3 research outputs found

    Contemporary terrorist threat and safety of the Republic of Poland

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    Mimo iż Rzeczpospolita Polska nie doświadczyła jeszcze ataków ze strony islamistów, ze względu na sojusz z USA, członkostwo w NATO, Unii Europejskiej oraz udział w operacjach wymuszania i utrzymywania pokoju w krajach gdzie islam jest religią powszechną, narażona jest nieustannie na ich odwet. W kraju istnieją ekstremistyczne organizacje o profilu skrajnie prawicowym i skrajnie lewicowym, lecz ryzyko przeprowadzania przez nie akcji terrorystycznych jest znikome. W obliczu zdecydowanego wzrostu zamachów dzihadystycznych od 2014 roku, w ostatnich latach nastąpiła intensyfikacja działań władz w celu budowy efektywnego systemu antyterrorystycznego. Mimo pewnych osiągnięć znajduje się on wciąż w fazie realizacji. Należy go nieustanie doskonalić, czerpiąc z dorobku osiągniętego w tej dziedzinie przez państwa bardziej doświadczone przez terroryzm. Aktualnie problemem jednak są różnice w podejściu poszczególnych państw do niektórych zagadnień związanych z zagrożeniem dżihadystycznym. Ujawniło się to ostatnio w kwestii uchodźców, gdy Polska wraz z innymi krajami Grupy Wyszehradzkiej zajęła stanowisko odmienne niż zdecydowana większość państw członkowskich UE.Evan thou Poland has not experienced any islamist attacks, because of its alliance with United States, NATO and EU membership as well as participation in combat missions and antiterror operations, the country is exposed to jihadist retaliation. In Poland exist extremist far right and far left organizations, however the danger of them engaging in terrorist activities is highly unlikely. In the face of huge upsurge of jihadist attacks since 2014, the last years saw huge intensification of creating national antiterror system. Despite some achievements, it is still in early stages. It has to be constantly streamlined, drawing on track record of countries affected by terrorism. Currently there is a problem with respect to different countries positions on solving issues related to threat posed by jihadist. It has been the case recently, with regard to refugee issue, when Poland alongside other Visegrad Group states have taken a different stance than the overwhelming majority of other UE countries

    Limbic encephalitis – a report of four cases

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    Usually limbic encephalitis (LE) is a paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome. LE symptoms can precede cancer even by a few years. Almost 50% of LE cases are connected with small cell lung carcinoma. Testis and breast cancers, granulomatous disease, thymoma, and teratomas are also often connected with LE. Other cases have infectious and autoimmunological aetiology. In LE limbic system dysfunction is observed, and it is accompanied by cerebellum and brain stem abnormalities as well as polyneuropathy. Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis is sometimes a part of larger syndrome in which brain stem and spinal cord are involved in an inflammatory process called paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis. The main LE symptoms are: impairment of cognitive functions with subacute beginning, partial and generalised seizures, mental distress, disturbances of consciousness, and limb paresis. In MRI study hyperintensive lesions in the medial part of the temporal lobes in T2 and FLAIR sequences are present. Sharp and slow waves in electroencephalography in the temporal area are also frequent. In cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, elevation of protein level, intensification of immunoglobulin synthesis, and oligoclonal bands can be detected. The majority of patients with paraneoplastic LE have onconeural antibodies in the blood. The presented study is a description of the clinical course of the disease in four patients diagnosed with LE

    Case Report of Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis Related to Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Following Administration of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 for Vaccination against COVID-19

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    Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) has been recently reported after vaccination against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We present a case of a patient with fulminant CVST and thrombocytopenia after receiving the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. Although the patient received immediate anticoagulant and intravenous immune globulin treatment, he died within 24 h after hospital admission. VITT and CVST are rare conditions; however, the course may be fatal. Therefore, clinicians should be familiarized with the clinical and laboratory features of VITT