18 research outputs found

    Algorithmen im Alltag: Ein neuer Sammelband bietet interessante Thesen und empirische Zugänge zum Thema Algorithmuskulturen

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    Robert Seyfert / Jonathan Roberge (Hg.): Algorithmuskulturen: Ăśber die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit. Bielefeld: Transcript 2017. 978-3-8376-3800-

    Von der individuellen Konstruktion der Freundschaftsrolle zum Unterstützungsnetzwerk: Julia Hahmann über Freundschaftstypen älterer Menschen

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    Julia Hahmann: Freundschaftstypen älterer Menschen: Von der individuellen Konstruktion der Freundschaftsrolle zum Unterstützungsnetzwerk. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2014. 978365801229

    Vom GlĂĽck, sich zu schlagen: Rezension zu "Fighting as Real as It Gets: A Micro-Sociological Encounter" von Michael Staack

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    Michael Staack: Fighting as Real as It Gets - A Micro-Sociological Encounter. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler 2019. 978-3-476-04990-

    Das Beste aus zwei Welten? Matthew Salganik entwirft eine quantitative Soziologie fĂĽr das digitale Zeitalter

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    Matthew J. Salganik: Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age. Princeton, NJ / Oxford: Princeton University Press 2017. 978069115864

    Big Data aus der Sicht eines Data Scientist: Oliver Bracht im Gespräch mit Janosch Schobin

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    El buen y mal vivir del bienestar/desarrollo en Alemania y Ecuador. Reflexiones a partir del análisis del tiempo

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    El marco de análisis del “buen vivir” requiere nuevas métricas que se ajusten a su perspectiva teórica y sus mandatos sociales. Siguiendo la propuesta conceptual y metodológica de Ramírez (2012, 2019), se argumentará que estudiar el “buen vivir” implica analizar la distribución y concentración del tiempo bien vivido (tBV). Para demostrar la aplicabilidad y la fecundidad de este enfoque, se realiza una comparación estadística de la concentración del tBV entre Alemania y Ecuador. Este análisis arroja tres resultados: 1) A nivel macro, el país con el mayor nivel de desarrollo presenta niveles más altos de tBV; 2) A nivel micro, en Ecuador, cuanto mayor es el nivel de ingresos, más tBV disfrutan sus ciudadanos; en Alemania sucede lo contrario; 3) La composición del tBV varía entre los dos países; los ecuatorianos dedican a la sociabilidad el doble de tiempo que los alemanes.The framework of analysis for “buen vivir” (good living) requires new metrics that fit this theoretical perspective and its social mandates. Following Ramírez’s conceptual-methodological proposal (2012, 2019), it will be argued that studying “good living” implies analyzing the distribution and concentration of time well lived (tBV). To demonstrate the applicability and fruitfulness of this approach, a statistical comparison of the concentration of tBV between Germany and Ecuador is performed. This analysis yields three results: 1) At the macro level, the country with the higher level of development presents higher levels of tBV; 2) At the micro level, in Ecuador, the higher the level of income, the more tBV its citizens enjoy. In Germany, the opposite is true; 3) The composition of tBV varies between the two countries. Ecuadorians devote twice as much time to sociability as Germans.Le cadre de l’analyse du “buen vivir” (bien vivre) exige de nouvelles mesures qui correspondent à cette perspective théorique et/ou à ses mandats sociaux. Suivant la proposition conceptuelle et méthodologique de Ramírez (2012, 2019), il s’agira de faire valoir que l’étude du “bien-vivre” implique d’analyser la distribution et la concentration du temps bien vécu (tBV). Afin de démontrer l’applicabilité et la fécondité de cette approche, nous réalisons une comparaison statistique de la concentration du tBV entre l’Allemagne et l’Équateur. Cette analyse offre trois observations: 1) Au niveau macro, le pays ayant le niveau de développement le plus élevé présente le niveau le plus élevé de tBV; 2) Au niveau micro, en Équateur, plus le niveau de revenu est élevé, plus les citoyens jouissent de tBV. En Allemagne, c’est le contraire qui est vrai; 3) La composition du tBV varie entre les deux pays. Les Équatoriens consacrent deux fois plus de temps à la sociabilité que les Allemands

    Loneliness and Emancipation: A Multilevel Analysis of the Connection between Gender Inequality, Loneliness, and Social Isolation in the ISSP 2017

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    The present article analyzes the connection between, on the one hand, gender equality and, on the other hand, loneliness and social isolation. It hypothesizes that modern relational institutions that support gender equality, such as no-fault divorce laws, reduce loneliness in close relationships. This hypothesis is put to the test through a multilevel analysis of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP) 2017. The analysis reveals that the data agree, to a large extent, with the theoretical arguments. The prevalence of loneliness is higher in countries with higher levels of gender inequality (as measured by the Gender Inequality Index (GII)). This can be attributed to a moderation effect; at lower levels of gender inequality, partnerships provide better protection from loneliness. These results are robust to controls for demographic composition, level of health, educational attainment, income poverty, and interview mode. Last, the analyses show that the threat of emotional isolation is more widespread in countries with low gender inequality. These findings, however, are only significant before controlling for demographic composition, level of health, educational attainment, income poverty, and interview mode, and they require further analysis. The concluding section relates these findings to the popular tendency to argue that modern society has created a “loneliness epidemic” and discusses policy implications