4 research outputs found

    Financial analysis as a marketing tool in the process of awareness increase in the area of renewable energy sources

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    Alternative sources of energy represent a great area of progress nowadays. The trend of the 21. century is energetically demanding with an increaming tendency to use fossil fuels, sources of which are however limited. The article will deal with an inevitability of the use of marketing tools with the aim to increase the share of these energetical resources on the Slovak market. The result will be obtaining of some financial advantage for future users on one side and the increase of volume of sales for vendors on the other side

    The advantage of introducing the teaching of managerial information system Navision Attain at F BERG

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    In present time, the human potencial of workers become a decisive business firm strategy. To increase the value of each person, it is necessary to start at universities. Universities of technical orientation have greatiest success in far application of their gradutes in practice. To increace the credit of our students, F BERG introduced the manager information system, Navission Attain, to the education process as one of the first at Technical University in Koice

    TESES rules as a tool of analysis for chosen OZE projects

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    Inevitability or in other words the need of energies extraction by other means than the present ones, leads us to furtheralternatives. The article is trying to show the importance of legislative by implementation of new technological solutions in using OZE.The impact of these limitations will be shown on two examples, which are limited by the mentioned legislative politics of SR