94 research outputs found

    Ethiopian Banking Sector Development

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    Financial development is comprehensive term that represent the structure, size, accessibility and efficiency of financial intermediaries. Each of this element of financial development is measurable. This paper deals with the structure of Ethiopian financial system, and size, accessibility, efficiency and concentration of the banking sector in particular. These dimensions of Ethiopian banking sector measured using ratio of private sector credit to GDP, demographic and geographic distribution of banks’ branches, interest rate spread, concentration ratio and Herfindahl-Hirschman index. As the result of the analysis show Ethiopian banking sector was shallow, less inclusive and highly concentrated. Keywords: Ethiopian banking sector, concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index

    The East African Community and theClimate Change Agenda: An Inventory of theProgress, Hurdles, and Prospects

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    This article details efforts to combat climate change within the framework of the nascent United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (“UNECA”). The discourse begins by providing a clear picture of the EAC’s establishment, membership, purpose, and mandate, and the relevance of the latter two to EAC’s climate change agenda. This is followed by a general overview of the evidence and impacts of climate change in the sub-region. In the substantive sections, the article takes stock of the achievements registered by the EAC in its efforts to address climate change in the sub-region, as well as the challenges impeding these efforts. Weighing these achievements and challenges, it then attempts to paint the picture of the prospects for addressing climate change issues in the sub-region within the EAC’s prevailing framework. Finally, the author submits recommendations for addressing climate change issues in the sub-region
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