327 research outputs found

    Asking Questions is Easy, Asking Great Questions is Hard: Constructing Effective Stack Overflow Questions

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    This paper explores and seeks to improve the ways in which Stack Overflow question posts can elicit answers. Using statistical data analysis approaches and reviews of existing literature, we pin- point three key factors that are found in many previously success- ful/answerable questions. We then present a prototypical sidebar for the ask page that leverages these factors to dynamically (1) evaluate the quality of questions in construction (2) display answer previews of relevant questions and (3) scaffold the identified factors to subsequent askers during their question development processes

    Designing Individualized Policy and Technology Interventions to Improve Gig Work Conditions

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    The gig economy is characterized by short-term contract work completed by independent workers who are paid to perform "gigs", and who have control over when, whether and how they conduct work. Gig economy platforms (e.g., Uber, Lyft, Instacart) offer workers increased job opportunities, lower barriers to entry, and improved flexibility. However, growing evidence suggests that worker well-being and gig work conditions have become significant societal issues. In designing public-facing policies and technologies for improving gig work conditions, inherent tradeoffs exist between offering individual flexibility and when attempting to meet all community needs. In platform-based gig work, contractors pursue the flexibility of short-term tasks, but policymakers resist segmenting the population when designing policies to support their work. As platforms offer an ever-increasing variety of services, we argue that policymakers and platform designers must provide more targeted and personalized policies, benefits, and protections for platform-based workers, so that they can lead more successful and sustainable gig work careers. We present in this paper relevant legal and scholarly evidence from the United States to support this position, and make recommendations for future innovations in policy and technology

    Nip it in the Bud: Moderation Strategies in Open Source Software Projects and the Role of Bots

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    Much of our modern digital infrastructure relies critically upon open sourced software. The communities responsible for building this cyberinfrastructure require maintenance and moderation, which is often supported by volunteer efforts. Moderation, as a non-technical form of labor, is a necessary but often overlooked task that maintainers undertake to sustain the community around an OSS project. This study examines the various structures and norms that support community moderation, describes the strategies moderators use to mitigate conflicts, and assesses how bots can play a role in assisting these processes. We interviewed 14 practitioners to uncover existing moderation practices and ways that automation can provide assistance. Our main contributions include a characterization of moderated content in OSS projects, moderation techniques, as well as perceptions of and recommendations for improving the automation of moderation tasks. We hope that these findings will inform the implementation of more effective moderation practices in open source communities

    A Loophole In Financial Accounting: A Detailed Analysis Of Repo 105

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    From 2000 to 2008, Lehman used repo transactions to hide billions of dollars on their statements. They alsomisrepresented the repo transactions as secured borrowings even though they actually recorded the transactions as sales. Valukas report in 2010 stimulated an extensive coverage of the repo transactions and spurred an array of studies addressing issues related to the collapse of financial institutions. Since the Repo 105 maneuver of Lehman provides a good example on how regulatory deficiencies can induce companies to obscure financial reporting and the importance of ethics in deterring these abuses, our study intends to examine repo transactions related accounting standards, illustrate how repo transactions can enhance a banks financial statements, and discuss the importance of business ethics in curtailing accounting irregularities
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