10 research outputs found

    Optimization of the CLIC Final Focus Dispersion without Using Extra Multipolar Components

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    We optimize the nominal final focus system for CLIC to maximize the luminosity at the IP. We investigate the effect of quadrupole optimization after sextupole optimization for high and low dispersion reductions. Finally we try to improve our optimization further via a small corrective optimization and check that the optimal dispersion reduction also holds for the entire Beam Delivery System (BDS)

    de Sitter limit of inflation and nonlinear perturbation theory

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    We study the fourth order action of the comoving curvature perturbation in an inflationary universe in order to understand more systematically the de Sitter limit in nonlinear cosmological perturbation theory. We derive the action of the curvature perturbation to fourth order in the comoving gauge, and show that it vanishes sufficiently fast in the de Sitter limit. By studying the de Sitter limit, we then extrapolate to the n'th order action of the comoving curvature perturbation and discuss the slow-roll order of the n-point correlation function.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; typos corrected and discussion of tensor modes adde

    Issues Concerning Loop Corrections to the Primordial Power Spectra

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    We expound ten principles in an attempt to clarify the debate over infrared loop corrections to the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra from inflation. Among other things we note that existing proposals for nonlinear extensions of the scalar fluctuation field ζ\zeta introduce new ultraviolet divergences which no one understands how to renormalize. Loop corrections and higher correlators of these putative observables would also be enhanced by inverse powers of the slow roll parameter ϵ\epsilon. We propose an extension which should be better behaved.Comment: 36 pages, uses LaTeX2e, version 3 revised for publication with a much expanded section 4, proving that our proposed extension of the zeta-zeta correlator absorbs the one loop infrared divergences from graviton

    Diagrammatic approach to non-Gaussianity from inflation

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    We present Feynman type diagrams for calculating the n-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation in terms of scalar field perturbations during inflation. The diagrams can be used to evaluate the corresponding terms in the n-point function at tree level or any required loop level. Rules are presented for drawing the diagrams and writing down the corresponding terms in real space and Fourier space. We show that vertices can be renormalised to automatically account for diagrams with dressed vertices. We apply these rules to calculate the primordial power spectrum up to two loops, the bispectrum including loop corrections, and the trispectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. v2: Comments and references added, v3: Introduction expanded, subsection on evaluating loop diagrams added, minor errors corrected, references adde

    Infrared effects in inflationary correlation functions

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    In this article, I briefly review the status of infrared effects which occur when using inflationary models to calculate initial conditions for a subsequent hot, dense plasma phase. Three types of divergence have been identified in the literature: secular, "time-dependent" logarithms, which grow with time spent outside the horizon; "box-cutoff" logarithms, which encode a dependence on the infrared cutoff when calculating in a finite-sized box; and "quantum" logarithms, which depend on the ratio of a scale characterizing new physics to the scale of whatever process is under consideration, and whose interpretation is the same as conventional field theory. I review the calculations in which these divergences appear, and discuss the methods which have been developed to deal with them.Comment: Invited review for focus section of Classical & Quantum Gravity on nonlinear and nongaussian perturbation theory. Some improvements compared to version which will appear in CQG, especially in Sec. 2.3. 30 pages + references

    Primordial Non-Gaussianities of General Multiple Field Inflation

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    We perform a general study of the primordial scalar non-Gaussianities in multi-field inflationary models in Einstein gravity. We consider models governed by a Lagrangian which is a general function of the scalar fields and their first spacetime derivatives. We use δN\delta N formalism to relate scalar fields and curvature perturbations. We calculate the explicit cubic order perturbation action and the three-point function of curvature perturbation evaluated at horizon-crossing. Under reasonable assumptions, in the limit of small slow-varying parameters and a sound speed csc_s close to one, we find that the non-Gaussianity is completely determined by these slow-varying parameters and some other parameters determined by the structure of the inflationary models. Our work generalizes previous results, and would be useful to study non-Gaussianity in multi-field inflationary models that will be constructed in the future.Comment: 26 pages, no figure; v2, minor revision; v3 minor misprints corrected; v4 minor misprints correcte

    On the Issue of the \zeta Series Convergence and Loop Corrections in the Generation of Observable Primordial Non-Gaussianity in Slow-Roll Inflation. Part I: the Bispectrum

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    We show in this paper that it is possible to attain very high, {\it including observable}, values for the level of non-gaussianity f_{NL} associated with the bispectrum B_\zeta of the primordial curvature perturbation \zeta, in a subclass of small-field {\it slow-roll} models of inflation with canonical kinetic terms. Such a result is obtained by taking care of loop corrections both in the spectrum P_\zeta and the bispectrum B_\zeta. Sizeable values for f_{NL} arise even if \zeta is generated during inflation. Five issues are considered when constraining the available parameter space: 1. we must ensure that we are in a perturbative regime so that the \zeta series expansion, and its truncation, are valid. 2. we must apply the correct condition for the (possible) loop dominance in B_\zeta and/or P_\zeta. 3. we must satisfy the spectrum normalisation condition. 4. we must satisfy the spectral tilt constraint. 5. we must have enough inflation to solve the horizon problem.Comment: LaTeX file, 40 pages, 6 figures, Main body: 26 pages, Appendix: 8 pages, References: 6 pages. v2: minor grammatical changes, references added and updated, a few changes reflecting the fact that = 0, conclusions unchanged. Version accepted for publication in Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physic

    Predictions for Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation

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    In our previous work the nonlinearity parameter f_NL, which characterizes nongaussianity in the cosmic microwave background, was estimated for a class of inflationary models based on nonlocal field theory. These models include p-adic inflation and generically have the remarkable property that slow roll inflation can proceed even with an extremely steep potential. Previous calculations found that large nongaussianity is possible; however, the technical complications associated with studying perturbations in theories with infinitely many derivatives forced us to provide only an order of magnitude estimate for f_NL. We reconsider the problem of computing f_NL in nonlocal inflation models, showing that a particular choice of field basis and recent progress in cosmological perturbation theory makes an exact computation possible. We provide the first quantitatively accurate computation of the bispectrum in nonlocal inflation, confirming our previous claim that it can be observably large. We show that the shape of the bispectrum in this class of models makes it observationally distinguishable from Dirac-Born-Infeld inflation models.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; references added, sign convention for f_NL clarified, minor correction