21 research outputs found

    Renouer avec les approches qualitatives pour vivifier la recherche criminologique suisse

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    WiSER opening symposium of 2015 18th and 19th February 2015 Wednesday, 18th February 2015 Public Events 09h00 – 10h30 - Lecture John Peffer (Ramapo College of New Jersey, WiSER) The Way We Look: Desire and Privacy in the Study and Display of Vernacular Photography (CHAIR: Pamila Gupta) For historians, the time of discovery of the importance of vernacular photographic forms is passed, as is the notion that these images can always or only speak for themselves as found objects for aesthetic co..

    A methodological journey towards integrating a gender perspective into the measurement of violence against women and intimate partner violence. FORS Working Paper Series, paper 2016-3

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    Over the past 40 years, violence against women has been the subject of a multi-disciplinary dialogue regarding its nature, origins, and “true numbers,” as illustrated by the increasing number of publications on the issue. This debate has focused on how violence against women compares to other forms of interpersonal violence and how individual victimization experiences are to be understood in the broader system of hierarchical gender relations and inequalities. Most importantly, scholars struggled to integrate sociocultural factors into measurement tools that individualize or decontextualize violent behaviors. This debate has been tightly intertwined with—and fostered by—the collection of an increasing amount of empirical data, although several gaps remain. In this contribution, we review some of the specifics of gender-based violence: how it is defined, operationalized, and ultimately measured through various types of prevalence studies. We briefly describe the development of dedicated violence against women surveys, and how international efforts contributed to the dissemination of best practices and survey guidelines. With this in mind, we reflect on the current state of research on violence against women and intimate partner violence in Switzerland and highlight promising avenues for further developing rigorous gender-based violence prevalence studies building on the state-of-the-art international expertise

    European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics - 2010

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    This is the fourth edition of a data collection initiative that started in 1993 under the umbrella of the Council of Europe. Previous editions were prepared by an informal group of experts from several countries. The format developed during the compilation of earlier editions was maintained, especially the network of national correspondents and regional coordinators whose contribution has, once more, been decisive in collecting and validating data on a variety of subjects from 37 countries. While in the third edition some chapters could not be updated, the present document covers the years of 2003-2007 for all areas. In-depth analyses are presented for the year 2006. The basic structure of five chapters – offences and offenders known to the police, prosecution, convictions and sentences, corrections including non-custodial sanctions and survey data – has been maintained. However, several chapters were revised and extended in various respects. For example, efforts were made to extend the Sourcebook’s coverage beyond ordinary (‘street level’) crimes and to include offences such as fraud, offences against computer data and systems, money laundering and corruption. More detailed information has been collected for certain offences, e.g. assault, drug trafficking, sexual assault and sexual abuse of minors. In the chapter on prosecution, information about restrictions of freedom imposed upon persons under investigation, such as police custody, pre-trial detention, bail and electronic monitoring, has been added. In the chapter on convictions, more detailed information is now available on both adults and juveniles, including new forms of non-custodial sanctions (such as community service) and persons held in pre-trial detention. Chapter 4 continues along this line by including information on both those held in custody and those under the supervision of the correctional services. Finally, Chapter 5 presents data from the International Crime Victimisation Surveys conducted between 1989 and 2005. In addition, for the first time information is included in Chapter 5 on self-reported delinquency among juveniles (aged 13-16) that was collected in 2006 during the second international self-reported delinquency survey held in 17 European countries. Our basic collection principle was to gather information from the national correspondents. In a few cases, however, this was not possible and other channels were used, e.g. data provided by Eurostat, UNODC and the Council of Europe SPACE project on the basis of a mutual agreement of supporting each other’s initiative by exchanging information. The data for Chapter 5 was obtained through international surveys. The data presented here will be available on www.europeansourcebook.org as well. The electronic publication includes supplementary detailed technical information provided by national correspondents


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    Santé en prison

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    Prisons pour femmes

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    Les sondages de délinquance autoreportée: Origines, fiabilité et validité

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    Cet article retrace les grandes étapes de l'évolution des sondages de délinquance autoreportée des années 1940 à nos jours. Des premières échelles de délinquance aux sondages autoadministrés les plus sophistiqués, l'apparition de nouvelles données est mise en parallèle avec la remise en question des théories classiques de la criminologie et le développement d'explications alternatives. Après avoir défini les concepts de fiabilité et de validité d'un indicateur, ce texte présente quelques problèmes liés à ces dimensions ainsi que différents moyens de les tester afin d'évaluer les sondages autoreportés en tant qu'indicateurs de la délinquance