2 research outputs found

    Fungi in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2: prevalence, species of isolated strains.

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    In 77 diabetic patients the detection of fungi was carried out in the oral cavity, digestive tract, genital organs and skin lesions. Patient age ranged from 39 to 82 years, with the Body Mass Index (BMI) from 22 to the highest values of 46.5. Diabetes control was assessed by determination of the glucose level in serum after overnight fasting and after lunch, as well as by determination of the НБА | с level. Fungi were diagnosed in 61 patients (79.6%). The total of 111 fungal strains were isolated in 319 cultures evaluated from 12 biological materials. Fungal strains were detected in the highest percentage in oral cavity (77.9%), in the lower percentage in anus (33.8%), vagina discharge (11.6%) and the region of vulva (14.3%). Fungi were observed in one focus — exclusively in the oral cavity — in 28 (36.4%) patients, whereas they occurred in multifocal infections in 33 (42.9%) patients. The isolated fungal strains were classified into 4 genera (Candida, Saccharomyces, Trichosporon, Aspergillus) and 12 species. The most frequently detected fungi were C. albicans (55.2%), followed by C. glabrata (12.4%), C parapsilosis (10.5%) and С. tropicalis (9.5%). Relatively low percentage of fungi identified in vagina was associated, among others, with the fact that most of the female patients with diabetes were at the postmenopausal period. In all the patients in whom fungi were isolated from the vagina contents, these fungi were also found in other ontocenoses. The increase in percentage of fungal strains from genera other than Candida in patients with a higher risk is of clinical importance, as some of them are resistant in vitro to azole derivatives e.g. fluconazole. The digestive tract is thought to be the most frequent fungal habitat. A considerable prevalence of fungi, multifocal infections, particularly related to oral cavity and anus, and occurrence of high percentage of strains different from C. albicans species of Candida genus in female patients with type 2 diabetes indicate the necessity of the special mode of diagnostic and therapeutic management

    Evaluation of some clinic data in patients with tinea versicolor

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    Fungi from Malassezia species may be a component of human and animal skin onthocenosis but also may cause general mycoses in patients from high risk groups. The aim of study was the evaluation of some clinic data in patients with tinea versicolor, who entered to Department of Biology and Medical Parasitology, Centre for Treatment of Parasitic Diseases and Mycoses, Medical University of Lodz. Forty four patients with tinea versicolor were examined. Localization and number of skin lesions as well as eventually risk factor were examined. In all patients mycological examine was done; morphotic elements of fungi in direct and stained slides were found, cultures on solid medium with oil olive were done. In Wood light fluorescence of changed skin was observed. The most incidence of tinea versicolor was observed in young persons to compare with to another age groups. The most frequently localization of clinical lesions concerned back skin, back and chest. In women – to compare with to male patients – clinical lesions on back skin were significantly more frequent. The only one factor was conducived to infection – it was a seborrhea of the skin, observed mainly in patients from the youngest age group