22 research outputs found

    Motor recovery after stroke: from a vespa scooter ride over the roman sampietrini to focal muscle vibration (fMV) treatment. A 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT and neurophysiological case study

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    Focal repetitive muscle vibration (fMV) is a safe and well-tolerated non-invasive brain and peripheral stimulation (NIBS) technique, easy to perform at the bedside, and able to promote the post-stroke motor recovery through conditioning the stroke-related dysfunctional structures and pathways. Here we describe the concurrent cortical and spinal plasticity induced by fMV in a chronic stroke survivor, as assessed with 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT, peripheral nerve stimulation, and gait analysis. A 72-years-old patient was referred to our stroke clinic for a right leg hemiparesis and spasticity resulting from a previous (4 years before) hemorrhagic stroke. He reported a subjective improvement of his right leg's spasticity and dysesthesia that occurred after a30-min ride on a Vespa scooter as a passenger over the Roman Sampietrini (i.e., cubic-shaped cobblestones). Taking into account both the patient's anecdote and the current guidelines that recommend fMV for the treatment of post-stroke spasticity, we then decided to start fMV treatment. 12 fMV sessions (frequency 100 Hz; amplitude range 0.2-0.5 mm, three 10-min daily sessions per week for 4 consecutive weeks) were applied over the quadriceps femoris, triceps surae, and hamstring muscles through a specific commercial device (Cro®System, NEMOCOsrl). A standardized clinical and instrumental evaluation was performed before (T0) the first fMV session and after (T1) the last one. After fMV treatment, we observed a clinically relevant motor and functional improvement, as assessed by comparing the post-treatment changes in the score of the Fugl-Meyer assessment, the Motricity Index score, the gait analysis, and the Ashworth modified scale, with the respective minimal detectable change at the 95% confidence level (MDC95). Data from SPECT and peripheral nerve stimulation supported the evidence of a concurrent brain and spinal plasticity promoted by fMV treatment trough activity-dependent changes in cortical perfusion and motoneuron excitability, respectively. In conclusion, the substrate of post-stroke motor recovery induced by fMV involves a concurrently acting multisite plasticity (i.e., cortical and spinal plasticity). In our patient, operant conditioning of both cortical perfusion and motoneuron excitability throughout a month of fMV treatment was related to a clinically relevant improvement in his strength, step symmetry (with reduced limping), and spasticity

    Post-Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Sexual Dysfunctions (PSSD): Clinical Experience with a Multimodal Approach

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    Background: Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) is a set of heterogeneous sexual disorders, that may arise during the administration of antidepressant Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRIs) and may persist after their discontinuation. PSSD is commonly associated with sexual problems with marked distress and poor quality of life. To date, however, no effective treatment is available. The study describes the clinical experience with a newly introduced systems sexology approach involving bio-psycho-social interventions. Methods: In this study we retrospectively analyzed (from July 2019 to July 2020) twelve PSSD male patients (mean age 31.3 ± 6.21 years old) treated according to a recently introduced approach involving system sexology and bio-psycho-social interventions. The protocol was based on a combination of lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation, pharmacological and behavioral interventions. Results: 12 patients with high probability of PSSD were selected. Patients reported a significant improvement in all International Index of Erectile Function-15 (IIEF) domains and Orgasmometer scores from the baseline at 6 months of follow-up. Conclusions: This study described for the first time a feasible and handy treatment procedure for PSSD, framework to improve patients complains, sexual function and satisfaction, and quality of life. Future randomized, placebo-controlled clinical studies with bigger cohorts will be needed in order to better assess this efficacy and confirm our results

    Castration and emasculation in the Middle Age. The andrological conundrum of Peter Abelard

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    Peter Abelard (1079-1142) is still considered one of the giants of philosophy, theology, and psychology, and the unsurpassed master of dialectical debate. Born in Le Pallet, near Nantes, Abelard became an academic and wandering cleric of great fame, founder of several schools that attracted students from all countries, arousing the admiration of his contemporaries and the profound envy of his colleagues. Around 1115, Abelard became master of the school of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. Shortly after, the canon Fulbert asked him to take his niece, the equally famous and highly cultured Heloise d'Argenteuil (1092-1164), as a pupil. Thus a relationship began, celebrated for centuries to come, characterized by burning sexual and intellectual passion, by the famous correspondence, which will be the archetype of sentimental education and the template of romantic love letters, bythe birth of a son and consequent marriage, and by the cowardly revenge of Fulbert, who, together with a band of servants, mutilated "those parts of my body with which I had done what was the cause of their pain," as Abelard wrote. While this unclear self-description has suggested to contemporaries and to posterity that Abelard was castrated, we aim to question this belief by analyzing in-depth this historical-andrological clinical case to understand if there is any evidence that could suggest that Abelard was instead the victim of an even more brutal punishment: penectomy. Signs and symptoms gleaned from the personal writings and historical perspectives of Abelard and his time are used here to provide a possible answer to a thousand-year-old question: what makes a man horizontal ellipsis a man

    Pharmacological strategies for sexual recovery in men undergoing antipsychotic treatment

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    Introduction First- and second-generation antipsychotics are highly accountable for causing a plethora of medical side effects, ranging from metabolic imbalances to sexual dysfunction (SD), that frequently undermine patient-doctor relationships. Nevertheless, to date antipsychotics are one of the best treatment options for dealing with numerous either acute or chronic conditions like agitation, suicidality, depression, dementia, and of course psychosis. For these reasons, clinicians need to handle them wisely to preserve patients' sexual health, avoid poor therapeutic adherence and prevent high rates of therapy drop-out. Areas covered This article reviews the literature on pharmacologic approaches for management strategies in men who are administered with antipsychotics and developed SD. The etiology of antipsychotic-induced SD is also discussed. Expert opinion Clinicians must consider sexual life as a major health domain. To do so, a first step would be to measure and monitor sexual function by means of psychometric tools. Secondly, primary prevention should be conducted when choosing antipsychotics, i.e. picking sex-sparing compounds like aripiprazole or brexpiprazole. Thirdly, if sexolytic compounds cannot be dismissed, such as first-generation antipsychotics, risperidone, paliperidone, or amisulpride, then aripiprazole 5-20 mg/day adjunctive therapy has proven to be most effective in normalizing prolactin levels and consequently treating antipsychotic-induced SD

    ADHD and hypersexual behaviors: The role of impulsivity, depressive feelings, hypomaniacal symptoms and psychotic prodromes

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    Introduction: Numerous studies in the literature correlate hypersexual symptomatology and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The present study aimed to investigate this correlation and the eventual mediation role of impulsivity. Methods: We recruited through an online platform a sample of 309 subjects (mean age = 34.5, SD = 15.4; females: 67.31 %); then, a sociodemographic questionnaire, together with validated psychometric scales for assessing hypersexuality, ADHD symptomatology, depression, hypomania, prodromal symptoms of psychosis and impulsivity were administered. Results: We found a significant association between ADHD symptomatology and hypersexuality symptoms (β = 0.459; p < 0.001). We found a significant predictive model of hypersexuality related to age, gender, depression, hypomanic symptoms, psychotic prodrome, ADHD symptomatology, and impulsivity (adjusted R2 = 0.311; p < .001). Moreover, we found that impulsivity is a significant mediator of the relationship between ADHD and hypersexuality when we considered only the hyperactive-impulsive ADHD subscale (β = 0.103; p = 0.006). Depression and psychotic prodromes have been shown a more relevant mediator effect on the relationship between ADHD and hypersexuality. Conclusions: Our results clarified the well-known relationship between ADHD and hypersexuality, suggesting a significant mediating role of psychotic prodromes and depression in this association. This finding further reinforces the view of hypersexual symptomatology not as a disorder but rather as a psychopathological manifestation of distress, a maladaptive coping strategy that individuals enact due to increased difficulties experienced in the environment. The role of impulsivity as a predictor has shown mixed results, revealing that difficulties in impulse control may play a more marginal role, compared to depressive symptomatology and psychotic prodromes, in determining hypersexuality

    Off-label Uses of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

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    Psychiatric drugs have primacy for off-label prescribing. Among those, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are highly versatile and, therefore, widely prescribed. Moreover, they are commonly considered as having a better safety profile compared to other antidepressants. Thus, when it comes to off-label prescribing, SSRIs rank among the top positions. In this review, we present the state of the art of off-label applications of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, ranging from migraine prophylaxis to SARS-CoV-2 antiviral properties. Research on SSRIs provided significant evidence in the treatment of premature ejaculation, both with the on-label dapoxetine 30 mg and the off-label paroxetine 20 mg. However, other than a serotoninergic syndrome, serious conditions like increased bleeding rates, hyponatremia, hepatoxicity, and post-SSRIs sexual dysfunctions, are consistently more prominent when using such compounds. These insidious side effects might be frequently underestimated during common clinical practice, especially by non-psychiatrists. Thus, some points must be addressed when using SSRIs. Among these, a psychiatric evaluation before every administration that falls outside the regulatory agencies-approved guidelines has to be considered mandatory. For these reasons, we aim with the present article to identify the risks of inappropriate uses and to advocate the need to actively boost research encouraging future clinical trials on this topic

    Sexuality in ultra-high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis: a systematic review of literature

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    A considerable body of literature reports that individuals with psychotic disorders often suffer from sexual dysfunctions (SDs), with these representing a major unmet need. Long-term antipsychotic drug treatment may be the main cause for SDs in psychotic patients, through a plethora of different mechanisms, including prolactin dyscrasia, histamine-mediated sedation, and serotonin-induced sexual demotivation. However, a few pieces of evidence treat sexuality in patients at risk or the onset of psychosis. For this purpose, we systematically reviewed literature of the last 10 years in order to investigate sexuality in ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis and first-episode psychosis (FEP). We included in our review 34 articles fitting our research criteria on SDs in UHR and FEP. Evidence of SDs in the transition from UHR to FEP emerges through the selected studies. In FEP, sexuality is affected by the severity of the psychotic symptoms and, in some cases, by the iatrogenic effects of psychopharmacological treatment. Further experimental and clinical studies should systematically investigate the role of sexual functioning in the transition from UHR to FEP and, consequently, clarify whether or not SDs could be considered a possible marker for the onset of psychosis in at-risk populations. Moreover, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists should take into consideration the role of sexual life in young people with prodromal mental symptoms or at the onset of psychosis. Focusing on a thorough sexual evaluation might be a major challenge that could break down barriers of mental health promotion among young people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders and therefore achieve better clinical outcomes

    Sexual Dysfunctions and Problematic Sexuality in Personality Disorders and Pathological Personality Traits: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose of ReviewThis aim of the present systematic literature review is to critically analyze problematic sexuality and sexual dysfunctions in personality disorders (PDs) and pathological personality traits.Recent FindingsAn initial pool of 123 studies was found, out of which 17 met the selection criteria and were therefore included. Traumatic experiences as childhood sexual abuse and adverse childhood experiences characterize the relationship between sexual behavior and PDs. From this point of view, sexual compulsivity and sexual risk behaviors, typical of BPD and ASPD, respectively, are among the pathognomonic aspects of PDs and of pathological personality traits.SummaryA maladaptive personality functioning may manifest through a problematic sexuality and a sexual impairment. In this regard, traumatic life experiences may structure personality together with sexual functioning. Therefore, it would be useful to consider the relationship between trauma, sexuality, and personality in research and in the clinical setting

    Buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) withdrawal may facilitate antipsychotic-induced priapism: a case report

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    Priapism is defined as a prolonged penile erection in absence of sexual arousal, leading also to serious sexual and urological problems such as erectile dysfunction and penile fibrosis. Amongst many different etiologies, priapism may be caused by a wide range of antipsychotic medications, mainly due to the α1-adrenergic receptor antagonism. On the other hand, only a couple of cases of opioid compounds have been linked to the onset of priapism, with evidence coming only from methadone and buprenorphine. Here we describe the case of a patient treated with antipsychotics who developed priapism four times following rapid discontinuation of buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®)