17 research outputs found

    Comparative study of virulence potential, phylogenetic origin, CRISPR-Cas regions and drug resistance of Escherichia coli isolates from urine and other clinical materials

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    IntroductionUrinary tract infections (UTI), among which the main etiological factor is uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC, E. coli), remain an important issue for clinicians. The aim of the study was to demonstrate clear differences in the pathogenic properties of urine-derived E. coli compared to other extraintestinal E. coli clinical isolates (derived from: blood, lower respiratory tracts, sputum, reproductive tract, body fluids, perianal pus, other pus, wound, postoperative wound and other sources).MethodsThe collection of 784 E. coli isolates was collected from various materials of hospitalized patients. They were analyzed in terms of virulence-associated genes (papC, sfaD/sfaE, cnf1, usp., fimG/H, hlyA), belonging to phylogenetic groups and the presence of CRISPR-Cas regions using PCR. In addition, the epidemiological data and the antibiotic resistance profiles provided by the hospital’s microbiology department were included for statistical analyses.ResultsUrine-derived E. coli showed significantly greater virulence potential compared to other isolates, but they were generally unremarkable in terms of drug resistance. The isolates most often belonged to phylogenetic group B2. Drug resistance was negatively correlated with CRISPR 2 presence and high average virulence score, but positively correlated with CRISPR 4 presence. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report significant differences in sputum-derived isolates—they revealed the lowest virulence potential and, at the same time, the highest drug resistance.DiscussionIn conclusion, we demonstrated significant differences of urinary-derived E. coli compared to other clinical E. coli isolates. We would like to suggest excluding penicillins from use in E. coli infection at this time and monitoring strains with a high pathogenicity potential


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    The aim of the research was to present the clinical observations of neoplastic lesions of the appendix (one carcinoid and two mucous cysts) and to discuss various manners of treatment and prognosis. Material and methods: The authors of the following paper present a description of three cases of appendix tumours, two patients with a mucous cyst and a patient with carcinoid, against the background of all the appendectomies performed at the Clinical Department of General, Endocrine and Oncological Surgery of the Provincial Polyclinical Hospital in Kielce in the years 2005–2011. Results : Within the 7-year period, a total of 11 719 surgical operations have been performed, where 834 (7.1%) were that of appendectomy. Among all of the removed vermiform appendixes, neoplastic lesions occurred in three cases constituting a mere 0.3% of all of the appendectomies performed within that period. In two of the cases there was a suspicion of mucous cysts before the surgical operation. In none of the above-mentioned cases was is possible to ultimately establish the diagnosis before the operation. The patients were subjected to a simple appendectomy. The patients are in good clinical health, with no signs of relapse. Conclusions : The presented cases of patients with appendix tumours illustrate the difficulty of preoperative detection of a neoplastic lesion. This is mainly due to a scantily symptomatic course or symptoms typical of appendicitis. In light of this, histopathological examination of each appendix should be treated as obligatory

    The Influence of Splenectomy Performed Simultaneously with Gastrectomy on Postoperative Complications in Patients with Gastric Cancer Undergoing Surgery with the Intention to Treat

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    Despite the growing understanding of the pathophysiological processes in the perioperative period and significant advancements in surgical techniques, operative treatment for gastric cancer remains a challenge for surgeons, especially because the primary procedure of total or nearly total gastrectomy must at times be extended by the resection of other organs. The aim of the study was to asses the influence of concomitant splenectomy in patients undergoing curative surgery for gastric cancer on postoperative complications. Material and methods. The study population consisted of 258 patients who underwent surgical treatment for gastric cancer with the intention to treat. The study assessed the influence of extending the surgical intervention by splenectomy on postoperative complications, both general and surgical, including the most severe of these, i.e. oesophago-gastric anastomotic leakage, duodenal stump leakage and peritoneal fluid infections. Results. Among the 258 gastric cancer patients receiving curative surgical treatment, the most common simultaneous intervention was splenectomy: 42/258 (16.3%), which was also accompanied by partial pancreatectomy in 8 cases. The number of surgical postoperative complications, major and minor, was similar in both subgroups: with and without splenectomy. Minor general complications, such as pyrexia with no clinically apparent reason, atelectasis, pneumonia and pleural effusion were statistically significantly more common in the subgroup with splenectomy (p=0.0001). Conclusion. Splenectomy performed concomitantly with gastrectomy for gastric cancer increases the risk of minor general complications. However, it does not increase the risk of severe surgical complications, such as oesophago-intestinal anastomotic leakage and does not increase the risk of deat

    Severe vascular complications of acute pancreatiti

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    Acute pancreatitis (AP) develops as a result of the imbalance of the mechanisms inhibiting the activity of enzymes in the pancreatic cells, which causes their autoactivation in the pancreas. The incidence of AP ranges from 10 up to 100 cases per 100,000 population per year in different parts of the world. The overall mortality rate for acute pancreatitis is 10- 15%. The mortality rate in patients diagnosed with the severe form of acute pancreatitis is up to 30- 40%. Material and methods. The study included 10 patients treated due to acute pancreatitis in two surgical departments run by one of the authors (S.G.) in the years 2004-2014, who developed a serious complication in the form of haemorrhage into the inflammatory tumour/pancreatic cyst or an adjacent organ. Haemorrhage was diagnosed based on the clinical picture, most often a sudden drop in blood pressure, peritonitis symptoms and imaging findings – abdominal ultrasound and abdominal computed tomography. Therapeutic methods included conservative treatment, endovascular embolisation and, in the absence of efficacy of the above mentioned methods, surgical treatment. Patients age and gender, the etiological factor, comorbidities, Atlanta Classification, treatment outcomes and mortality rate were assessed. Results. Alcohol was the most common etiological factor in the investigated AP cases. The patients received conservative treatment, interventional radiology treatment (endovascular embolisation) or surgical treatment. In the study group, 6 patients required surgical treatment, 3 patients received invasive radiology treatment, and conservative treatment was used in one patient. The mortality rate in the study group was 30%. Conclusions. Haemorrhages into the inflammatory cisterns or adjacent organs (stomach, transverse colon mesentery) secondary to AP are the most severe complications, which are difficult to manage. The successful use of interventional radiology methods to inhibit and prevent the recurrence of bleeding in some of the patients is a significant milestone

    Risk factors of pancreatitis after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography – a retrospective cohort study

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    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is the most important non-surgical procedure in serious pancreatic and biliary diseases, still burdened with the risk of severe complications. The objective of the study was to distinguish factors which could increase the risk of occurrence of ERCP complication in the form of pancreatitis. Material and methods. The study included 452 patients who had undergone ERCP. Patients’ records were retrospectively analyzed from the aspect of demographic data, indications for the procedure, type and course of the procedure, type and severity of complications, width of the common bile duct (CBD), concomitant diseases and administered medicines which might increase the risk of complications. Results. In 35 patients (7.7%) a complication occurred in the form of pancreatitis (AP). A severe course was confirmed in 11 patients (31%). Cholelithiasis constituted approximately 2/3 of indications for ERCP. AP after ERCP was significantly more often observed in the group of patients aged under 40 (22.9% vs 8.6%; p<0.05). Narrow biliary ducts (3-8 mm) were the factor increasing the frequency of development of AP (25.9% vs 45%; p<0.05). Death occurred in 5 patients (1.1%), including 4 patients (0.96%) in the group without complications, and in 1 patient (2.85%) with complicated AP. Conclusions. ERCP is a very valuable procedure in clinical treatment; however, it is burdened with the risk of complications, such as AP, bleeding, or duodenal perforation. A group especially exposed to the risk of complications in the form of AP are young patients aged under 40 with a narrow CBD

    Fournier gangrene – a challenge for the surgeon

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    Introduction. Fournier gangrene (FG) is life - threatening condition, defined as the necrotizing fascitis of perineum and can spread to the adjacent areas. It is rare disease and infection is caused by mixed bacterial flora, seldom by fungal infection. Risk factors are: male sex, diabetes, hypertension, malignant neoplasms, alcoholism, immunospression. Material and methods. The analysis of four group patients treateted for Fournier gangrene was made about diagnostic and therapeutic process, assessment of prognosis based on Fournier’s Gangrene Severity Index). Results. All patients were males. Average age at the moment of diagnosis was 60 years. All of them had comorbidities resulting with the higher risk of susceptibility to FG. Morbitity was 50%, despite of all of patients had less than 9 points in FGSI. Discussion. The FG, despite of better diagnostic tools and technological progres remaines the significant clinical issue because of the mortality - 80%. „The golden standard” is surgical excision of necrotic tissues, antibiotics support, equation of fluid, electrolytes and base – acid balance, level of glycemia is very important. The treating results were assessed on the base of FGSI. The significance has the moment of performing the surgical intervention – it is proven, that should be carried out during 24 hours. The hyperbaric oxygen therapy is controversial. Seem to be appropriate if the infection is caused by anaerobic bacteria. Conclusions. Fournier syndrome is significant clinical issue. Its treatment requires early surgical approach with exicision of necrotic tissues, antibiotics support and treatment of hyperbaric oxygen in some cases

    CTRC gene polymorphism may increase pancreatic cancer risk – preliminary study

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    Pancreatic cancer is often fatal due to delayed diagnosis and treatment difficulties. Objective: To analyze selected SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR, and PRSS1 gene mutations in cancer tissue and blood samples of patients with pancreatic tumors. Materials and method: We enrolled 16 consecutive patients diagnosed with pancreatic tumors. We collected cancer tissue, normal pancreatic tissue, and blood samples for genetic tests. The control group consisted of 419 healthy individuals. Peripheral blood samples were collected from all study participants in EDTA-coated tubes. Results: Out of 16 patients with pancreatic tumors, 12 had pancreatic cancer on microscopic examination (mean age, 60.2 years). The CTRC polymorphism Hetero p.G60=(c.180C>T) was found in 5 patients with pancreatic cancer (41.7% vs. 18.6% in the control group). One patient with pancreatic cancer and a positive family history had the SPINK1 (p.N34S) mutation [8.3% vs. 2.9% (12/419) in the control group]. One patient with pancreatic cancer had the CTRC (p.R254W) mutation [8.3% vs. 1% (4/419) in the control group]. Conclusions: Our preliminary results show that the CTRC polymorphism p.G60= (c.180C>T) is frequent in patients with pancreatic cancer. However, further research is needed to verify our findings

    CD63 and GLUT-1 Overexpression Could Predict a Poor Clinical Outcome in GIST: A Study of 54 Cases with Follow-Up

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    Background and Goals. In light of current knowledge, it seems that alternations underlying GISTs are well explained, although all that is enhanced by various aspects on a daily basis. More recently, attention has been pointed towards exosomes as important particles able to modify healthy and also diseased tissues including cancer. The goal of the present study was an analysis of CD9, CD63, and GLUT-1 as a marker of hypoxia status within 54 cases of GIST and evaluation of their predictive value. Methods. 54 cases of patients suffering from GIST were enrolled into the study, predominantly in the gastric location. All operated cases had no Imatinib and other chemotherapies up to the day of operation. Expression of targeted proteins was performed by immunohistochemistry and, after that, the results with tabulated clinical data were compared by Kaplan-Meier method and multivariate Cox proportional hazard model of statistical analysis. Results. Our results presented a marked dependence of worsening clinical outcome with high expression CD63 (p=0.008) as well as with GLUT-1 (p=0.014). We noted a strict correlation of GLUT-1 expression with CD63 expression (p=0.03), which could confirm the thesis about the contribution of exosomes in intratumoural hypoxia status. The collected material did not confirm CD9 contribution. Conclusions. As presented here, CD63 and GLUT-1 have a prognostic value in GIST cases. The results confirm the other studies in this scope and can be used in future as an additional prognostic factor

    Polimorfizm genu CTRC może być czynnikiem zwiększającym ryzyko raka trzustki – badanie wstępne

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    Rak trzustki jest chorobą o wysokiej śmiertelności z powodu późnego rozpoznania i trudności w leczeniu. Cel: Celem badania była analiza mutacji wybranych genów SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR i PRSS1 oraz ich porównanie w tkance nowotworowej i krwi obwodowej u pacjentów leczonych z powodu raka trzustki. Materiał i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano 16 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem guza trzustki. Do badań genetycznych pobrano u nich próbki tkanki nowotworowej, zdrowej tkanki trzustkowej i krwi obwodowej. Grupa kontrolna składała się z 419 zdrowych osób. Próbki krwi obwodowej pobrano od wszystkich uczestników badania do probówek z EDTA. Wyniki: Spośród 16 pacjentów ze wstępnym rozpoznaniem guza trzustki, raka trzustki potwierdzono badaniem mikroskopowym u 12 pacjentów (średni wiek: 60,2 lat). U 5 pacjentów zaobserwowano polimorfizm CTRC Hetero p.G60 = (c.180C >T) (41,7% pacjentów vs 18,6% w grupie kontrolnej). W pozostałej grupie pacjentów z rakiem trzustki u jednego chorego stwierdzono dodatni wywiad rodzinny, mutację SPINK1 (p.N34S) obserwowano u 1 na 12 pacjentów (8,3%) vs 12 na 419 badanych (2,9%) w grupie kontrolnej, a mutację CTRC (p.R254W) u 1 na12 chorych (8,3%) vs 4 na 419 badanych (1%) we krwi zdrowej populacji. Wnioski: Wstępne badania wskazują na potrzebę dalszej weryfikacji otrzymanych wyników sugerujących częstsze występowanie polimorfizmu p.G60= (c.180C >T) genu CTRC u chorych na raka trzustki

    Iatrogenic bile duct injuries – clinical problems

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    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in surgical wards. Iatrogenic bile duct injuries (IBDI) incurred during the procedures are among postoperative complications that are most difficult to treat. The risk of bile duct injury is 0.2-0.4%, and their consequences are unpleasant both for the surgeon and for the patient. The aim of the study was analysis of iatrogenic bile duct injuries and methods of their repair,taking into consideration the circumstances, under which the injuries occur. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 16 patients who had suffered IBDI during surgery. The analysed parameters included sex, age, indications for surgery, the setting of the surgical procedure and the type of bile duct injury. Additionally, the time of injury diagnosis, type of repair and treatment outcome were assessed. The IBDI analysis used the EAES classification of injuries. The time of IBDI repair was defined as immediate, early or late,depending on the time that had passed from the injury. The analysis included complications seen after bile duct repair. Results. The study group consisted of 10 women and 6 men, aged 29-84. Patients underwent 6 classic cholecystectomies, 8 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, one gastrotomy to remove oesophageal prosthesis and one laparotomy due to peptic ulcer. IBDI was diagnosed intraoperatively in 4 patients. In 12 patients IBDI was diagnosed within 1-7 days. The diagnosis was based on endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and the results of biochemistry tests. According to the EAES classification, the injuries were of type 1 (4 patients), type 2 (8 patients), type 5 (3 patients) and type 6 (1 patients). Reconstruction procedures were performed during the same anaesthesia session in 3 patients, and in the early period in 13 patients. The main procedure was Roux-en-Y anastomosis (12 patients), with the remaining including bile-duct suturing over a T-tube (3 patients) and underpinning of an accessory bile duct in the pocket left after gallbladder removal (1 patient). The most common reconstruction complications included bile leak (3 patients), recurrent cholangitis (3 patients) and bile duct stricture (2 patients). Mortality in the study group was 12.5%. Conclusions. The procedures of laparoscopic and classic cholecystectomy are associated with a risk of IBDI, especially in the presence of inflammatory state of the gall-bladder. IBDI is a complex complication: its treatment poses a challenge for the operating surgeon, and even the most careful treatment adversely affects the patient’s lifedue to complications