533 research outputs found

    Beyond Coping. Risk Management in the West Bank

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    Concerned with the equation of risk management behaviours, the research analyses whether risk management in context of armed conflict is different to that observed during natural disasters and economic crises. Based on the case study of the West Bank during 2000-2004, this investigation uses primary data about household’s perceptions, the Palestinian Expenditure and Consumption Survey and a conflict data set to explore how the characteristics of the occupationproduced shocks unfold into the household’s risk management. The distinctive features observed in the risk-related behaviour of West Bank Palestinians indicate that the standard risk management framework needs to be adapted to intregate the endogenous, multidimensional and dynamic nature of conflict-produced shocks.

    Fuel cells : state of the art

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    Publication CIMNEThis report pretends to explain the state of the art of fuel cells and the applications focused on aviation, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). A fuel cell is an electromechanical device that ha the ability to convent chemical energy of a reactant directly into electricity with high efficiency. When the fuel reacts with the oxidant, the electromechanical reaction takes place and some energy is released, usually low-voltage DC electrical energy and heat. The former is used to do useful work directly and the latter is wasted or can be used in cogeneration applications. In the following sections, two concepts will be described: the unit cell and the fuel cell. The unit is the basic operating device that converts chemical energy into electricity. Multiple unit cells connected together in series make up the fuel cell, giving the desired voltage in a specific application.Preprin

    Building the Generic City

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    Desde las contingencias de los tiempos presentes y a raĂ­z de la publicaciĂłn del ensayo de Rem Koolhaas The Generic City (1995), el texto plantea las posibilidades de deriva de una nueva cartografĂ­a polĂ­tica, econĂłmica y social. Los modelos de arquitecturas radicales como New Babylon de Constant (1959) o Archigram (1963) plantean los interrogantes aĂșn sin resolver del tiempo contemporĂĄneo. Solo la palabra, atendiendo a su estricto sentido etimolĂłgico, puede abrir nuevos interrogantes, tales como los enunciados por Martin Heidegger en su Bauen, Wohnen, Denken (Construir, habitar, pensar, 1951).ENG: Since the contingencies of the present times and following Rem Koolhaas’ essay The Generic City (1995), the text explores the possibilities of a new cartography derived from political, economic and social development. Radical architecture models as Constant’s New Babylon (1959) and Archigram (1963) raised the unresolved questions of the contemporary time. Only word, according to their strict etymological sense, can open new questions, such as those enunciated by Martin Heidegger in his Bauen Wohnen, Denken (Building, Dwelling, Thinking, 1951).Peer Reviewe

    Para entrar en el siglo XXI

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    DigestiĂł anaerĂČbia per al tractament de residus orgĂ nics

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    El presente trabajo consiste en la elaboraciĂłn de un documento tĂ©cnico de referencia, en el campo del tratamiento de residuos orgĂĄnicos, realizado para “Ciudad Saludable”, organizaciĂłn no lucrativa dedicada a la implantaciĂłn de sistemas de gestiĂłn de residuos en PerĂș.El present treball consisteix en l'elaboraciĂł d'un document tĂšcnic de referĂšncia, en el camp del tractament de residus orgĂ nics, realitzat per a “Ciudad Saludable”, organitzaciĂł no lucrativa dedicada a la implantaciĂł de sistemes de gestiĂł de residus a PerĂș.Peer Reviewe

    Per quĂš cal observar la prĂ ctica docent? Un observatori de la professiĂł docent

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    L'Observatori Internacional de la ProfessiĂł Docent -OBIPD- neix com a iniciativa d'un grup d'institucions i de professionals interessats en l'estudi, l'anĂ lisi i la millora de la prĂ ctica del professorat de totes les etapes i nivells educatius. En un context de canvi social, la professiĂł docent Ă©s un factor important, requereix evidĂšncies cientĂ­fiques treballades de manera interdisciplinĂ ria i amb una participaciĂł activa del professorat
