24 research outputs found
Boreal tree-rings are influenced by temperature up to two years prior to their formation: a trade-off between growth and reproduction?
Large spatial and between-tree variability has recently been observed in the response of boreal forests to ongoing climate change, spanning from growth stimulation by increasing temperatures to drought limitation. To predict future responses of boreal forests, it is necessary to disentangle the drivers modulating the temperature-growth interaction. To address this issue, we established two inventory plots (at a treeline and closed-canopy forest) and assembled site chronologies in Picea glauca stands at the transition between boreal forest and tundra in Northern Quebec, Canada. In addition to site chronologies, we established a set of chronologies containing, for each year, exclusive subsets of tree-rings with specific cambial age (young/old), tree dimensions (small/large) and tree social status (dominant/suppressed). All chronologies were correlated with climatic data to identify the course of climatic conditions driving variability in tree-ring widths. Our results show that the growth of P. glauca correlates significantly with summer temperature in tree-ring formation years and during up to two prior summers. Tree-ring width is positively influenced by summer temperatures in tree-ring formation year and two years prior to tree-ring formation. In addition, climate-growth correlations indicate a negative effect of summer temperature one year before tree-ring formation at the closed-canopy forest site. The pattern of climate-growth correlations is tightly synchronized with previously published patterns of climate-reproduction correlations of P. glauca, suggesting a growth-reproduction trade-off as a possible factor modulating the response of boreal forests to summer temperatures. Climatic signal does not differ between pairs of chronologies based on subsets of cambial ages, stem dimensions or tree competition status at the treeline site. However, the response to summer temperatures one year before tree-ring formation is significant only in mature (old, large and dominant) individuals at the closed-canopy site. The inverse pattern of temperature-growth correlations during a sequence of three years challenges predictions of how boreal forests respond to climate change.European Union's Horizon 2020 project INTERACT [730938]; Charles University [UNCE/HUM 018
Kvantitativní parametry cév listnáčů jako nástroj pro rekonstrukci fyzickogeografických procesů
Anatomická stavba dřeva je citlivá k vlivům prostředí, což umožňuje následné využití časových řad kvantitativních anatomických parametrů jako zdroje paleoenvironmentálních dat. V této disertační práci jsem studoval odezvu parametrů cév i) dubů letních rostoucích v údolní nivě ke změnám v hladině podzemní vody, klimatu, hydrologických podmínek a k výskytu extrémních hydrologických a meteorologických jevů (sucha, povodně) a ii) bříz bělokorých na mechanické poškození vlivem disturbancí různého typu. Zatímco klimatický signál šířek letokruhů i letokruhové signatury vykazují velkou prostorovou variabilitu, kvantitativní parametry jejich cév mají společný prostorově homogenní signál (pozitivní vliv teploty v létě předchozího roku, v zimě a na začátku jara). Jediný stanovištní rozdíl v klimatickém signálu chronologií založených na cévách je negativní vliv vysoké vlhkosti na velikost cév, pozorovaný pouze v nivě a ne v od řeky vzdálenějších nížinných porostech. To naznačuje, že vývoj efektivních vodivých pletiv dubu je v záplavové zóně limitován vysokou saturací půdního profilu vodou, ačkoliv vysoká dostupnost vody je tam pozitivní z pohledu produktivity. Odezva šířek letokruhů ke změnám v dostupnosti vody není v případě dubů uniformní ani v rámci jednoho porostu vlivem koexistence jedinců se zcela...Trees adjust wood anatomical structure to environmental conditions, predisposing time series of quantitative wood anatomical parameters to be valuable source of palaeoenvironmental information. In this doctoral project we analysed the response of vessel parameters of i) floodplain Quercus robur to groundwater level fluctuation, hydroclimate variability and extreme events (droughts and floods), and of ii) Betula pendula to mechanical damage caused by various disturbances. Although climatic signal as well as pointer years stored in tree-ring width chronologies of Quercus robur largely differ between sites, quantitative vessel parameters contain spatially- homogenous positive signal of previous year summer temperature and current year winter/early spring temperature. The only between-site difference in wood anatomical chronologies is negative effect of moisture on vessel size in floodplain, which does not occur in not-flooded lowland sites. We suggest that while tree productivity benefits from high water availability, the wood anatomical structure of Quercus robur is constrained by high soil water saturation in floodplain zone. In addition, the response of tree-ring widths to moisture availability is not uniform inside single stand, but subgroups of trees with completely opposite response coexist...Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieDepartment of Physical Geography and GeoecologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Seasonal precipitation and continentality drive bimodal growth in Mediterranean forests
Tree phenology is sensitive to climate warming and changes in seasonal precipitation. Long xylogenesis records are scarce, thus limiting our ability to analyse how radial growth responds to climate variability. Alternatively, process-based growth models can be used to simulate intra-annual growth dynamics and to better understand why growth bimodality varies along temperature and precipitation gradients. We used the Vaganov-Shashkin (VS) growth model to analyse the main climatic drivers of growth bimodality in eight trees and shrubs conifers (four pines and four junipers) across Spain. We selected eleven sites with different continentality degree and spring/autumn precipitation ratios since we expected to find pronounced bimodal growth in less continental sites with spring and autumn precipitation peaks. The VS model successfully simulated annual growth rates at all sites as a function of daily temperature and soil moisture data. Bimodal growth patterns clustered into less continental sites showing low spring/autumn precipitation ratios. This finding agrees with observed climate-growth associations showing that growth was enhanced by wet-cool winter-to-spring conditions, but also by wet autumn conditions in the most bimodal sites. We observed a stronger growth bimodality in pines compared to junipers. We discuss the spatial variability of climate drivers in bimodality growth pattern and how increasing continentality and shifts in seasonal precipitation could affect growth patterns. Bimodality could be an advantageous response to overcome summer drought in Mediterranean forests. The ability of some species to reactivate growth during autumn might determine their capacity to withstand increasing summer aridity.This work was supported by project RTI2018–096884-B-C31 and by FPI grant (ref. PRE2019–089800) to CV from the Spanish Ministry of Science. RSS was supported by DendrOlavide I (EQC2018–005303-P), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain; DendrOlavide II (IE19_074 UPO), VURECLIM (P20_00813) and VULBOS (UPO-1263216) Junta de Andalucía, Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional. JT received the support from Charles University (UNCE/HUM 018). VS was grateful for the support of RSF project (# 22–14–00048)
Bimodal and unimodal radial growth of Mediterranean oaks along a coast-inland gradient
Wood formation during the growing season is shaped by the intra-annual variability of climatic conditions. In the Mediterranean, the cambial activity is seasonally constrained by winter low temperature and summer drought, resulting in bimodal growth patterns. Although bimodal growth is an ecologically important adaptation of woody species to seasonally dry environments, its variability across space and among species remains unclear. We combined direct monitoring of intra-annual radial growth using dendrometers and xylogenesis micro-sampling with indirect wood formation modeling to assess growth bimodality for two coexisting oak species across six sites in North-Eastern Spain. We focused on species with two contrasting life strategies, evergreen with diffuse-porous wood (Quercus ilex) and winter deciduous with ring-porous wood (Q. faginea/Q. pubescens). Study sites spanned from oceanic areas with high autumn precipitation to dry continental inland regions. We hypothesized that growth bimodality reflects the interaction between local precipitation patterns and species-specific traits. Our results revealed cambial activity in autumn after summer quiescence across the entire region and for both oak species. However, growth bimodality and the relative contribution of the autumn growth peak to the total annual growth was geographically structured and species-specific. Growth was unimodal under continental and Atlantic conditions. By contrast, growth bimodality was significant along the Mediterranean coast, where precipitation showed a bimodal pattern. Moreover, evergreen Q. ilex showed more growth bimodality compared with deciduous Q. faginea/Q. pubescens at Mediterranean sites. Different intra-annual distribution of radial growth could facilitate coexistence of both oak species through temporal niche partitioning. The growth bimodality helps to compensate for reduced growth in summer by autumn cambial resumption and, therefore, the differences in its intensity between sites and species may determine divergent responses of forest ecosystems to ongoing climate change
Bimodal and unimodal radial growth of Mediterranean oaks along a coast-inland gradient
Wood formation during the growing season is shaped by the intra-annual variability of climatic conditions. In the Mediterranean, the cambial activity is seasonally constrained by winter low temperature and summer drought, resulting in bimodal growth patterns. Although bimodal growth is an ecologically important adaptation of woody species to seasonally dry environments, its variability across space and among species remains unclear. We combined direct monitoring of intra-annual radial growth using dendrometers and xylogenesis micro-sampling with indirect wood formation modeling to assess growth bimodality for two coexisting oak species across six sites in North-Eastern Spain. We focused on species with two contrasting life strategies, evergreen with diffuse-porous wood (Quercus ilex) and winter deciduous with ring-porous wood (Q. faginea/Q. pubescens). Study sites spanned from oceanic areas with high autumn precipitation to dry continental inland regions. We hypothesized that growth bimodality reflects the interaction between local precipitation patterns and species-specific traits. Our results revealed cambial activity in autumn after summer quiescence across the entire region and for both oak species. However, growth bimodality and the relative contribution of the autumn growth peak to the total annual growth was geographically structured and species-specific. Growth was unimodal under continental and Atlantic conditions. By contrast, growth bimodality was significant along the Mediterranean coast, where precipitation showed a bimodal pattern. Moreover, evergreen Q. ilex showed more growth bimodality compared with deciduous Q. faginea/Q. pubescens at Mediterranean sites. Different intra-annual distribution of radial growth could facilitate coexistence of both oak species through temporal niche partitioning. The growth bimodality helps to compensate for reduced growth in summer by autumn cambial resumption and, therefore, the differences in its intensity between sites and species may determine divergent responses of forest ecosystems to ongoing climate change.JT received institutional financial support from the Charles University (UNCE/HUM 018). JJC thanks the support of project "Factores climáticos y de crecimiento que determinan el secuestro de carbono en la carrasca (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) y el quejigo (Quercus faginea) en condiciones mediterráneas" financed by INIA (2007–2010). GS-B was supported by a Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Postdoctoral grant (IJC2019–040571-I; FEDER funds), and PROWARM project (PID2020–118444GA-I00, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). AG was supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” Program of the Spanish MICINN under Grant RyC2020- 030647-I and by CSIC project PIE-20223AT003. FC was supported by the R&D unit CFE (FCT/UIDB/04004/2020).Peer reviewe
Landslide-induced changes of vessel shape in Betula pendula roth. :a preliminary study
Investigation of relationship between vessel structures and exogenous geomorphic processes like landslides, rockfalls, debris flows as well as snow avalanches are common in present dendrogeomorphology. However, very little is known yet about change of the shape characteristics of vessels of Betula pendula as a result of different mass movements. Analysis of vessel lumen length (LL) and width (LW) change on 49 microsections prepared from 15 landslide-disturbed-birches was the goal of this study. A relationship between LW and LL was reported for the year before (2010) and after (2011) landslide separately using equation of linear regression. To evaluate inter-annual variability of changes in shape parameters of tracheas, the proportions of LW and LL in year 2009 was also described for 8 disturbed trees. Slope of the regression line very well characterizes the relationship between LW and LL and evaluation of inter-annual change between LW and LL was carried out based on annual change index (ACI). ACI was defined as a value of percentage change in the slope of the regression lines before and after the landslide disturbance. There is statistically significant change in vessel shape parameters between the years 2010 and 2011. Overall, the highest values of ACI were calculated in microsections sampled in the direction of slope distribution - side of reaction wood production, where ACI2010/11 average value was higher than 43% which is twice more than values from other samples. Increasing of isodiametricity is also typical, while it was found at 65% of analysed disturbed samples.596
Dendrochronological dating of the past avalanche events in the Krkonose Mts.
Avalanches are important natural processes which shape the character of large mountainous areas. The reconstruction of their history has been performed on avalanche tracks in the Důl Bílého Labe Valley, Krkonoše Mts. through application of dendrogeomorphological methods. In total 101 trees from the area of 5 avalanche tracks were cored or cross-sectioned, which helped to identify 1253 growth disturbances (abrupt growth suppressions or releases, increases in tree-ring eccentricity, traumatic resin ducts, reaction wood, callus or determination of the tree death). The analysis spanning period from the 1859 led to the identification of 40 avalanche events, which prolong and complement written evidences of avalanche falls (avalanche cadastre). However, because of limitations of dendrogeomorphology (especially impossibility of dating of small events), these results have character of only minimal number of events. Strong influence of monthly snow melting and snow accumulation on initiation of events was pointed out through the statistical analysis of snowpack changes in relation to the reconstructed avalanche activity. Two main possible natural reasons for avalanche activity initiation were identified - vast spring snow melting and loading with fresh snow. The analysis demonstrates the potential of..
Quantitative vessel parameters of broadleaves as a tool for reconstruction of physical geographical processes
Trees adjust wood anatomical structure to environmental conditions, predisposing time series of quantitative wood anatomical parameters to be valuable source of palaeoenvironmental information. In this doctoral project we analysed the response of vessel parameters of i) floodplain Quercus robur to groundwater level fluctuation, hydroclimate variability and extreme events (droughts and floods), and of ii) Betula pendula to mechanical damage caused by various disturbances. Although climatic signal as well as pointer years stored in tree-ring width chronologies of Quercus robur largely differ between sites, quantitative vessel parameters contain spatially- homogenous positive signal of previous year summer temperature and current year winter/early spring temperature. The only between-site difference in wood anatomical chronologies is negative effect of moisture on vessel size in floodplain, which does not occur in not-flooded lowland sites. We suggest that while tree productivity benefits from high water availability, the wood anatomical structure of Quercus robur is constrained by high soil water saturation in floodplain zone. In addition, the response of tree-ring widths to moisture availability is not uniform inside single stand, but subgroups of trees with completely opposite response coexist..
Dendrochronological dating of catastrophic slope movements
Mass-movements are one example of natural processes that can pose a serious risk for human beings and their possessions. Dendrochronology, a method capable of their reconstruction, can provide parameters of former events, which can be used for planning protective measures. The possibilities for the application of dendrochronological methods have been tested by means of meta-analysis of electronic and printed scientific articles and a case study focused on former avalanche activity in Schustler's avalanche path (Labský důl, Krkonoše Mts.). The main conclusion of the first one is the clear spatial disproportion of the recent dendrogeomorphological research activities - e.g. the dating of avalanches is typical for mountains of Montana (USA); the Alpine region (mainly Switzerland), on the other hand, absolutely dominates in the research of debris-flows. In the case study, the analysis of material with well-chosen indicators led to high accuracy results comparable with the results of scientific articles focused on avalanches, and made the identification of 14 years (in the period 1953-2007) with potential avalanche acitvity possible. Although methods of dendrogeomorphology are usually neglected in the research of avalanches in the Czech republic, their great potential for future applications is shown...