456 research outputs found

    Spatial Organization in the Reaction A + B --> inert for Particles with a Drift

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    We describe the spatial structure of particles in the (one dimensional) two-species annihilation reaction A + B --> 0, where both species have a uniform drift in the same direction and like species have a hard core exclusion. For the case of equal initial concentration, at long times, there are three relevant length scales: the typical distance between similar (neighboring) particles, the typical distance between dissimilar (neighboring) particles, and the typical size of a cluster of one type of particles. These length scales are found to be generically different than that found for particles without a drift.Comment: 10 pp of gzipped uuencoded postscrip

    Exact solutions for a mean-field Abelian sandpile

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    We introduce a model for a sandpile, with N sites, critical height N and each site connected to every other site. It is thus a mean-field model in the spin-glass sense. We find an exact solution for the steady state probability distribution of avalanche sizes, and discuss its asymptotics for large N.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Partially asymmetric exclusion models with quenched disorder

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    We consider the one-dimensional partially asymmetric exclusion process with random hopping rates, in which a fraction of particles (or sites) have a preferential jumping direction against the global drift. In this case the accumulated distance traveled by the particles, x, scales with the time, t, as x ~ t^{1/z}, with a dynamical exponent z > 0. Using extreme value statistics and an asymptotically exact strong disorder renormalization group method we analytically calculate, z_{pt}, for particlewise (pt) disorder, which is argued to be related to the dynamical exponent for sitewise (st) disorder as z_{st}=z_{pt}/2. In the symmetric situation with zero mean drift the particle diffusion is ultra-slow, logarithmic in time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A multi-species asymmetric simple exclusion process and its relation to traffic flow

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    Using the matrix product formalism we formulate a natural p-species generalization of the asymmetric simple exclusion process. In this model particles hop with their own specific rate and fast particles can overtake slow ones with a rate equal to their relative speed. We obtain the algebraic structure and study the properties of the representations in detail. The uncorrelated steady state for the open system is obtained and in the (p→∞)p \to \infty) limit, the dependence of its characteristics on the distribution of velocities is determined. It is shown that when the total arrival rate of particles exceeds a certain value, the density of the slowest particles rises abroptly.Comment: some typos corrected, references adde

    Reconstruction on trees and spin glass transition

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    Consider an information source generating a symbol at the root of a tree network whose links correspond to noisy communication channels, and broadcasting it through the network. We study the problem of reconstructing the transmitted symbol from the information received at the leaves. In the large system limit, reconstruction is possible when the channel noise is smaller than a threshold. We show that this threshold coincides with the dynamical (replica symmetry breaking) glass transition for an associated statistical physics problem. Motivated by this correspondence, we derive a variational principle which implies new rigorous bounds on the reconstruction threshold. Finally, we apply a standard numerical procedure used in statistical physics, to predict the reconstruction thresholds in various channels. In particular, we prove a bound on the reconstruction problem for the antiferromagnetic ``Potts'' channels, which implies, in the noiseless limit, new results on random proper colorings of infinite regular trees. This relation to the reconstruction problem also offers interesting perspective for putting on a clean mathematical basis the theory of glasses on random graphs.Comment: 34 pages, 16 eps figure

    Towards a model for protein production rates

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    In the process of translation, ribosomes read the genetic code on an mRNA and assemble the corresponding polypeptide chain. The ribosomes perform discrete directed motion which is well modeled by a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) with open boundaries. Using Monte Carlo simulations and a simple mean-field theory, we discuss the effect of one or two ``bottlenecks'' (i.e., slow codons) on the production rate of the final protein. Confirming and extending previous work by Chou and Lakatos, we find that the location and spacing of the slow codons can affect the production rate quite dramatically. In particular, we observe a novel ``edge'' effect, i.e., an interaction of a single slow codon with the system boundary. We focus in detail on ribosome density profiles and provide a simple explanation for the length scale which controls the range of these interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Two-Species Annihilation with Drift: A Model with Continuous Concentration-Decay Exponents

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    We propose a model for diffusion-limited annihilation of two species, A+B→AA+B\to A or BB, where the motion of the particles is subject to a drift. For equal initial concentrations of the two species, the density follows a power-law decay for large times. However, the decay exponent varies continuously as a function of the probability of which particle, the hopping one or the target, survives in the reaction. These results suggest that diffusion-limited reactions subject to drift do not fall into a limited number of universality classes.Comment: 10 pages, tex, 3 figures, also available upon reques

    Kinetics of A+B--->0 with Driven Diffusive Motion

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    We study the kinetics of two-species annihilation, A+B--->0, when all particles undergo strictly biased motion in the same direction and with an excluded volume repulsion between same species particles. It was recently shown that the density in this system decays as t^{-1/3}, compared to t^{-1/4} density decay in A+B--->0 with isotropic diffusion and either with or without the hard-core repulsion. We suggest a relatively simple explanation for this t^{-1/3} decay based on the Burgers equation. Related properties associated with the asymptotic distribution of reactants can also be accounted for within this Burgers equation description.Comment: 11 pages, plain Tex, 8 figures. Hardcopy of figures available on request from S

    Driven Lattice Gases with Quenched Disorder: Exact Results and Different Macroscopic Regimes

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    We study the effect of quenched spatial disorder on the steady states of driven systems of interacting particles. Two sorts of models are studied: disordered drop-push processes and their generalizations, and the disordered asymmetric simple exclusion process. We write down the exact steady-state measure, and consequently a number of physical quantities explicitly, for the drop-push dynamics in any dimensions for arbitrary disorder. We find that three qualitatively different regimes of behaviour are possible in 1-dd disordered driven systems. In the Vanishing-Current regime, the steady-state current approaches zero in the thermodynamic limit. A system with a non-zero current can either be in the Homogeneous regime, chracterized by a single macroscopic density, or the Segregated-Density regime, with macroscopic regions of different densities. We comment on certain important constraints to be taken care of in any field theory of disordered systems.Comment: RevTex, 17pages, 18 figures included using psfig.st

    Two-way traffic flow: exactly solvable model of traffic jam

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    We study completely asymmetric 2-channel exclusion processes in 1 dimension. It describes a two-way traffic flow with cars moving in opposite directions. The interchannel interaction makes cars slow down in the vicinity of approaching cars in other lane. Particularly, we consider in detail the system with a finite density of cars on one lane and a single car on the other one. When the interchannel interaction reaches a critical value, traffic jam occurs, which turns out to be of first order phase transition. We derive exact expressions for the average velocities, the current, the density profile and the kk- point density correlation functions. We also obtain the exact probability of two cars in one lane being distance RR apart, provided there is a finite density of cars on the other lane, and show the two cars form a weakly bound state in the jammed phase.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, ioplppt.sty, 11 ps figure
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