320 research outputs found


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    Fokus tulisan ini adalah  menilik praksis budaya lonto leok sebagai wujud pemersatu  orang Manggarai. Sebagai kearifan lokal (local wisdom) lonto leok menjadi salah satu wadah  bagi masyarakat Manggarai dalam mengatur tata kehidupan seperti pemeliharaan perdamaian dan keamanan, penegakan hukum dan adat, juga merupakan prinsip hidup orang Manggarai yang mengungkapkan dan mewujudkan rasa persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai warga masyarakat. Karena itu tulisan ini memiliki tujuan menilik dan menyibak nilai kebersamaan dan kesatuan yang terkandung dalam budaya lonto leok orang Manggarai. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah studi kepustakaan dan  internet yang mendukung penulisan karya ilmiah ini. Adapun temuan baru dalam karya ilmia ini yakni lonto leok sebagai kearifan lokal orang manggarai dapat menyatukan pandangan yang berbeda-beda dan menghasilkan suatu keputusan yang membangun demi kebaikan bersama (bonum commune)

    KNN Optimization for Multi-Dimensional Data

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    The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is a simple but powerful technique used in the field of data analytics. It uses a distance metric to identify existing samples in a dataset which are similar to a new sample. The new sample can then be classified via a class majority voting of its most similar samples, i.e. nearest neighbors. The KNN algorithm can be applied in many fields, such as recommender systems where it can be used to group related products or predict user preferences. In most cases, the performance of the KNN algorithm tends to suffer as the size of the dataset increases because the number of comparisons performed increases exponentially. In this paper, we propose a KNN optimization algorithm which leverages vector space models to enhance the nearest neighbors search for a new sample. It accomplishes this enhancement by restricting the search area, and therefore reducing the number of comparisons necessary to find the nearest neighbors. The experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements without degrading the algorithm’s accuracy. The applicability of this optimization algorithm is further explored in the field of Big Data by parallelizing the work using Apache Spark. The experimental results of the Spark implementation demonstrate that it outperforms the serial, or local, implementation of this optimization algorithm after the dataset size reaches a specific threshold. Thus, further improving the performance of this optimization algorithm in the field of Big Data, where large datasets are prevalent


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    The present disclosure relates to a method and system for secure authentication of user devices based on an attribute value. The present disclosure suggests updating a new temporary attribute value when a user performs actions like locking, or shutting down a user device. Thereafter, an authenticated application or resource is accessed using the decrypted value, wherein the decrypted value is used to obtain the current HostName lock status value. If the current HostName lock status value is not the same as the predefined value in a decrypted string, access to the authenticated application resources is allowed, otherwise access is restricted. Once the user starts or restarts the device, temporary attribute lock is unlocked using a web portal or windows desktop program. Subsequently, the temporary attribute value is updated to a new attribute value

    The Agathinai Components in Thirukkural

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    Based on the lives of the Sangam people, they created literature by distinguishing between love-genre literature and heroic-genre literature. The ambrosial Thirukkural, written by the world-famous Valluvar, is a universal holy verse and is a beacon to guide life and refresh literature that gives new meaning every time it is read. It is a book about life. Thirukkural is said to be suitable for all religions, all nations, and all times. In this book, Valluvar clearly explains the principles of the individual's life and how a mature man should be. Agam is a love feeling related to people's inner selves. Thinai is a discipline. So, love is an emotional discipline that can be called Agam. Kamathuppal (Love) is the third section of Thirukkural. This outlines the merits of the love-genre tradition. It has a literary flavour to it, and love reflects the lively character of chastity. It is Valluvar's 'Kamathuppal' that leads to the highest way of life, one-to-one. In this, the expression of love, commitment, and emotional values of the lovers are seen deliciously. Also, the characteristics, duties, and rights common to both sexes are explained. The agathinai components express love and pleasure. He has laid the foundation of love life in twenty-five chapters, divided into two parts: illicit courtship and chastity, which is the agam life. Ancient Tamils considered virtue as a way of life. If one lives a life of charity, one will get happiness. That pleasure is permanent. This article examines the agam components of domesticity as a virtue

    Improvement of Microalga Biodiesel Production Capacity

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    This research is directed at developing renewable fuel sources, which are not only environmentally friendly, but also more importantly harvested faster and not competitive with agricultural land. For this reason, the potential oil-producing microalgae need to be explored, because it has fast growth and its cultivation development will not compete in land use with food agriculture. This study aims specifically to determine the types of microalgae producing biodiesel oil that can be isolated from the natural Wallacea in NTB waters, to determine light spectrum treatment and N elimination in microalgae culture which significantly increases the productivity and quality of the biodiesel it produces. Based on the distribution map of potential biofuel-producing microalgae types in NTB waters, samples will be collected from several NTB waters, then the target types of microalgae are isolated and cultured in two systems: a closed system (bioreactor) and an open system (raceway pool) with light spectrum variation treatment and elimination of N in microalgae culture nutrients to increase the productivity and quality of the biodiesel oil produced. Biomass was harvested every 48 hours from the bioreactor and every 4 weeks from the experimental pond. Microalgae biomass was extracted with hexane to produce primary oil. This primary oil usually still has a relatively high viscosity compared to petrodiesel, so it is then trans-esterified with methanol and an acid catalyst to increase the fire point and reduce its viscosity. Oil fractionation is also carried out to sort and determine the composition of saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids which greatly determine the biodeasel quality of these microalgae. The biodiesel quality variables to be measured are density, viscosity, flash point, freezing point, solubility in water, vapor pressure, reactivity, physical appearance, odor and toxicity. The result showed that, in the community of marine microalgae from Lombok and Sumbawa Islands consist of 62 species of potential producing-oil microalgae were dominated by Bacteriastrum delicatulum, B. variance, Chaetoceros amini, C. affinis, C. liciniosum, C. lorenzianum, Gyrosigma sp., Nannochloropsis oculata, Nitzchia spp., Oscillatoria sp., Pseudonitzschia spp., and Thalassionema nitzschicoides. Types of oil-producing freshwater microalgae in Lombok Island consist of 19 species of potential producing-oil microalgae, identified with high abundance and dominance, covering Microcystis aeruginosa, M. incerta, Nostoc sp., and Pediastrum boryanum. The oil content of the three species of microalgae, namely Chaetoceros amini, Nannochloropsis oculata, and Nitzchia spp which had been cultured by trietmant were 34, 68, and 46% dry weight, respectively

    Pengaruh Bokashi dan Pupuk NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kacang Panjang

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    Pemupukan tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pupuk sintetik dan pupuk organik. Penelitian tentang pengaruh pupuk organik bokashi dan pupuk sintetik  NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang, telah dilaksanakan di Desa Sukarara Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah  untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh  bokashi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang, (2) pengaruh pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang, (3) pengaruh interaksi bokashi dan  pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan rancangan faktorial yang terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah dosis bokashi dan faktor kedua adalah dosis pupuk NPK. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis sidik ragam. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemberian bokashi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang, (2) pemberian pupuk NPK berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang, (3) interaksi bokashi dan pupuk NPK berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang panjang


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    Abstract : This study aims to explore the species richness of biodiesel-producing microalgae in the waters of West Nusa Tenggara to develop renewable energy source, environmentally friendly, and not compete in land use with the agricultural sector. Microalga  samples were collected from various waters in West Nusa Tenggara Province using the concentration method. Species determination   and data analysis of microalgae was carried out at the Biology Laboratory, University of Mataram to calculate the abundance of each species. The dominant species of biodiesel-producing microalgae were isolated and cultured by a closed culture system method. The oil content of the microalgae biomass produced was extracted by  a liquid-liquid extraction method using n-hexane as a solvent. The results show that of the 49 species of marine microalgae identified in the waters of West Nusa Tenggara, there are 12 species of microalgae which are biodiesel producers. Of the 30 freshwater microalga species, only 8 species of microalgae are producers of biodiesel. The microalgae community of marine waters of West Nusa Tenggara is dominated by Bacteriastrumdelicatulum, B. variance, Chaetocerosaffinis, C. liciniosum, C. lorenzianum, Gyrosigma sp., Oscillatoria sp., Pseudonitzschia spp., and Thalassionemanitzschicoides, while freshwater microalgae communities are dominated by Microcystis aeruginosa, M. incerta, Nostoc sp., Pediastrumboryanum, and Staurastumcristatum. The dominant types of biodiesel-producing microalgae isolated and cultured are Chaetocerosamini, Nannochloropsisoculata and Nitzschia spp. Each cell density of C. amini, N. oculata, and Nitzschiaspp in culture 7 days after isolation was 3,600,960,000,  4,375,360,000, and  3,368,640,000 cells / liter respectively  with oil content 34, 68, and 46%. Key words: biodiesel, microalgae, Wallacea, West Nusa Tenggar

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kuantum Berorientasi Pemecahan Masalah Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Terhadap Penalaran Mahasiswa

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    : Problem-based Quantum Teaching in Mathematics and Students' Reasoning. The aim of the study is to analyze the effect of problem-based quantum teaching model in Mathematics on students' reasoning. Employing a quasi-experimental research design of nonequivalent-posttest-only-control-group one, the study involved students of elementary-school-teacher-education department. The students' reasoning consisted of three basic dimensions: basic-skill thinking, critical thinking, and creative thinking. The data were collected through a reasoning test, which were then analyzed through one-way MANOVA. Quantum teaching oriented towards problem-solving activities was found to be effective in developing students' rea­soning, particularly in the areas of basic-skill thinking, critical thinking, and creative thinking

    Life Values in the Proverbs used in Vilavangodu Region

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    Proverbs is one of the literary forms.  Like folk songs, folk tales, fairy tales etc., proverbs belong to the genre of oral literature. A proverb is a language that originates from primitive knowledge. Describing an object in one or two lines without directly describing it is called riddles. In Tamil it is called pisi or nodi. These riddles help in developing intellectual activities. Mothers use riddles to develop their child's intellectual power. Proverbs have appeared in all the languages and it is intertwined with people's lives. Proverbs have been used by the Tamil people since the ancient time itself. Proverbs is the shortest form of oral language-based folk idioms.  It has a great impact on people. Even today riddles are most commonly used by all humans. Our forefathers have used to say proverbs to indicate certain actions in the rural areas, to make comments and create awareness.  It is infused with experience and knowledge.  It can be said that it is the experience of a society's long-term circulation. In particular, proverbs describe something succinctly, clearly and beautifully. This article is in a position to establish how these proverbs are learned and used by the people Vilavankodu region

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Sargassum SP. Dengan Sistem Budidaya Yang Berbeda Di Teluk Ekas Lombok Timur Sebagai Bahan Pengayaan Mata Kuliah Ekologi Tumbuhan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pertumbuhan Sargassum sp.yang dibudidaya dengan sistem budidaya yang berbeda di Teluk Ekas Lombok Timur. Jenispenelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen.. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah tanamanSargassum sp yang dibudidayakan dengan sistem budidaya yang berbeda yaitu : rakitterapung dan rakit patok dasar. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan paketprogram komputer pengolahan data yaitu SPSS 16. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan denganmenggunakan uji-t polled varians, dengan taraf signifikan 0,05 dan taraf kepercayaan 95 %,diperoleh t-hitung 11,974 > t-tabel 1,987, atau berdasarkan besarnya nilai probabilitas yangditunjukan, diperoleh probabilitas-hitung 0,00 < probabilitas-tabel 0,05, sehingga Ho ditolakdan Ha diterima, ini artinya terdapat perbedaan pertumbuhan Sargassum sp. yang dibudidayadengan sistem budidaya yang berbeda.Kata