3 research outputs found

    Physical Characteristics in the New Model of the Cerebrospinal Fluid System

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    It is unknown which factors determine the changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure inside the craniospinal system during the changes of the body position. To test this, we have developed a new model of the CSF system, which by its biophysical characteristics and dimensions imitates the CSF system in cats. The results obtained on a model were compared to those in animals observed during changes of body position. A new model was constructed from two parts with different physical characteristics. The »cranial« part is developed from a plastic tube with unchangeable volume, while the »spinal« part is made of a rubber baloon, with modulus of elasticity similar to that of animal spinal dura. In upright position, in the »cranial« part of the model the negative pressure appears without any measurable changes in the fluid volume, while in »spinal« part the fluid pressure is positive. All of the observed changes are in accordance to the law of the fluid mechanics. Alterations of the CSF pressure in cats during the changes of the body position are not significantly different compared to those observed on our new model. This suggests that the CSF pressure changes are related to the fluid mechanics, and do not depend on CSF secretion and circulation. It seems that in all body positions the cranial volume of blood and CSF remains constant, which enables a good blood brain perfusion

    Relationship between recipient and donor factors and kidney transplant outcome

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    Cilj: Iako je transplantacija bubrega najbolja metoda nadomještanja bubrežne funkcije, još uvijek postoji potreba za poboljšanjem dugoročnih ishoda. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi neovisnu povezanost demografskih čimbenika primatelja i darivatelja, osnovne bubrežne bolesti, trajanja liječenja dijalizom, tkivne nepodudarnosti i senzibilizacije s ishodima transplantacije u suvremenoj kohorti pacijenata kojima je presađen bubreg. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni pacijenti kojima je transplantiran bubreg u Kliničkoj bolnici Merkur od lipnja 2007. do kraja 2018. god. Ishodi transplantacije praćeni su do 31. 12. 2019. godine. Najkraće vrijeme praćenja bila je jedna godina. Podaci su prikupljeni korištenjem izvješća iz aplikacije Eurotransplant Network Information System (ENIS; www.eurotransplant.org). Preživljenje je prikazano Kaplan-Meierovim krivuljama. Povezanost preživljenja s određenim obilježjima primatelja i darivatelja analizirana je univarijatnom i multivarijatnom Coxovom regresijom. Rezultati: U razdoblju od lipnja 2007. do konca 2018. presađeno je 480 bubrega u 472 pacijenta. 10-godišnje preživljenje pacijenata iznosilo je 72 %. Desetgodišnje preživljenje bubrega cenzurirano za smrt pacijenata s bubregom u funkciji bilo je 93 %. U multivarijatnoj analizi jedino dob primatelja pri transplantaciji, šećerna bolest kao uzrok osnovne bubrežne bolesti i trajanje liječenja dijalizom ostali su neovisno povezani s preživljenjem pacijenata. Zaključak: Transplantacija bubrega rezultira odličnim dugoročnim preživljenjem bubrega. Potrebno je poboljšati dugoročno preživljenje pacijenata, prevencijom, ranim otkrivanjem i intenzivnim liječenjem kroničnih bolesti.Aim: Although kidney transplantation is the best method of replacing renal function, there is still a need to improve long-term outcomes. The aim of this study was to determine the independent association of recipient and donor demographic factors, underlying renal disease, duration of dialysis treatment, tissue typing mismatch, and sensitization with transplant outcomes in a contemporary cohort of kidney transplant patients. Patients and methods: The study included patients who had a kidney transplantation at Clinical Hospital Merkur from June 2007 to the end of 2018. Transplant outcomes were monitored until December 31, 2019. The minimum follow-up time was 1 year. Data were collected using reports from the Eurotransplant Network Information System (ENIS) application (www.eurotransplant.org). Survival is shown by Kaplan-Meier curves. The association of survival with specific recipient and donor characteristics was analyzed by univariate and multivariate Cox regression. Results: In the period from June 2007 to the end of 2018, 480 kidneys were transplanted in 472 patients. The 10-year patient survival was 72%. Ten-year renal survival censored for the death of renal function patients was 93%. In the multivariate analysis, only recipient age at transplantation, diabetes as the cause of underlying renal disease and duration of dialysis remained independently associated with patient survival. Conclusion: Long-term graft survival is excellent after kidney transplantation. Long-term patient survival can be improved by prevention, early detection and intensive treatment of chronic diseases

    Physical characteristics in the new model of the cerebrospinal fluid system [Fizikalne osobine novog modela cerebrospinalnog likvora]

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    It is unknown which factors determine the changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure inside the craniospinal system during the changes of the body position. To test this, we have developed a new model of the CSF system, which by its biophysical characteristics and dimensions imitates the CSF system in cats. The results obtained on a model were compared to those in animals observed during changes of body position. A new model was constructed from two parts with different physical characteristics. The »cranial« part is developed from a plastic tube with unchangeable volume, while the »spinal« part is made of a rubber baloon, with modulus of elasticity similar to that of animal spinal dura. In upright position, in the »cranial« part of the model the negative pressure appears without any measurable changes in the fluid volume, while in »spinal« part the fluid pressure is positive. All of the observed changes are in accordance to the law of the fluid mechanics. Alterations of the CSF pressure in cats during the changes of the body position are not significantly different compared to those observed on our new model. This suggests that the CSF pressure changes are related to the fluid mechanics, and do not depend on CSF secretion and circulation. It seems that in all body positions the cranial volume of blood and CSF remains constant, which enables a good blood brain perfusion