6 research outputs found

    Developing RF Power Sensor Calibration Station in Direct Comparison Transfer System using Vector Network Analyzer, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2021, nr 3

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    Calibration of RF power sensors is crucial issue in RF power measurements. Many calibration laboratories use the direct comparison transfer system with a signal generator and a power splitter. Increasing performance of modern vector network analyzers makes it possible to perform a power sensor calibration with acceptable uncertainties. The main advantage when using a VNA is a simple measurement setup with a wide frequency range (up to 50 GHz, limited only by the VNA and the standard power sensor), where all of required components, i.e. signal generator, a directional coupler and a reference power indicator are built in the VNA technology. This paper reports performing a VNA-based RF power sensors calibration for 10 MHz – 18 GHz band, carried out in the Laboratory of Electric, Electronic and Optoelectronic Metrology at the National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw, Poland. In order to validate the proposed solution two of power sensors were calibrated at a reference laboratory. The validation consisted of two steps. At first, one of those characterized power sensors was calibrated at our laboratory in direct comparison transfer system. Finally, the results obtained from the VNA-based system were compared with the previously obtained one

    Wszczęcie postępowania podatkowego – istota i charakter prawny

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    The provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure of 1960, regulating the initiation of the administrative procedure, continue to function under the Tax Code of 1997 in an almost unchanged form. Excluding the tax matters from the administrative procedure legislator omitted the specificity of the tax assessement, especially self-assessement. As a consequence, norms of initiating of the tax procedure fully relates only to the general tax procedure, that serves only to the undertaking of the administrative acts by the tax authority. Furthemore, from the ontological point of view, object which is initiation of the procedure is not the first procedural action in the case, but an event, accompanying that kind of action both the authority’s and the tax-payer’s, carried out at this stage of the application of tax substantive law in the self-assessement procedure. Tax procedural law does not distinguish those situations properly, what causes serious problems with legal interpretation of the tax rules of proceeding. The aim of this article is to give some basic legal and philosophical remarks on this problem

    Developing RF Power Sensor Calibration Station in Direct Comparison Transfer System using Vector Network Analyzer

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    Calibration of RF power sensors is crucial issue in RF power measurements. Many calibration laboratories use the direct comparison transfer system with a signal generator and a power splitter. Increasing performance of modern vector network analyzers makes it possible to perform a power sensor calibration with acceptable uncertainties. The main advantage when using a VNA is a simple measurement setup with a wide frequency range (up to 50 GHz, limited only by the VNA and the standard power sensor), where all of required components, i.e. signal generator, a directional coupler and a reference power indicator are built in the VNA technology. This paper reports performing a VNA-based RF power sensors calibration for 10 MHz – 18 GHz band, carried out in the Laboratory of Electric, Electronic and Optoelectronic Metrology at the National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw, Poland. In order to validate the proposed solution two of power sensors were calibrated at a reference laboratory. The validation consisted of two steps. At first, one of those characterized power sensors was calibrated at our laboratory in direct comparison transfer system. Finally, the results obtained from the VNA-based system were compared with the previously obtained ones

    About the need for reconstruction of the legal institution of the tax procedure initiation

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    Zgodnie z art. 9 ust. 2 rozporządzenia Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej z dnia 22 marca 1928 r. o postępowaniu administracyjnym osoby posiadające interes prawny w danej sprawie były upoważnione do uczestniczenia jako strona, zarówno w postępowaniu administracyjnym wszczynanym na jej żądanie, jak i przez organy władzy z urzędu. Zasadniczym i ciągle nierozstrzygniętym pytaniem, towarzyszącym tej konstrukcji prawnej, jest wskazanie, kto w istocie ma uprawnienie do dokonania wiążącej prawnie oceny, czy wskazywany przez stronę interes prawny istnieje, a w konsekwencji, kto decyduje o jej dopuszczeniu do postępowania. Zagadnienie to zostało przeniesione na grunt ustawy z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. – Ordynacja podatkowa wraz z implementowaniem omawianego rozwiązania prawnego, bez wzięcia pod uwagę specyfiki prawnej postępowania wymiarowego, w szczególności procedury samowymiaru zobowiązań podatkowych, do postępowania podatkowego. Ponadto, zgodnie z systemem ontologicznym zaprezentowanym przez Romana Ingardena w dziele Spór o istnienie świata, przedmiot, jakim jest wszczęcie postępowania podatkowego stanowi zdarzenie, a nie przedmiot trwający w czasie, proces, przedmiot intencjonalny czy ideę. Proceduralne prawo podatkowe nie rozróżnia i nie nazywa właściwie różnych form przedmiotowych, co powoduje poważne problemy na płaszczyźnie wykładni prawa. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie kilku podstawowych prawnych i filozoficznych kierunków rekonstrukcji instytucji wszczęcia postępowania podatkowego.Pursuant to article 9 clause 2 of Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland on Administrative Procedure of 1928, persons which possessed so-called legal interest in the case, were entitled to participate in the administrative procedure as a party. Both in procedure initiated by the authority ex officio and initiated on their own demand. The essential and still unsettled question of this construction is: who is authorised by the law to establish the existence of that legal interest, and consequently who decides on the admission of the applicant to the proceeding. This issue has been transferred to the Tax Code of 1997 with the implementation of that scheme, without taking into consideration the legal specificity of the tax assessment, especially self-assessment, to the tax procedure. Furthemore, pursuant to the ontological system, presented by Roman Ingarden in his work Controversy over the Existence of the World, an object which is the initiation of the procedure is an event, not a thing, processes, purely intentional object or an idea. Tax procedural law does not distinguish and name various types of objects properly, which causes serious problems as to legal interpretation. The aim of this work is to give some basic legal and philosophical directions for the reconstruction of the institution of the tax procedure initiation

    Determination of measurement uncertainty by a Monte Carlo method for an RF power sensor calibration system using a VNA

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    This work proposes a systematic assessment of measuring type A uncertainty (caused by random errors) used in RF power sensor calibration. To reduce A type uncertainty, several successive measurements are repeated. The uncertainty arises from repeatability errors in connectors caused by changes in their electrical properties during repeated mating. The suitability of the METAS UncLib software was analysed and we concluded that software should be developed to take into account the shape of probability density function (PDF) using a Monte Carlo method (MCM), which was lacking in METAS UncLib. The self-developed software was then tested on an example taken from the literature and the superiority of the MCM over the analytical method (GUM) was confirmed. During the calibration of the RF sensor using a vector network analyzer (VNA), a series of repeated measurements were performed and, after applying our MCM software, it was found that the measurement uncertainties calculated by the MCM method were several times larger than those by the GUM. The reason for this was that the correlation between the measured input quantities was not taken into account. When this was done using a covariance matrix and assuming a normal PDF of the input quantities, the results obtained with the GUM and the MCM converged. Our main objective was to investigate the influence of the PDF shape of the input measurement samples on the measurement uncertainty. Taking more than a dozen measurements is too costly, on the other hand, the small sample size prevents a reliable determination of the PDF shape. Finally, to overcome this inconvenience, we have developed a special method that uses the histograms of standardized input data taken at all measurement frequencies under fixed conditions without disconnecting the connectors, to increasing the total number of results which were needed to create the PDF histograms of input quantities