. The Croatian National Bankā€™s preliminary figures for 2007 show that international tourism generated 18.4% of Croatian GDP. For these reasons the Istrian tourism industry can not ignore environmental issues in its management and requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders (according to the Agenda 21 for tourism industry). Properly planned tourism development, combined with environmental protection, produces the concept of sustainable tourism. Environmentally sustainable form of tourism represents a step forward from "sea and sun" mass tourism developed at the coastal part of Istria. There are a myriad of definitions for Sustainable Tourism, including eco-tourism, green travel, environmentally and culturally responsible tourism, fair trade and ethical travel. Mentioned selective tourism forms are adopted as the concept of the present and future Istrian destination development.sustainability, Istria, tourism development

    Trends in croatian hotel industry

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    Tourism and hotel business is becoming one of the leading industries of the world. Therefore, an increased attention needs to be paid to the study of trends in tourism because they determine the trends in hotel industry. The purpose of the paper is to point out the importance of hotel industry as one of the most important elements of development in tourist economies. The paper aims at introducing the newest trends in modern hotel industry and offering a review of the recent trends of demand and the directions of hotel industry development. The importance of hotel industry on both micro and macro, i.e. global level is increasing. Besides a series of theoretical representations and conclusions, this paper brings some concrete data and examples from practice in hotel management.tourism industry, trends, European Union, perspectiveness, small country

    Support to Local and Regional Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper is a review European Commission support for local and regional development in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1999 to 2006. In focus are The Quick Impact Facility Project Phase I (QIF 1) 1999-2002, European Union-Quick Impact Facility Project Phase II (EUQIF II) 2002-2004, European Union support for Regional Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phase I (EU RED I) 2004-2005 and Europe Union support for Regional Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phase II (EU RED II) 2005-2007). The paper contents background information, previous assistance, other related programmes, European Commission funded projects, non European Commission funded projects, definition on participants, target groups or beneficiaries, employed domicile populations, start situation, objectives, scope of work, methodology and approach, transparency, visibility, expected outputs and indicators, funds or budget, reporting, monitoring and evaluation. The paper presents knowledge transfer about local and regional theories and policies from experts European Commission to local experts. The paper shows funds. (Regional Development in Tuzla 1.2 Million Euro, Regional Development in Brcko 1.0 Million Euro, Mostar Economic Development 500.000 Euro, Sarajevo Economic Region 200.000 Euro, Quick Impact Facility 5.5 Million Euro, Foreign Investment Promotion 1.0 Million Euro, European Fund 55 Million Euro, specific activities 3,200.000 Euro and Project Fund 3,800.000 Euro, EUQIF II about 3 Million Euro, etc) and benefits for EU and B&H. In the end, the paper presents cost-benefit analysis, and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats this projects and message for future projects support for local and regional development in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other developing countries
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