2 research outputs found
A New Species and Taxonomic Studies in Trigonella
- Author
- Agarwal K.
- Ahmad F.
- Al-habori M.
- Aykut Y.
- Balodi B.
- Belling J.
- Bena G.
- Bhatti M.
- Brookes B.
- Chopra R. N.
- Clarke G. C. S.
- Dangi R. S.
- Diez M. I.
- Dundas I. S.
- Erdtman G.
- Faegri K.
- Fahn A.
- Ferguson I. K.
- Ferguson I. K.
- Ghaffari S. M.
- Girardon P.
- Grossheim A. A.
- Hamzeh'ee B.
- Hesamzadeh S. M.
- Hughes C. E.
- Janighorban M.
- Kabilan S.
- Kamari G.
- Martin E.
- Murakami T.
- Nirmala A.
- Pagliarini M. S.
- Pandita V. K.
- Ranjbar M.
- Ranjbar M.
- Ranjbar M.
- Ranjbar M.
- Ranjbar M.
- Singh A.
- Singh A.
- Small E.
- Small E.
- Small E.
- Taia W. K.
- Publication venue
- 'Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chromosome numbers and biogeography of the genus Trigonella
- Author
- Astanova SB
- Badrzadeh M
- Balodi B
- Bartolo G
- Bhattacharya NK
- Bhatti M
- Bhaumik GH
- Bidak L
- Bir SS
- Boissier PE
- Chopra RN
- Danin A
- Darlington CD
- Das AB
- Das AB
- Das AB
- DÃaz Lifante Z
- Fernandes A
- Fernandes A
- Fukui K
- Ghosh AK
- Girardon P
- Grossheim AA
- Hamzeh’ee B
- Huber-Morath A
- Jain SJ
- Janighorban M
- Kamari G
- Kesarwani R
- Kesarwani R
- Khatoon S
- Kumari S
- Laxmi V
- Luque T
- Mabberley DJ
- Malla SB
- Martin E
- Martin E
- Martin E
- Murin A
- Pavlova D
- Qi Rh
- Raghuvanshi SS
- Raghuvanshi SS
- Ranjbar M
- Ranjbar M
- Ranjbar M
- Ranjbar M
- Rechinger KH
- Runemark H
- Saggoo MIS
- Sanjappa M
- Sareen TS
- Sharma AK
- Singh A
- Singh A
- SlavÄk B
- Townsend CC
- Vavilov NI
- Yan GX
- Yeh MS
- Yilmaz A
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study