3,353 research outputs found

    RpS3, a DNA repair endonuclease and ribosomal protein, is involved in apoptosis

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    AbstractIt is known that mammalian rpS3 functions as a DNA repair endonuclease and ribosomal protein S3. It was also observed that several ribosomal proteins or DNA repair enzymes are related to apoptosis. We report here a third function of rpS3, induction of apoptosis. The localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-rpS3 is changed to the nuclear membrane when lymphocytic cells undergo rpS3-induced apoptosis. Transient expression of GFP-rpS3 activates caspase-8/caspase-3 and sensitizes cytokine-induced apoptosis. Deletion analysis reveals that the two functions of rpS3, DNA repair and apoptosis, use independent functional domains

    An Analysis of Dispersion and Dissipation Properties of Hermite Methods and Its Application to Direct Numerical Simulation of Jet Noise

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    The dissipative and dispersive properties of Hermite methods are analyzed by a modified equation approach and by direct computation of the dispersion relations for the discrete modes of the scheme. The two approaches lead to the same results for well-resolved modes but are quantitatively different at the finest scales. The resolution requirements, obtained from the analysis, for Hermite schemes are compared to those of typical high-resolution difference formulas. The results from the analysis are also used to predict the resolution requirements for a simulation at Re āˆ¼ 3600. The validity of the prediction is confirmed by numerical experiments

    Long distance fiber Bragg grating strain sensor interrogation using a high speed Raman-based Fourier domain mode-locked fiber laser with recycled residual Raman pump

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    We propose a novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor interrogation using a Raman-based Fourier-domain mode locking (FDML) fiber laser for a high speed and long distance measurement. A residual Raman pump after the generation of the Raman-based FDML fiber laser is recycled for secondary signal amplification in a 2-m erbium-doped fiber (EDF) to further enhance the output power. The chromatic dispersion is precisely controlled to suppress the phase noise in the FDML laser cavity, resulting in the improvement of an R-number of 1.43 mm/dB. After recycling residual pump, we achieve the 40-km round trip transmission of the sensing probe signal with a high scan rate of 30.8 kHz. With 205-mW residual pump power, the bandwidth and the maximum gain are measured to be more than 50 nm, 10.3 dB at 1550 nm, respectively. The sensitivity of the proposed Raman-based FDML fiber laser to strain is also measured, which are 0.81 pm/Ī¼strain in the spectral domain and 0.19 ns/Ī¼strain in the time domain, respectively

    Floristic study of Cheondeungsan Mountain in Korea

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    AbstractThe distribution of native plants of Cheondeungsan Mountain (807Ā m, N 37Ā°05'00ā€œā€“37Ā°05'30ā€, E 128Ā°00'0ā€œā€“128Ā°02'0ā€) in Chungcheongbuk-do was determined and the major flora were identified. During field investigations carried out from May 2011 to October 2011, 87 families, 254 genera, and 369 taxonomic groups (327 species, 4 subspecies, 33 varieties, and 5 forms) were confirmed, and the distribution of 219 taxonomic groups was discovered for the first time. The distribution of four endemic plants of Korea, including Ajuga spectabilis Nakai and Salvia chanryoenica Nakai, and that of Penthorum chinense Pursh, a Grade V specific plant species, was found. There were 20 taxa of naturalized plants at Cheondeungsan; the growth and development of plants that are harmful to the ecosystem, such as Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Ambrosia trifida L., Eupatorium rugosum Houtt., and Aster pilosus Willd., was observed around the forest paths and lowlands

    Association between childhood adversities and adulthood depressive symptoms in South Korea: Results from a nationally representative longitudinal study

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    Objective To examine how childhood adversity (ie, parental death, parental divorce, suspension of school education due to financial strain or being raised in a relative\u27s house due to financial strain) is associated with prevalence and incidence of adulthood depressive symptoms and whether this association differs by gender and by age in South Korea. Design Prospective cohort design. Setting Nationally representative longitudinal survey in South Korea. Participants 11ā€…526 participants in South Korea. Outcome measure Prevalence and incidence of adulthood depressive symptoms were assessed as a dichotomous variable using the Centers for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale in 2006 and 2007. Results In the prevalence analysis, each of the four childhood adversities was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of adulthood depressive symptoms. The higher incidence of depressive symptoms was associated with suspension of school education (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.32 to 1.82) and parental divorce (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.00 to 2.71). In the age-stratified analyses, prevalence of depressive symptoms was associated with all CAs across different adulthoods, except for parental divorce and late adulthood depressive symptoms. After being stratified by gender, the association was significant for parental divorce (OR 3.76, 95% CI 2.34 to 6.03) in the prevalence analysis and for being raised in a relativeā€™s house (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.21 to 2.94) in the incidence analysis only among women. Conclusions This study suggests that childhood adversity may increase prevalence and incidence of adulthood depressive symptoms, and the impact of parental divorce or being raised in a relative\u27s house due to financial strain on adulthood depressive symptoms may differ by gender

    Eyelid Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Dog

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    A 10-year-old, female, Yorkshire Terrier was presented with a left lower eyelid mass. No other abnormality was detected on affected eye in a general eye examination. The mass was surgically removed and histologically diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma. The advancement flap used in this case may be an appropriate therapeutic choice for eyelid squamous cell carcinoma in dogs
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