15 research outputs found

    A list of land plants of Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Brazil, highlights the presence of sampling gaps within this protected area

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    Brazilian protected areas are essential for plant conservation in the Atlantic Forest domain, one of the 36 global biodiversity hotspots. A major challenge for improving conservation actions is to know the plant richness, protected by these areas. Online databases offer an accessible way to build plant species lists and to provide relevant information about biodiversity. A list of land plants of “Parque Nacional do Caparaó” (PNC) was previously built using online databases and published on the website "Catálogo de Plantas das Unidades de Conservação do Brasil." Here, we provide and discuss additional information about plant species richness, endemism and conservation in the PNC that could not be included in the List. We documented 1,791 species of land plants as occurring in PNC, of which 63 are cited as threatened (CR, EN or VU) by the Brazilian National Red List, seven as data deficient (DD) and five as priorities for conservation. Fifity-one species were possible new ocurrences for ES and MG states

    Investigation on the effects of guava (Psidium guajava L.) infusions on germination, root tips and meristematic cells of Latuca sativa

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    Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a plant often employed in popular medicine. Recently several studies have alerted about the toxicity of substances present in medicinal plants, which can pose risks to the human health. In this sense, the present work aimed to investigate the phytotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic action of three guava varieties - Paluma, Pedro Sato and Roxa ("purple") - on the plant test system Lactuca sativa L. Thus, macro- and microscopic evaluations were carried out for five infusion concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 g.L-1) prepared from each variety. Distilled water was used as negative control. Chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis by HPLC-PAD indicated that the chemical composition of the infusion of Roxa is different than that of the infusions of the varieties Paluma and Pedro Sato. It was observed that seed germination and root growth in L. sativa exposed to infusions decreased with increasing infusion concentration, regardless of the tested cultivar. For the mitotic index, no statistical differences were observed. On the other hand, a significant increase in the frequency of cell cycle alterations was verified, especially for the highest concentrations tested. The cytogenotoxic effect was significant. Therefore, guava should not be used indiscriminately in popular medicine

    Flora do Espírito Santo: Campomanesia (Myrtaceae)

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    Resumo Listagens florísticas realizadas para Angiospermas ou apenas para a família Myrtaceae no Espírito Santo apresentaram resultados divergentes com relação à riqueza de espécies de Campomanesia neste estado. O presente estudo visa elucidar esta questão a partir do desenvolvimento de uma abordagem florístico-taxonômica para o gênero no Espírito Santo. Foram analisadas coleções depositadas nos herbários CVRD, MBML, RB e VIES, e realizado trabalho de campo em localidades representativas de todas as fitofisionomias do Espírito Santo durante janeiro de 2015 a julho de 2016. Treze espécies de Campomanesia foram encontradas para o Espírito Santo. Dez dentre estas espécies tiveram sua ocorrência confirmada para o estado, duas são novas ocorrências, e uma é nova para a ciência (Campomanesia sepalifolia), sendo descrita e ilustrada nesse trabalho pela primeira vez. A caracterização morfológica das espécies foi realizada por meio de descrições e ilustrações; é apresentada uma chave dicotômica de identificação e mapas que representam a distribuição geográfica das espécies

    Pollen morphology: a source of information for taxonomic studies within <i>Campomanesia</i> (Myrtaceae)

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    Campomanesia is a well-delimited Neotropical genus of Myrtaceae, but some of its species have a poorly understood circumscription. Pollen morphology can provide characters to clarify the relationships among such taxa. Here, we analyze the pollen grains of 16 species of Campomanesia using light and scanning electron microscopy. Heat map and multivariate regression tree analyses were performed aiming to detect differences among species based on pollen morphology. Pollen grains of the studied taxa are isopolar monads that are oblate or, less often, suboblate, 3(4)-colporate, syncolporate or parasyncolporate, with a triangular or quandrangular amb. The exine ornamentation varies among rugulate-granulate, granulate, rugulate and rugulate-espiculate. Fastigium is present in 14 species, and a costa is present in three species. The heat map and regression tree analyses based on 16 character states of pollen morphology were able to distinguish all species of Campomanesia studied here. Some species differ from all the other species, such as Campomanesia guaviroba due to its exclusively rugulate exine. Amb, shape and exine ornamentation were distinctive characters, as previously reported for other genera of Myrtaceae. However, the presence of fastigium also proved to be an informative pollen character for species distinction in Campomanesia. Based on the sample of this study, we can state that Campomanesia is a eurypalynous genus within Myrtaceae.</p


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    Espécies de plantas subordinadas são um componente importante da diversidade e podem ter um papel de destaque no funcionamento das comunidades vegetais. Grande parte das espécies de sub-bosque estão subordinadas às espécies de dossel por apresentarem menor estatura, menor biomassa e por serem mais numerosas em relação às espécies dominantes. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se identificar e quantificar padrões de composição e de abundância da comunidade de espécies de sub-bosque subordinadas em um gradiente de variação topográfica de um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica. Foram amostradas 42 parcelas alocadas em um transecto ao longo de um gradiente topográfico. Os indivíduos com DAP entre 1 cm e 10 cm foram numerados, marcados e tiveram seus ramos coletados e herborizados para posterior identificação. Após a identificação das espécies, foram geradas duas matrizes, uma de composição e outra de abundância de espécies. Com base nessas matrizes, foram realizadas uma análise de coordenadas principais e uma análise de espécies indicadoras. A variação topográfica e a proximidade da borda da floresta são os principais fatores a explicar o padrão de composição das espécies de sub-bosque no remanescente estudado. Portanto, a heterogeneidade ambiental parece ser o principal fator responsável pela estruturação das espécies de sub-bosque neste sistema de alta diversidade

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country's or the state's Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome

    Flora do Espírito Santo: Primulaceae

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    Resumo Este estudo apresenta a flora de Primulaceae no estado do Espírito Santo. O estudo foi baseado em identificações de materiais de herbários e esforço de campo em áreas pobremente coletadas. Primulaceae no Espírito Santo está representada por espécies pertencentes à Ardisia (1 sp.), Clavija (2 spp.), Cybianthus (10 spp.), Jacquinia (1 sp.), Lysimachia L. (1 sp.), Myrsine (14 spp.) e Stylogyne (2 spp.). Ardisia semicrenata, Cybianthus blanchetii, C. oboavatus, Myrsine balansae, M. leuconeura, M. hermogenesii, M. lineata, M. villosissima, Stylogyne lhotzkyana e S. warmingii são novos registros para o estado. Gêneros e espécies foram diferenciados pelo hábito, filotaxia, tipo de inflorescências e morfologia frutos. Cybianthus amplus, Jacquinia armillaris e Myrsine parvifolia ocorrem exclusivamente em vegetação de Restinga. Stylogyne lhotzkyana foi registrada pela primeira vez em vegetação de Restinga, sendo sua distribuição geográfica ampliada para o norte do Espírito Santo. A maior parte das espécies ocorre em florestas ombrófilas e semideciduais da região serrana do estado. No entanto, as matas ciliares, os brejos e os afloramentos rochosos abrigam espécies restritas a estes ambientes, como M. leuconeura, M. rubra e M. villosissima

    List of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment reveals collection gaps in Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    This study presents a list of angiosperm species in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the southern portion of Espírito Santo state, Brazil, a region that represents a collection gap within the Atlantic Forest. The studied site is a relatively small fragment of 144 ha located within a conservation unit, the Mata das Flores State Park. The site belongs to a conservation priority area for the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo, and is under strong anthropic pressure. Of the 239 species listed here, 21 are new records for the state, eight are endemic, and 20 figure either in the country’s or the state’s Red Lists of endangered species. Rubiaceae and Piperaceae were the families with the highest number of species. We show that small fragments that were never inventoried before can reveal a relatively large number of threatened species and that collection gaps need to be filled in order to refine our understanding about conservation priorities within the Atlantic Forest Biome