632 research outputs found

    Schr\"odinger functional at N_f=-2

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    We study the Schr\"odinger functional coupling for lattice Yang-Mills theory coupled to an improved bosonic spinor field, which corresponds to QCD with minus two light flavors. This theory serves as a less costly testcase than QCD for the scaling of the coupling.Comment: Lattice2001(improvement) 3 pages, 4 figure

    Культурные аспекты социальных сетей

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    In my article I raised the topic of social networks, as they appeared in our lives. What has changed since their appearance as they affected the lives of mankind

    Qualifikation und Erwerbssituation in Deutschland - 20 Jahre BIBB/IAB-Erhebungen (Qualifications and employment situation in Germany - 20 years of BIBB/IAB surveys)

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    "After four BIBB/IAB surveys of the labour force focusing on the gaining and use of vocational qualifications, which cover a period of about 20 years, the time has come for a provisional appraisal. The BIBB/IAB surveys are large representative surveys of 0.1% of the labour force in Germany concerning qualifications, career history and current occupational situation. These surveys are conducted jointly by the Federal Institute for Vocational Training Affairs (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung - BIBB) and by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) at intervals of 6-7 years. The aim of the studies is to obtain for the particular time of the survey differentiated representative information about the labour force on the one hand and about jobs in Germany on the other. As regards research into occupation and qualification the surveys constitute a socialscience addition to the microcensus survey conducted annually by the Federal Statistical Office, whose legally stipulated questionnaire is restricted to a few structural variables, though they are central ones. The sample size of the BIBB/IAB surveys, which is unusually large for such surveys in empirical social research, permits differentiated analyses of occupational fields, industries and various labour force sub-groups. Each of the individual surveys has a special focus subject. With all flexibility in incorporating new subject areas, in the four surveys conducted so far a broad set of comparable variables was included in order to determine structural changes over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Berufsforschung - Methode, Qualifikationsforschung - Methode, Befragung, Berufsverlauf, Qualifikationserwerb, Qualifikationsverwertung, empirische Sozialforschung, BIBB/IAB-Erhebung

    Schr"odinger functional at negative flavour number

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    The scaling of the Schr"odinger functional coupling is studied numerically and perturbatively for an SU(3) lattice gauge field coupled to an O(a) improved bosonic spinor field. This corresponds to QCD with minus two light flavours and is used as a numerically less costly test case for real QCD. A suitable algorithm is developed, and the influence of the matter fields on the continuum limit and the lattice artefacts are studied in detail.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, small textual change

    Spectrophotometry of nearby field galaxies: the data

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    We have obtained integrated and nuclear spectra, as well as U, B, R surface photometry, for a representative sample of 196 nearby galaxies. These galaxies span the entire Hubble sequence in morphological type, as well as a wide range of luminosities (M_B=-14 to -22). Here we present the spectrophotometry for these galaxies. The selection of the sample and the U, B, R surface photometry is described in a companion paper (Paper I). Our goals for the project include measuring the current star formation rates and metallicities of these galaxies, and elucidating their star formation histories, as a function of luminosity and morphology. We thereby extend the work of Kennicutt (1992a) to lower luminosity systems. We anticipate that our study will be useful as a benchmark for studies of galaxies at high redshift. We describe the observing, data reduction and calibration techniques, and demonstrate that our spectrophotometry agrees well with that of Kennicutt. The spectra span the range 3550--7250 A at a resolution (FWHM) of ~6 A, and have an overall relative spectrophotometric accuracy of +/- 6 per cent. We present a spectrophotometric atlas of integrated and nuclear rest-frame spectra, as well as tables of equivalent widths and synthetic colors. We study the correlations of galaxy properties determined from the spectra and images. Our findings include: (1) galaxies of a given morphological class display a wide range of continuum shapes and emission line strengths if a broad range of luminosities are considered, (2) emission line strengths tend to in- crease and continua tend to get bluer as the luminosity decreases, and (3) the scatter on the general correlation between nuclear and integrated H_alpha emission line strengths is large.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS (scheduled for Vol.127, 2000 March); 63 pages, LateX, 9 figures and 6 tables included, a spectrophotometric atlas is provided as GIF images, fig 1 as a JPEG image, in a single tar-file; a full 600 dpi version is available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~nfgs

    Die BIBB/ IAB-Erhebung zu Qualifikation und Beschäftigung von Erwerbstätigen

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    'Das Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung hat gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesanstalt für Arbeit (IAB) in den Jahren 1979 und 1985/86 jeweils eine breit angelegte repräsentative Erhebung bei mehr als 25.000 Erwerbstätigen in der Bundesrepublik (0,1Prozent-Stichprobe) durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Erhebungen war es, die zur Erfüllung der gesetzlichen Aufgaben in den beiden Instituten über die amtliche Statistik hinaus benötigten Informationen über die Erwerbsbevölkerung und die Arbeitswelt bereitzustellen. Es ging darum, detaillierte Informationen über das Qualifikationsprofil und Eckdaten über den beruflichen Werdegang der Erwerbsbevölkerung und über die organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen, Arbeitsmittel, Tätigkeiten, Qualifikations- und Belastungsanforderungen ihrer Arbeitsplätze zu gewinnen. Der Umfang der Befragungen erlaubt es, auch über bildungspolitisch interessante Teilgruppen (z.B. Ausbilder, Unqualifizierte, einzelne Berufsgruppen) statistisch aussagefähige Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Diese Erhebung wurde 1991/92 zum dritten Mal wiederholt, und zwar in den alten und neuen Bundesländern. Diese Erhebung umfaßt in den alten Bundesländern rund 24.000 Erwerbstätige, in den neuen Bundesländern rund 10.000 Erwerbspersonen.' In dem Beitrag 'wird zunächst kurz auf das Erhebungskonzept, auf die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Erhebungen eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil werden dann einige ausgewählte Ergebnisse aus der Erhebung von 1991/92 zu Arbeitsbedingungen präsentiert, wobei vor allem Vergleiche zwischen den alten und den neuen Ländern präsentiert werden.' (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku

    Non-perturbative renormalization of the axial current with improved Wilson quarks

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    We present a new normalization condition for the axial current, which is derived from the PCAC relation with non-vanishing mass. Using this condition reduces the O(r_0 m) corrections to the axial current normalization constant Z_A for an easier chiral extrapolation in the cases, where simulations at zero quark-mass are not possible. The method described here also serves as a preparation for a determination of Z_A in the full two-flavor theory.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2003(improve