9 research outputs found

    Further EU integration will help to stabilise the disruptive forces of nationalism now present in Macedonia

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    Negotiations towards Macedonia’s accession to the EU have been prolonged and often postponed in recent years, mostly due to an on-going dispute with Greece over the country’s name. Goran Janev argues that these delays, combined with an ‘ethnocratic’ government, have allowed nationalist sentiments to develop and grow in Macedonia. If these nationalist trends are to be reversed it is vital that progress is made towards further European integration

    Following disputed elections, Macedonia requires clear guidance from the EU if it is to alleviate its growing political crisis

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    In the aftermath of elections in April, several political parties in Macedonia, including the main opposition party, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), have refused to take up their parliamentary seats amid accusations of electoral fraud. Goran Janev writes that while the record of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party in government has raised legitimate democratic questions, the strategy being pursued by the opposition is unlikely to be successful. He argues that what the country really needs is clearer guidance from external actors, most notably those within the EU

    Contesting ethnocratic spatial order: narrative spaces in Skopje

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    This paper employs the concept of narrative spaces to identify the dynamic processes of social production and social construction of space in the city of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. While power-holders at local and central level persistently seek to divide the territory through symbolic buildings and monuments and other visual displays, many of the citizens of Skopje have found their own ways to protest such divisions. The inspiration for such resistance arises both from the global connections and urban aspirations of a younger generation and from the positive example of conviviality as embodied in the traditions of Skopje’s Old Bazaar. In this paper I hope to show how comprehensive engagement with locality and spatiality has great potential to help understand interethnic relations. (author's abstract

    Tegobna prošlost: propitujući socijalističko naslijeđe u Makedoniji

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    Analysis of the project “Skopje 2014”, a major symbolic reconstruction of Macedonia capital, points towards establishment of ethnocratic regime in the country. Juxtaposed to the treatment of the socialist monuments it reveals the major shift in the historical narrative. This symbolic appropriation accompanies the neoliberal capitalist appropriation of space and is in its service by shifting the debate away from the capitalist accumulation by means of dispossession. The neglect of socialist monuments is indicative of grey-zoning, a governmentality technique easily abused in ethnocratic regimes that allows neoliberal practices to flourish unhindered by any productive public debate. Article concludes with a discussion of the possibilities for articulated resistance.Analiza projekta Skopje 2014, velike simboličke rekonstrukcije glavnoga grada Makedonije, upućuje na stvaranje etnokratskog režima u zemlji. U suprotnosti s načinom na koji se tretiraju socijalistički spomenici, otkriva se velik pomak u povijesnoj naraciji. Ovo simboličko prisvajanje popraćeno je neoliberalističkim, kapitalističkim prisvajanjem prostora i služi za okretanje rasprave od kapitalističkog gomilanja putem obespravljenosti. Zapuštenost socijalističkih spomenika pokazatelj je uvođenja sivih zona, tehnike guvernmentalnosti koja se lako može zlorabiti u etnokratskim režimima koji neoliberalističkim praksama dopuštaju da uzmu maha, neometane bilo kakvom produktivnom javnom raspravom. Rad završava diskusijom o mogućnostima pružanja artikuliranog otpora


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    Aspartame (С14Н18N2O5) with IUPAC name methyl L- α - aspartyl - L - phenylalaninate is a low-calorie artificial sweetener that is used in food production, beverages and some vitamin supplements without sugar. Aspartame is ideal as a non-sugar sweetener, used in small concentrations in order to achieve the desired effect, but unfortunately there are lots of adverse effects on the human health. Despite the large number of studies that indicate the hazard of aspartame for the human health, it’s still used. For these reasons, it is particularly important to control the amount of aspartame in food products in order to achieve consumers health protection


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    This paper employs the concept of narrative spaces to identify the dynamic processes of social production and social construction of space in the city of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. While power-holders at local and central level persistently seek to divide the territory through symbolic buildings and monuments and other visual displays, many of the citizens of Skopje have found their own ways to protest such divisions. The inspiration for such resistance arises both from the global connections and urban aspirations of a younger generation and from the positive example of conviviality as embodied in the traditions of Skopje’s Old Bazaar. In this paper I hope to show how comprehensive engagement with locality and spatiality has great potential to help understand interethnic relations

    Во чест на 70 години од СОКОМ - Концерт на ансамблот за современа музика „КонТемпора“

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    Во културниот центар Gallery MC во Њујорк концерт одржи Ансамблот за современа музика „КонТемпора“. Програмата на концертот е целосно посветена на македонското музичко творештво, а на неа прозвучија делата - Дувачки квинтет на композиторот Љубомир Бранѓолица, „Хумореска“ од Александар Џамбазов, „М..С..А..“ на Стојан Стојков, Четири пиеси од Вулнет Таири, „Темно сонце“ на Валентина Велковска-Трајановска, како и композицијата „Нусбарокна суита“ од Вања Николовски-Ѓумар.Концертот е дел од активностите на СОКОМ за празнувањето на 70-годишниот јубилеј на Асоцијацијата. Ансамблот „КонТемпора“ за оваа прилика настапи во состав: Катерина Бачевска - флејта, Владимир Лазаревски - обоа, Игор Иванов - кларинет, Горан Јанев - хорна и Марјан Милошевски - фагот

    Denovi na sovremena balkanska muzika

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    Концерт на ансамблот за современа музика „КонТемпора“ изведба на делото: Црно сонце - за дувачки квинтет изведуваат: Катерина Бачевска-флејта, Владимир Лазаревски - обоа, Игор Иванов - кларинет, Горан Јанев - хорна и Марјан Милошевски - фаго