7 research outputs found

    Databázy v MS Access - sprievodné texty k praktickým cvičeniam

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    Vysokoškolský ucebný text „Databázy v MS Access – sprievodné texty k praktickým cviceniam“ je urcený posluchácom lekárkych fakúlt, študentom vysokých škôl netechnického zamerania i všetkým zaciatocníkom v práci s databázami. Uvedie citatela do problematiky databázového spracovania údajov a vysvetlí základné princípy, ktoré je potrebné poznat pri tvorbe relacných databáz. Je preto vhodný pre tých, ktorí ešte s databázami nepracovali, prípadne zacali uvažovat o tom, že svoje údaje budú spravovat pomocou svojej vlastnej databázy. Avšak, užitocné informácie tu môžu nájst aj pocítacovo „skúsenejší“ používatelia. Vysokoškolský ucebný text je písaný tak, aby jeho obsah bolo možné zvládnut so základnými znalostami práce s pocítacom a programami bežiacimi v prostredí niektorej z verzií operacného systému MS Windows URL: https://unibook.upjs.sk/ The university textbook "Databases in MS Access - accompanying texts for practical exercises" is intended for students of medical faculties, students of non-technical universities and all beginners in working with databases. It introduces the reader to the issue of database data processing and explains the basic principles that need to be known when creating relational databases. It is therefore suitable for those who have not yet worked with databases, or who have started thinking about managing their data using their own database. However, even more "experienced" computer users can find useful information here. The university textbook is written in the way that its content can be mastered with basic knowledge of working with computers and programs running in the environment of MS Windows operating system.Tento vysokoškolský učebný text vznikol s prispením Kultúrnej a edukačnej grantovej agentúry Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky v rámci riešenia projektu KEGA 003UPJŠ-4/2023, "Inovácia výucbového procesu v lekárskych a nelekárskych študijných programoch s využitím medicínskych simulačných nástrojov a virtuálnej reality" a projektu KEGA 040UK-4/2022, "Obsahová inovácia a digitalizácia povinného predmetu lekárska biofyzika a súvisiacich povinne voliteľných predmetov"

    Agrimonia eupatoria L. and Cynara cardunculus L. Water Infusions: Comparison of Anti-Diabetic Activities

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is frequently diagnosed at a time when patients already suffer from several cardiovascular complications. Our previously published data (Molecules 201520 (11): 20538-50) on the anti-oxidative properties of Agrimonia eupatoria L. (AE) and Cynara cardunculus L. (CC) prompted us to extend the available evidence on their possible protective activities on selected DM-related parameters in a streptozotocin-induced DM rat model and in a series of in vitro experiments. Male rats were divided into four groups: control group, untreated diabetic group, AE and CC treated diabetic groups. During a five-week period, changes in blood glucose and body weight were monitored. Then, rats were sacrificed and subjected to the assessment of changes in the reactivity of aortas and measurement of butyrylcholinesterase activity. To complete the panel of experiments, α-glucosidase activity was assessed in vitro. Our results demonstrate that both tested extracts exert similar anti-diabetic activities. However, better anti-oxidant activity of the A. eupatoria extract indicates its higher clinical potential in the prevention and/or adjuvant therapy of developing cardiovascular complications related to DM and diseases associated with oxidative stress