88 research outputs found

    Evaluation of data box introduction process in the Czech Republic

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    One of base building stones of eGovernment development in the Czech Republic is so called Data boxes which were introduced to unify communication and to increase efficiency in public administration. The aim of a study carried out by the Department of Information Technologies was to analyze the implementation procedure and to use data boxes. The questioning took place in December 2009, i.e. c.6 weeks after introduction of duty to use a data box. Obtained results are important above all because the development process of eGovernment still does not end. The suggestion from data box implementation can significantly facilitate introduction of basic registers and other applications.eGovernment, Data box, 300/2008 Col., 111/2009 Col., Basic registeres, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, GA, IN,

    Recurrent DNNs and its Ensembles on the TIMIT Phone Recognition Task

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    In this paper, we have investigated recurrent deep neural networks (DNNs) in combination with regularization techniques as dropout, zoneout, and regularization post-layer. As a benchmark, we chose the TIMIT phone recognition task due to its popularity and broad availability in the community. It also simulates a low-resource scenario that is helpful in minor languages. Also, we prefer the phone recognition task because it is much more sensitive to an acoustic model quality than a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition task. In recent years, recurrent DNNs pushed the error rates in automatic speech recognition down. But, there was no clear winner in proposed architectures. The dropout was used as the regularization technique in most cases, but combination with other regularization techniques together with model ensembles was omitted. However, just an ensemble of recurrent DNNs performed best and achieved an average phone error rate from 10 experiments 14.84 % (minimum 14.69 %) on core test set that is slightly lower then the best-published PER to date, according to our knowledge. Finally, in contrast of the most papers, we published the open-source scripts to easily replicate the results and to help continue the development.Comment: Submitted to SPECOM 2018, 20th International Conference on Speech and Compute

    Measurement of Λ\Lambda hyperon spin-spin correlations in p+p collisions by the STAR experiment

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    Polarization of Λ\Lambda hyperons has been observed in various collision systems over a wide range of collision energies over the last 50 years since its discovery in Fermilab in the 70's. The existing experimental and theoretical techniques were not able to provide a conclusive answer about the origin of the polarization. In these proceedings, we discuss the possibility to use a new experimental method which utilizes measurement of ΛΛˉ\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}, ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda, and ΛˉΛˉ\bar{\Lambda}\bar{\Lambda} pair spin-spin correlations. With this new approach, it should be possible to distinguish if the polarization originates from early stage effects, such as initial state parton spin correlation, or if it is a final state effect originating from hadronization. Furthermore we, study the feasibility to perform this measurement in p+pp+p collisions at s=200\sqrt{s} = 200~GeV collected by STAR in 2012 which should provide sufficient statistics of ΛΛˉ\Lambda\bar{\Lambda}, ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda, and ΛˉΛˉ\bar{\Lambda}\bar{\Lambda} pairs to perform this measurement.Comment: DIS202

    Information Services and ICT Development in Agriculture of the Czech Republic

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    The paper presents results of KIT (Department of Information Technologies) research which maps the actual state and expected development trends of information and communication technologies in conditions of CR agriculture. It includes results of investigation realized in 2008 with connection to the actually carried out inquiry in the first half-year 2009.Broadband, ADSL, FTTx, Wi-Fi, CDMA, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, G, A, I, N,

    Virtual form of education in lifelong learning - chance for the country

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    The availability of education, including lifelong learning, is one of the value measures of quality of life in advanced countries. However, there are still significant differences between a township and a rural region. Centres of education are mainly situated in big cities; smaller municipalities are separated from these centres by tens or hundreds of kilometers (according to the conditions of the Czech Republic). While educating young people, it is usually accepted that they commute towards education; there is a whole range of social and cultural aspects; and above all, they have time for that - it is their main “working†load. The opposite situation is the case in lifelong learning, which is conducted in parallel with full-time employment but is necessary for effective and competitive performing of the employment. For participants of lifelong learning it is impossible to commute big distances; their working load does not allow it. Thus, those forms, in which so called „education which goes to the studentsâ€, are chosen. ICT brings an enormous opportunity to bring education closer to the rural regions. A text form of e-learning is practically already standard; but a voice and image broadcast give us inexhaustible possibilities of usage. The aim of this paper is to propose and verify methods of distant (virtual) education with the use of multimedia tools.E-learning, virtual education, lifelong learning, rural development, multimedia, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    New Version of the AGRIS Web Portal – Overcoming the Digital Divide by Providing Rural Areas with Relevant Information

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    The present paper brings the outcomes of the second stage of a complex AGRIS web portal upgrade (technological, functional, content and design upgrade) called Agris 5.0. The Agris 5.0 version is recently being tested and will be launched in January 2012 on http://www.agris.cz. Agris 5.0 is built and runs on Microsoft technologies (MS Windows Server 2008, MS IIS 7 web server, MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SP2) using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) SW architectural pattern version 3, .NET framework 4, programming language C#, Razor template system, XML and XHTML 1.1 markup languages, CSS 2.1 styles and JavaScript encoding with the jQuery framework. From the user point of view, the Agris portal usability and availability meeting international standards were the utmost priority of the present upgrade.Agris, portal, MVC, digital divide, agrarian sector, rural areas, information resource., Agribusiness, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, GA, IN,

    Map Resources – ECO Farms in the Czech Republic

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    The present paper deals with the creation of maps for the sake of a special map portal using the database of eco farms in the Czech Republic. The map output is being developed and implemented within the framework of the Research Program in mutual cooperation of the Department of Information Technologies, Information and Consulting Centre, other departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management CULS Prague with external partners, especially with the Ministry of Agriculture (Environment and Ecological Agriculture Section, Department of Ecological Agriculture) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (UZEI) - Division of Agro-environmental Policy in Brno. The maps are visualized by means of MPPR 1.0 system and have been processed – in the pilot stage - for the South Bohemian Region eco farms. The results represent initial data from 2009 (as at 31st December 2009) that have been processed, verified and complemented in the course of 2010
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