18 research outputs found

    Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography as a New Tool for Evaluation of the Subclinical Retinal Involvement in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus—A Review

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    Knowing the proven relationship between lupus retinopathy and systemic changes and disease activity, it is crucial to find the possibility of early diagnosis of retinal changes at a subclinical level in order to provide faster medical intervention and protect the patient from irreversible changes in the eye and other organs. The aim of this review is an analysis of studies investigating early pathological changes in retinal vascularization obtained by optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and their relationship to the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). A literature search was performed to identify all relevant articles, regarding detection of subclinical retinal changes using OCTA in systemic lupus erythematosus listed in PubMed database. Seven out of seven papers found showed a decrease in superficial capillary plexus in ocular asymptomatic patients diagnosed with SLE. A decrease in retinal vessel density measured by OCTA may be a good marker of SLE activity and poor prognosis. OCTA in a safe manner can give clinicians a new perspective on processes of vessel remodeling and answer the question of how SLE might impact the eye from a structural point of view. Adding OCTA to the standard diagnostic process of SLE patients, may detect systemic changes early and prevent further visual deterioration by stopping progression of lupus retinopathy

    Mediastinal lymphangioma in an adult with a tracheal bronchus

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    Introduction. Lymphangiomas, also known as cystic hygromas or cystic lymphangiomas, are cystic abnormalities of the lymph vessels and they are rare benign tumors. Tracheal bronchus (Bronchus suis or “pig bronchus”) is a very rare congenital anomaly. The aim of this work is to present а very rare case of а lymphangioma with tracheal bronchus. Case outline. The article presents the rare case of a 35-year-old otherwise healthy man, who was admitted to our thoracic surgery department with a mediastinal tumor. On performing bronchoscopy a tracheal bronchus was found. A thoracic CT scan revealed a well-circumscribed mass in the superior and anterior mediastinum measuring 37 x 39 x 59 mm. First a Carlens mediastinoscopy, and then a right parasternal Chamberlain mediastinotomy were performed. The final pathological diagnosis of lymphangioma was made. In this case, surgery was not performed because the patient was asymptomatic and the tumor did not grow larger during follow-up. Conclusion. The lymphangioma of the mediastinum in an adult is a rare and benign condition with a good prognosis, but it should be considered in a differential diagnosis of mediastinal tumors. We recommend only a minimally invasive diagnostic approach (parasternal mediastinotomy) when the patient is asymptomatic

    A massive bleeding from a gastrointestinal stromal tumor of a Meckel’s diverticulum

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    Introduction. Meckel’s diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly of the gastro intestinal tract, present in about 2% of population. Case Outline. The article presents the case of a 44-year-old otherwise healthy man with anemia, who was diagnosed lower gastrointestinal bleeding. An abdominal CT scan revealed a clearly demarcated solid tumor in hypogastric region, measuring 65 Ч 45 mm. A laparotomy through lower midline incision was performed. A surgical resection of a lesion of a Meckel’s diverticulum was carried out and a final diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor was made. The patient made an uneventful recovery. Conclusion. The preoperative diagnosis of a complicated Meckel’s diverticulum may be challenging. CT is usually an adequate method to diagnose tumors arising from Meckel’s diverticulum

    Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix – case report

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    Tumors of the appendix are extremely rare and constitute about 0.4% of all tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common benign neoplasm is mucinous cystadenoma, which can be found in 0.6% of all excised appendices and it rarely produces any symptoms. We present the case of a female patient who underwent surgery in the Department of Surgery due to suspicion of an appendicular abscess. On the postoperative pathology study, the diagnosis of a tumor of the appendix (mucinous cystadenoma) was made. Mucinous cystadenoma is rarely included in the differential diagnosis of a non-specific abdominal pain accompanied by non-characteristic laboratory test results and imaging studies. There are no unequivocal guidelines and algorithms of managing this disease. Long-term prognosis is good in the case of a benign tumor

    Gruczolakotorbielak śluzowy wyrostka robaczkowego – opis przypadku

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    Nowotwory wyrostka robaczkowego należą do rzadkości i stanowią ok. 0,4% nowotworów przewodu pokarmowego. Wśród nich najczęściej występującym nowotworem łagodnym jest gruczolakotorbielak śluzowy. Występuje w 0,6% resekowanych wyrostków robaczkowych, przeważnie nie dając wyraźnych objawów. Prezentujemy przypadek pacjentki operowanej w Klinice Chirurgii IV Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego we Wrocławiu z powodu podejrzenia obecności ropnia okołowyrostkowego. W pooperacyjnym badaniu histopatologicznym rozpoznano nowotwór wyrostka robaczkowego (gruczolakotorbielak śluzowy). Gruczolakotorbielak śluzowy jest rzadko brany pod uwagę w różnicowaniu i diagnostyce niespecyficznych bólów brzucha z towarzyszącymi im niecharakterystycznymi wynikami badań laboratoryjnych oraz obrazowych jamy brzusznej. Brakuje jednoznacznych wytycznych i schematów postępowania dotyczących tego schorzenia. Rokowanie odległe w przypadku tego niezłośliwego nowotworu jest dobr

    Laparoscopic Treatment of Abdominal Hernia – 5 Years of Experience

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    Laparoscopic surgery has become a well approved method of abdominal hernias treatment in recent years. Due to the advancement of laparoscopy and the use of improved synthetic materials laparoscopic surgery is characterized not only by low complication but also by a short period of recovery after surgery. The aim of the study was a retrospective analysis of the results of laparoscopic abdominal hernia surgeries (IPOM). Material and methods. Between year 2007 and 2012, 65 patients aged between 29 to 76 underwent laproscopic abdominal hernia surgeries due to either primary or postoperative abdominal hernias. All patients were examined in perioperative period, after 12 and 24 months after surgery in search of complications, pain and reccurence. Recovery period was also estimated. Results. In most cases postoperative pain was estimated from 1 to 4 on VAS scale. The most frequent complications were seromas that occured in 3 patients. The other complications were pneumothorax, wound hematoma and wound infection that occured once each. One patient required reoperation due to wound hematoma. Chronic postoperative pain was diagnosed in 3 patients and 4 recurrences were stated. Conclusions. Laparoscopic therapy of abdominal hernias is a safe operative method characterized by low recurrence and complication rates as well as short hospital stay and quick recovery. This technique is restricted by high material costs and the lack of full refund for the procedure

    Glomus tumor of the stomach – a case report and a literature review

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    The study presented a case of a patient with a glomus tumor of the stomach, a mesenchymal neoplasm manifesting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Forrest IB). The patient was operated twice. First, he underwent elective laparotomy, during which Billroth I (Rydygier’s method) gastric resection was performed. This his was followed by Billroth II resection with Braun’s anastomosis. Histopathological examination revealed glomus tumor tissue. Literature data on the glomus tumor of the stomach are presented