302 research outputs found
The influence of organizational culture on organizational preferences towards the choice of organizational change strategy
Organizational culture, through its assumptions, values, norms and symbols, determines the way in which the members of an organization perceive and interpret the reality within and around their organization, as well as the way they behave in that reality. For this reason we may assume that organizational culture has an impact on the way in which an organization changes, and that matching of organizational culture and change strategy will improve the efficiency of the change process. In this paper specific hypotheses about the causal relationship between certain types of organizational culture and certain change strategies are formulated. Types of organizational culture are differentiated according to Handy’s and Trompenaars’ classifications. Organizational change strategies have been differentiated according to previous work of Chin & Benne but one more strategy has been added. Classifications of both the organizational cultures and of the organizational change strategies are based on the same criteria of differentiation: distribution of power in an organization and orientation toward relationships or tasks. For this reason it is possible to formulate hypotheses about the causal relationship between certain types of organizational cultures and certain types of organizational change strategies. Thus, eight hypotheses are formulated in this paper, relating particular change strategies with particular types of organizational culture
Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management
The aim of this paper is to explore the impact of organizational culture on the process of organizational learning and knowledge management. This goal has been achieved through reviewing the relevant literature and synthesizing the conclusions found in it. The review of the researches has shown that organizational culture positively impacts and stimulates organizational learning in the degree in which its assumptions, values, and norms are consistent with the activities taken to create and use organizational knowledge. The review of the research has also shown that in order to have a positive impact on organizational learning and knowledge management, organizational culture must contain certain assumptions, values, and norms concerning four issues: individual development; changes; interactions, cooperation and communications; and environment.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p
National Culture and Organizational Learning
The paper studies the influence of national culture on organizations’ preferences regarding selection amongst forms of organizational knowledge and character of organizational learning processes. The goal of the paper is to generate some new hypothesis about the possible influence of national culture on organizational learning based on Hofstede’s concept of cultural dimensions and Nonaka’s concept of forms and processes of organizational learning. Previous studies have shown that it is reasonable to assume that individualism and masculine values within national culture imply preference in favour of explicit knowledge and externalization and combination as forms of organizational learning. Collectivism and feminine values in national culture imply preference toward tacit knowledge along with socialization and internalization as forms of organizational learning.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p
Subject matter of this paper is the efficiency of proportional liability in relation to other forms of liability. For this purpose the standard economic models developed in the American theory of Economic Analysis of Law (EAL) are used. Based just on the economic arguments, the authors wish to determine whether there is justification for the regulation of proportional liability in our legal system on the basis of certain solutions of the so-called Principles of European Tort Law (Principles).
The first part of the paper deals with the economic implications of proportional liability in relation to other forms of liability, with an emphasis on the efficiency of proportional liability in case of uncertainty over causation. The second part analyzes the solutions in the Principles and the Serbian Code of Obligations in the case of alternative causation, and judicial practice in Serbia and the USA relating to this form of liability. In conclusion, the authors argue in favor of regulation of proportional liability in Serbian law on the basis of some innovative solutions in the Principles.Предмет анализе у овом раду јесте ефикасност пропорционалне одговорности у односу на друге облике одговорности за штету. У ту сврху користе се стандардни економски модели развијени у америчкој теорији економске анализе права (скр. ЕАП). Полазећи управо од економске аргументације, аутори желе да установе да ли постоји оправдање за нормирање пропорционалне одговорности у нашем правном систему на бази одређених решења из тзв. Принципа европског одштетног права (скр. Принципи).
Први део рада односи се на економске импликације пропорционалне одговорности у односу на друге облике одговорности за непажњу, са нагласком на ефикасност пропорционалне одговорности у случају несигурности узрочне везе. У другом делу рада анализирају се решења из Принципа и Закона о облигационим односима у случају алтернативног каузалитета, као и случајеви из судске праксе у Србији и Америци који се односе на овај облик одговорности. У закључку, аутори износе став у прилог нормирања пропорционалне одговорности у српском праву на бази одређених иновативних решења из Принципа
pH-sensitive membranes with crosslinked poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel for controlled delivery
Polymeric pH-sensitive membranes and hydrogels are interesting materials for the controlled delivery of chemical agents triggered by external stimuli. In this contribution, we present a novel membrane design consisting of a polyethersulfone polymeric base and a crosslinked poly(acrylic acid) hydrogel containing pH-responsive carboxyl groups. Membranes were prepared using the modified traditional liquid phase inversion process. Solutions containing all membrane precursors were cast on a glass plate and cured by UV irradiation. UV curing was followed by immersion into the water bath to achieve phase separation and solidification. Obtained membranes exhibited high ion-exchange capacity and a moderate swelling degree dependent on the crosslinker properties. Studies of membrane loading with methylene blue and subsequent release of methylene blue from the membrane into the alkaline and acidic buffered solutions demonstrated pH-dependent delivery kinetics
Reliable low-cost experimental setup for material synthesis modification by applying alternating electric fields
Building of laboratory hardware in-house can reduce overall equipment costs and respond to the specific requirements of the experiment. The aim of this contribution is to present the novel design and implementation of the low-cost module for AC electric excitation of chemical systems, mainly intended for modifying wet chemical synthesis of nanomaterials. Results of preliminary modelling and experimental tests indicate good module reliability and applicability of the modification methodology on various material types (ceramics, metals and proteins). Possible underlying mechanisms correlating the influence of alternating electric fields and material properties, as well as potential improvements in module construction are discussed
Variable Formulation and Neighborhood Search Methods for the Maximum Clique Problem in Graph
Doktorska disertacija se bavi temama rešavanja računarski teških problema kombinatorne optimizacije. Istaknut je problem maksimalne klike kao predstavnik određenih struktura u grafovima. Problem maksimalne klike i sa njim povezani problemi su formulisani kao nelinearne funkcije. Rešavani su sa ciljem otkrivanja novih metoda koje pronalaze dobre aproksimacije rešenja za neko razumno vreme. Predložene su varijante Metode promenljivih okolina na rešavanje maksimalne klike u grafu. Povezani problemi na grafovima se mogu primeniti na pretragu informacija, raspoređivanje, procesiranje signala, teoriju klasifikacije, teoriju kodiranja, itd. Svi algoritmi su implementirani i uspešno testirani na brojnim različitim primerima.This Ph.D. thesis addresses topics NP hard problem solving approaches in combinatorial optimization and according to that it is highlighted maximum clique problem as a representative of certain structures in graphs. Maximum clique problem and related problems with this have been formulated as non linear functions which have been solved to research for new methods and good solution approximations for some reasonable time. It has been proposed several different extensions of Variable Neighborhood Search method. Related problems on graphs could be applied on information retrieval, scheduling, signal processing, theory of classi_cation, theory of coding, etc. Algorithms are implemented and successfully tested on various different tasks
Problem of identity in postmodern English novel, in selected works of Julian Barnes, Ian McEwan, Graham Swift and Martin Amis.
Предмет истраживања овог рада су питања везана за настајање,
деконструкцију и мењање идентитета субјекта, у владајућим филозофско-теоријским
оквирима постмодернистичког периода, кроз анализу одабраних дела енглеских
писаца Џулијана Барнса, Ијана Макјуана, Грејема Свифта и Мартина Ејмиса. Као
полазна основа узима се полицентрични приступ овог периода, односно, умерени
релативизам и скептицизам. Под појмом идентитета подразумевају се и колективни
и индивидуални идентитети, с тим што ће циљ истраживања претежно бити усмерен
на идентитет појединца и на његова, условно подељена, три главна аспекта:
друштвено структурирани, урођени или аутентични, и морални део бића.
Очекивани исходи овог рада укључују обједињавање знања и истраживачких
приступа из више друштвених наука, попут књижевности, филозофије,
антропологије, психологије, социологије и сродних наука, у циљу примене
интегралног приступа истраживању и бољег разумевања овог свеприсутног и
комплексног питања, које се намеће као једно од кључних интересовања савременог
Идентитет у постмодернизму се налази у сталном процесу промена, под
утицајем спољашњих фактора конкретног социо-политичког и породичног
окружења, које пред сваког човека ставља избор улога које му се свакодневно нуде
или намећу; а са друге стране, постоји и дејство аутентичних, аутономних склоности
и тенденција индивидуе, које се заснивају на њеним урођеним когнитивним,
емотивним и психолошким карактеристикама. Имајући ово у виду, постмодерни
идентитет се може окарактерисати као децентриран или полицентричан, флуидан,
односно, у сталном процесу деконструкције. Овај континуум промена може деловати дестабилизујуће на личност, уколико
она не успе да развије јак централни, унутрашњи систем вредности, заснован на
унутрашњем осећају за морално одлучивање и поступање. Као кључни фактори
повезани са развојем постојаног унутрашњег језгра идентитета у анализираним
делима су: познавање колективне и индивидуалне историје, разумевање социјалног
контекста свог окружења, очување породичне заједнице и брига о будућности и
духовном наслеђу млађих нараштаја, искупљење за грешке из прошлости кроз љубав
и тражење опроштаја.The subject of this research includes issues related to the formation, deconstruction
and changing of a subject’s identity, considered within the governing philosophical and
theoretical framework of the postmodern period, through the analysis of selected works of
English writers Julian Barnes, Ian McEwan, Graham Swift and Martin Amis. As a starting
point, I have applied the polycentric approach of the period, i.e. moderate relativism and
skepticism. The concept of identity shall mean the collective and individual identities,
whereby the aim of this research will focus on the identity of an individual, which has been
provisionally divided into three main aspects: socially structured, innate or authentic, and
moral aspect of a person.
Expected outcomes of this work also encompass integration of knowledge and
research approaches from areas of several social sciences, such as literature, philosophy,
anthropology, psychology, sociology and related sciences, in order to implement an
integrated research approach and achieve better understanding of this pervasive and
complex issue, which is emerging as one of key interests for contemporary people.
Postmodern identity is in a constant process of change, under the influence of
external factors of a specific socio-political and family environment, which puts before
every man a selection of available roles, that are offered or imposed; on the other hand, we
have the influence of authentic, autonomous individual preferences and tendencies, which
are based on a person’s innate cognitive, emotional and psychological characteristics.
Bearing this in mind, postmodern identity can be characterized as decentered or
polycentric, fluid, i.e. in a constant process of deconstruction.
This continuum of change may have a destabilizing effect on a person, if the person
fails to develop a strong central, inner system of values, based on internal sense of moral
decision making and acting. As some of the key factors associated with the development of
a stable, inner core identity in the works analyzed here are as follows: knowledge about
collective and individual history, understanding of the social context of one’s own environment, preservation of family unity and care about the general future and intelectual
heritage of the younger generations, redemption for past mistakes through love and search
for forgiveness
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