6,932 research outputs found

    Formation of high-quality Ag-based ohmic contacts to p-type GaN

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    Low resistance and high reflectance ohmic contacts on p-type GaN were achieved using an Ag-based metallization scheme. Oxidation annealing was the key to achieve ohmic behavior of Ag-based contacts on p-type GaN. A low contact resistivity of similar to 5x10(-5) Omega cm(2) could be achieved from Me (=Ni, Ir, Pt, or Ru)/Ag (50/1200 angstrom) contacts after annealing at 500 degrees C for 1 min in O(2) ambient. Oxidation annealing promoted the out-diffusion of Ga atoms from the GaN layer, and Ga atoms dissolved in the in-diffused Ag layer with the formation of Ag-Ga solid solution, resulting in ohmic contact formation. Using Ru/Ni/Au (500/200/500 angstrom) overlayers on the Me/Ag contacts, the excessive incorporation of oxygen molecules into the contact interfacial region, and the out-diffusion and agglomeration of Ag, were effectively prevented during oxidation annealing. As a result, a high reflectance of 87.2% at the 460 nm wavelength and a smooth surface morphology could be obtained simultaneously. (C) 2008 The Electrochemical Society.open111618sciescopu

    Mehanizam akutne neurotoksičnosti u Sprague-Dawley štakora izazvane trovanjem endosulfanom

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the molecular mechanism underlying oxidative and inflammatory neuronal cell death induced by endosulfan, a pesticide belonging to the chemical family of organochlorines. The cortical and hippocampal tissues derived from Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats treated with endosulfan exhibited increased intracellular accumulation of reactive oxygen species and oxidative damages to cellular macromolecules such as depletion of glutathione, lipid peroxidation, and protein carbonylation. Conversely, the expression of antioxidant enzymes including γ-glutamylcysteine ligase (GCL), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) was markedly reduced in the brain tissues exposed to endosulfan. Moreover, during endosulfan-induced neuronal cell death, mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) was elevated, which seemed to be mediated by the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) by phosphorylation of p65 subunit. These results suggest a new molecular mechanism underlying the endosulfan-induced acute neurotoxicity via induction of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses.Istražen je molekularni mehanizam koji dovodi do smrti neurona potaknute oksidativnim i upalnim procesima uzrokovanim organoklornim pesticidom endosulfanom. U tkivima korteksa i hipokampusa Sprague-Dawley (SD) štakora tretiranih endosulfanom uočena su oksidativna oštećenja staničnih makromolekula, poput smanjene razine glutationa, lipidne peroksidacije i karbonilacije proteina, te povećane unutarstanične akumulacije reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva. Isto tako, u moždanom tkivu nakon izlaganja endosulfanu značajno je smanjena ekspresija enzimskih antioksidansa, uključujući i γ-glutamilcistein ligazu (GCL), superoksidnu dismutazu (SOD) i hem oksigenazu-1 (HO-1). Tijekom endosulfanom izazvane smrti neurona povećala se i ekspresija mRNA pro-upalnih citokina poput čimbenika nekroze tumora-α (TNF-α) i interleukina-1β (IL-1β), što je čini se bilo posredovano aktivacijom nuklearnoga faktora kapa B (NF-κB) putem fosforilacije podjedinice p65. Navedeni rezultati upućuju na novi molekularni mehanizam koji stoji iza akutne neurotoksičnosti izazvane endosulfanom putem indukcije oksidativnoga stresa i pro-upalnih odgovora

    rhBMP-2-Coated Acellular Dermal Graft for Chronic Rotator Cuff Healing: Translational Tendon Repair Research

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    A rotator cuff tear is a common shoulder injury in sports medicine. However, a rotator cuff repair still has the high failure rate (57%) in large torn (>8 cm2) rotator cuff cases. One of the main reasons is failing at suture-tendon cause of continuous tensional and torsional stresses even after surgery, and thus, an ideal biologic augmentation to overcome large tears is an essential challenge. The ECM graft, the biological material can be useful for augment repair of large torn rotator cuff. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2), which belongs to transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is well known as an osteoinductive growth factor. It plays an important role in the development of bone and cartilage. rhBMP-2 also facilitates chemotaxis in the host tissue. In this study, rhBMP-2-coated acellular dermal graft, which is isolated from human cadaveric donor, was transplanted in the rabbit with the chronic rotator cuff injury. The radiologic image, histomorphometric, histologic image analyses, and tensile test were performed to evaluate the effectiveness. The results showed the enhancement of increased host cell infiltration, new bone formation, and tensile mechanical property. The rhBMP-2-coated acellular dermal graft will be promising for chronic rotator cuff healing

    The Injectable rhBMP-2-containing Collagen Gel for Tendon Healing in a Rabbit Extra-Articular Bone Tunnel Model

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    This rabbit animal study has a hypothesis that the collagen gel, which is injectable easily, can be an effective carrier for recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2) for the tendon healing in a bone tunnel. The cut upper long digital extensor tendon of each rabbit was inserted into the proximal tibia bone tunnel, and rhBMP-2 conjugated collagen gel was injected into the tendon-bone tunnel interface using a syringe. Biomechanical and histological performances were analyzed at 3 and 6 weeks after surgery. The collagen sol at room temperature was transformed to a gel at 37°C. The rhBMP-2 was slowly released from the collagen gel for more than 4 weeks. The in vivo experiment showed the enhanced new fibrocartilage and bone tissue formation at 6 weeks after injecting the rhBMP-2-containing collagen gel. The calcification and enthesis-like tissue were detected radiologically in the repaired tendon-bone junction. The viscous collagen gel-containing rhBMP-2 increased the fusion rate of the repaired tendon in the bone tunnel. This study showed that viscous collagen gel can be an effective carrier for rhBMP-2 for tendon healing in the bone tunnel. The rhBMP-2-containing collagen gel will be promising for tendon-bone interface healing in the future